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(Message started by: Carl_D on Oct 28th, 2003, 7:52pm)

Title: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by Carl_D on Oct 28th, 2003, 7:52pm
I know, I am just full of happy reports lately...
Yesterday when I left my brothers house, I walked down a few blocks past my house to witness what is this areas worst inferno ever. A wharehouse that basically put Granite City, IL on the map went up in flames. A brick structure a block long housing a Michelin plant retreading tires, and wharehouses stocked with paint and other chemicals, man - it was like a warzone. On the news they said it resembled a bombing in Iraq or something. Made me think of 9/11.
While I was standing there in amazement, my legs went to sleep - in a wierd way. I had to sit down before I fell down. Felt strange, so once I got some feeling back in my legs (and warded off other spectators who were now looking at the wierd guy acting funny) I stumbled home and went to bed. Woke up not with a cluster attack, but something altogether different - scared the fucking hell out of me.
Woke up about 1:30am with incredible pain shooting down the whole right side of my body. Felt like someone had grabbed me and dipped me in boiling water or something. It gradually subsided and I finally was able to stumble back to normal.
Been sleeping alot, and without even having to use my sleep meds. Today, I couldn't even hardly get out of bed, but did. Twice today both of my arms have gone totally numb and asleep for about a half hour at a time. When I mustered up enough strength, came over here to my brothers house thinking "Man, it'll just be my luck my doc will see me tomorrow and throw me right in the hospital." Well, I get here and find out my doc called and cancelled tomorrows appointment and I have to re-schedule. Great. Just when I was afraid I wouldn't get there soon enough. Told my sis in law I am scared I'll wind up in the hospital before the weekend, and then she remembered to tell me that my guitarist called, and that we have another show booked for this saturday. Great. So being the brave little toaster I am, I'll try and deal with this and get throught this weekend unless I wind up in the ER.
So now I wonder, what next? A third eye maybe?

"Tis but a fleshwound"
Carl D

Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:15pm
Carl, I know with my husband, being chronically ill, it has taken it's toll on him more emotially than I would have ever expected.  Perhaps, this is what is happening with you ?  Long term "feeling like shit" doesn't work for most of us.  Perhaps you should consider some anti-depressants at this point.  Might just give ya the umpppfff ya need to get through a day.  

Just trying to help.

Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twiligh
Post by Opus on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:24pm
Carl ,
  Sounds like chemical exposure from the fire, see if any nieghbors have the numbness too and if they do it is a sure thing, you may want to see a doctor either way, there even maybe a clinic for such exposure already set up. Check out the local news and I hope things get better real soon.

Also if it is chemicals drink lots of water to flush them out.


Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by Ree on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:29pm
A tip from the gal that owns the same birthday as you do... Don't be hard on yourself... we're here for support whether the story is good or bad... happy or sad... we want to hear from you...
 I am a little worried about this pain on your side and that numbness in your arms... Nancy C was having some thing like that happening to her maybe you could talk to her... and don't let it go, use your intuition and go to the ER if it gets worse... hope your ok... love to you Ree

Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by cootie on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:35pm
Gosh Carl......want me ta come over there and pinch ya ta be sure if yer awake or dreaming ? I am so sorry fer all the troubles you've been thru......Opus is rite tho about the chemical stuff....if ya feel bad enuff hey get yerself into the ER.....better safe then sorry !!!!! Ya don't have any spine injuries do ya ta cause the numbness and pain after that long tramatic walk. Stay safe......and stay healthy !!! If shit gets any worse I'd definetly not wait fer the doc apt reschedule in case it is sumthin serious ! Am hopein ya get checked out and straightend out SOON

Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by Charlie on Oct 28th, 2003, 11:12pm
Sorry Carl but maybe it's a one time thing.

It sounds neurological and not even those goofballs know everything. If I complain about short lived pain, he always says it's a pinched nerve. Swell.  I think it may have something to do with being 57 for the first and only time. You never know though.

Good luck and let us know how you're doing.


Title: Re: I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 29th, 2003, 12:34am

I think I have entered  "The Twilight Zo

Let me know how you find your way out.


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