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(Message started by: Big A on Oct 28th, 2003, 6:40pm)

Title: My first post
Post by Big A on Oct 28th, 2003, 6:40pm
Hello, I'm Mark C's wife and I have watched him suffer with CH for 23 yrs. I feel very helpless and sometimes have trouble coming to terms with the fact that there is nothing that I can do to help. The people he has meet here have been a great help to him. Thank you all very much. He talks about yall, all the time (good & bad ;;D) I'm from the South, by the way, if it didn't show with my yall: born and raised in the United States of Tennessee, and darn proud of being GRITS (Girls raised in the South).  Mark said I should tell yall that I'm his wife he said it would help. Thank you all for being there for him and helping with this awful BEAST. This is really a great thing! Happy Halloween to all. Hope you get lots of treats with no tricks.

Title: Re: My first post
Post by goaway on Oct 28th, 2003, 6:58pm
Hello to Angela!

If this is your first post, then I must be your first reply.

Smiles to you and Mark .... and

BUMPEROONIE!    [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: My first post
Post by jonny on Oct 28th, 2003, 7:00pm
You say "good and bad"

Pleeease tell me im the bad....pleeease!!!! ;;D

welcome aboard Big A


BTW...I would rather be the bad than the ugly.....LMMFAO ;;D

Title: Re: My first post
Post by Jackie on Oct 28th, 2003, 7:09pm
Welcome to the board.... :D
I understood every word you said.....I was born and raised in the south too.... :D  Grits are are black eyed peas... ;;D

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: My first post
Post by taraann on Oct 28th, 2003, 7:34pm
Welcome to the board so pleased to meet ya!

Title: Re: My first post
Post by stevegeebe on Oct 28th, 2003, 8:32pm
Hey Angie.  

You have certainly spoken for many of the people who don't know exactly how or what to do to help.

Don't worry about it cause we know if you could you would.  I can only imagine what it's like to witness.

Sorry we could not hook-up while we were in your beautiful Tennessee.  Next year for sure, if not sooner.

Steve and Dianne

Title: Re: My first post
Post by Charlie on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:38pm

Glad to meet you and don't be a stranger.  8)


Title: Re: My first post
Post by cootie on Oct 28th, 2003, 10:49pm
Hi Mark's wife...glad ta meet ya....I'm a supporter too. Ya haven't heard anything BAD about us supporters yet have bout anything WIERD ? Jus jokein.........Pam that's wierdness beats badness  ;;D

Title: Re: My first post
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 28th, 2003, 11:10pm
Welcome Big A.
Yummy, i got a sudden urge for Collard greens and Ham hocks.


Title: Re: My first post
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 29th, 2003, 2:25am
Caught ya Mrs. Mark C,
This ain't yer first post...I saw you playin around in "Editing your profiles" section the other nite :)

Welcome to the board, great to have another supporter :)


Title: Re: My first post
Post by Jimmy_B on Oct 29th, 2003, 7:35am

on 10/28/03 at 18:40:01, Big A wrote:
Hello, I'm Mark C's wife

I'm awfully sorry to hear that ;;D...Just kidding...

It's tough being a supporter for these G.D. Headaches. I don't know how my wife puts up with me. Welcome aboard, pull up a chair and have a good time.

P.S. You gotta get Mark away from the Computer every once in a while.


Title: Re: My first post
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 29th, 2003, 7:48am
Welcome to ya'll Ms Mark C

the GRITs just keep on a coming... I'm from down here in Texas by way of Arkansas .. not that far from ya'll up in Tennessee...

Be coming up there in a short spell to sit and visit with ya'll. Sometime 'bout July. Will enjoy sittin' on the porch and chawing the fat with ya..

Welcome again.... Ya'll come back now ya hear...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: My first post
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 29th, 2003, 9:17am
Welcome to the board!  A big, crazy HUG for you.

I'm South West, so close... Although it is posole and not grits over here.

Take care, keep posting...


Title: Re: My first post
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 29th, 2003, 10:33am
I don't like grits, nor black eyed peas ...... but then again ..... I'm a New England gal.  What I do like is your hubby !!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL.  He cracks me up with all his posts ...... he spends way too much time online though.  Ya gotta do something to get him under control !!!!!!!!!!!  Can't ya put a chain on him or something ??????????

Welcome to the board.  Another lovely addition.  

Title: Re: My first post
Post by gmlevenhagen on Oct 29th, 2003, 10:55am



Title: Re: My first post
Post by nancyc on Oct 29th, 2003, 12:23pm
OK, Gal, this is how you can help ole Mark C....HE needs to meet his clusterhead brothers and sisters and so do you...we are meeting in Columbia, SC for grits on Sat, Nov. 8th...after we have grits and biscuits for lunch, we are going to my house....we will let you know what time and where we will meet tomorrow, OK? ...I know he had surgery recently, but we will pamper him by buttering his biscuits so he will be just fine....Seriously, we would love to meet both of you so please come ....will send you all the details tomorrow....So glad you posted...You have a really nice husband by the way...always there to support another suffering clusterhead....Welcome to the family, SIS!  :Dnancyc Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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