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(Message started by: taraann on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:21pm)

Title: physical therapy
Post by taraann on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:21pm
I have my first physical therapy appt today.  My gp is grasping at straws here but he wants me to get pt for my neck because lately I get sharp pains down my neck on the CH side during a hit and in between hits I have some soreness there.  Anyone else go the physical therapy route to try and help their CH's?  Alrighty I well better get ready, I'll let ya'll know how it went.

Title: Re: physical therapy
Post by vig on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:27pm
I once got physical therapy for something else and while it did little good for what I was really there for, it was good for me overall, so enjoy it.

They gave me traction and massage.

Title: Re: physical therapy
Post by Tiannia on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:55pm
Nevad had pt for CH'es but I did have it for 6 month on my back when I first injured it. omg I loved the iltra sound that thry would do on the mussles. My favorite part was the ultrasound and massage, I would have done any of the damn exersizes just so that I could get to that part, no matter how bad the hurt.

Title: Re: physical therapy
Post by NotH20 on Oct 27th, 2003, 3:22pm
Sorry Tara - I can't help you with the physical therapy, but it sure sounds like it may be relaxing.....


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