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(Message started by: Tiannia on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:14pm)

Title: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycle
Post by Tiannia on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:14pm
ok this might be a stupid question but I would like to know your thoughts on it.  It is actually a two part question.

1- If you are denied sleep do to an external factor (my one year old for me) does it intensify and trigger a HA for you?

2- Do you think that the lack of sleep that CH'ers get due to the CH, can / does make your cycle last longer?  ie, If we were able to get more sleep when we were not in pain, would the cycle lessen up.  

I know that for me 2 is an impossibility, due to work and my kids, but this popped into my head at 3am when I was arguing with the beast.   [smiley=mad.gif]


Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of cycle
Post by samurai on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:21pm
   In my experience the more I try to sleep during a cycle, the more headaches I get. My headaches seem to trigger about 1 hour after  I fall asleep, no matter what time, so a lot of nights I simply avoid sleep until I absolutely pass out.

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by lisamchlmartin on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:25pm
Hey Tia,
I think that sleep does make a difference, at least for me anyway.  The last CH I had I took a sleeping tablet my doctor had prescribed b/c I couldn't sleep more than an hour or two at a time and so I had finally reached my point where I'd had enough.  After taking the sleeping pill (it was reallllly strong), I was able to sleep a few hours and when I awakened the headache had eased and went away in a couple of days.  This was actually just a couple of weeks ago.  But yes I think it does make a difference.  But it's almost impossible to sleep with the excruciating pain!!!  I myself can't get comfortable in any position - you just hope it'll hurry and go away.  Hope you feel better - keep me posted.   ;)

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by Tiannia on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:30pm
I know that for me, when a CH hits, I can not sleep it does not matter how tired I am, but I know that there are times, between them hitting, that I think if I could just get a little rest, I might beable to abort it. Or is that just wishful think on my part cause I am still a newbie to them?  

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by samurai on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:38pm
   My gut feeling tells me that if I could get more sleep I would be better equipped to deal with the pain. I think that when you go w/o sleep for long periods of time your body runs down it's stores of endorphins and adrenaline, which are used to combat pain and fatigue. In between headaches all I want to do is sleep, but I worry that I'll just start the cycle again. I suspect that if I could find something strong to knock me out it would help.

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by NotH20 on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:46pm
Tia, the more sleep I get during a cycle, the more ch's I have  [smiley=mad.gif]  

Lisa - quick question - did I read your post correctly that your ch didn't go away for a few days?  


Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by Tiannia on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:58pm
ok maybe I was hoping to find somethign that is not there.  Wishful thinking I guess.  I just know that no sleep is not making them any better, so I hoped that if I could find something to MAKE me crash they might go away, but that does not seem likely.  I'm sure I will comeup with some other crazy theory eventually as well.

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by gmlevenhagen on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:05pm
This might sound stupied but before I had O2.
I would wait it I was about to go to bed, then I would trigger a HA (usally by taking a few swallows of beer)
once I has a ha I would then take the sleeping pills giving to me by my doc and would then sleep for the rest of the night. If I did not do this, and just took the sleeping pill I would wake with in 1 to 2 hour sleeping pill or not, with a HA


PS- this was also before I knew I had CH, and was getting really desperate for sleep.

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 27th, 2003, 3:27pm
The only thing in the last few years that let me sleep for more than a few hours was 9mg's of Melatonin.
Very safe, and very inexpensive; About $7.00 a bottle of 120 3mg tabs. Can get it at most any local drug store.
Worth a shot, it worked for a few months then faded away, but hey! Being Chronic, I was pleased to get about 4-5 hours sleep. (Average 2 hours normally, happy for 3).
Might work well for others, maybe even last longer than it did for me? Don't take more than 9mg's per evening though!

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by ckelly181 on Oct 27th, 2003, 3:37pm
Interesting about the melatonin...I had the opposite reaction - I couldn't sleep at ALL. My folks both swear by it for sleep, but I just stared at the ceiling for hours.

I take Nyquil one night and Tylenol PM the next - it seems to help me stay asleep all night. Occasionally I'd be struck awake and have to suck down O2 (fell asleep with it on once...a no-no).

Leaves a druggy feeling in the AM for awhile, but LORD I need the sleep. Whatever works...


Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 27th, 2003, 4:14pm
SLEEP?  Let me think ... sleep ... sleep ... sleep  ... I know I have heard that word before ...  Let me go look it up in the dictionary and find out what it is, and I will get back to you on it ...


Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 27th, 2003, 4:49pm
I'm with you Chuck. I know it's in the dictionary. Right now I'm at the exhaustion point. I NEED sleep, but if I lay down - Mr. Demon will come to visit, so I don't dare. I tried it last night and sure nuff - about an hour into my exhausted rest - BAM!

The DHE is helping some, but until it kicks in (maybe the next shot at 4p.m.) No rest for Barb... Then I'd best try it in the recliner.

Melatonia works sometimes.. PMs work occasionally (when I'm not getting hit like now), but when I'm being banged like now - forget sleep. And this is when I need it the most. I'm exhausted.

Yes, in answer to your question - I think some sleep would help lessen them, but being chronic and being hit - who has the nerve to try it?

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by goaway on Oct 28th, 2003, 12:59pm

Can't say that it intensifies the CH, but I DEFINITELY find a correlation between my lack of sleep and the onset of a cycle.  When I am sleep deprived, WHAM!, trigger city.

Title: Re: Poll - Sleep and increase of intensity of cycl
Post by taraann on Oct 28th, 2003, 4:31pm
For me it's a catch 22 ..... major lack of sleep causes almost constant shadows and many hits and when I do fall asleep I almost always wake up in an hour or two with a high kip damned if I do damned if don't Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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