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(Message started by: Surf on Oct 24th, 2003, 12:55pm)

Title: All please read
Post by Surf on Oct 24th, 2003, 12:55pm
To jonny, I am sorry for the misunderstanding that was not directed to anyone in our family, while just venting. Shame on me. To DJ, my apology is sent to you for having placed added work on your already heavy load. Please accept it.
Let us not quarrel amongst ourselves, as we all carry heavy loads as it is.
This board is not the place to put down or try to belittle our doctors or each other, but keep in mind they to need to learn and listen as well. This is a wonderful place for us to gather; This is not the place to slam drug companies, but rather offer insight from our own experiences. What works for one may help another and isn't that what it's all about. We must continue on with research in this field, this is a great place to obtain that research as their are so many of us that suffer the same affliction. Listen closely to counsel of years, and avoid trickery.
As for OUCH, their is alot of good things yet to come, lets stick together on this...So this is (Surfs) last post. I won't be far...Take care now, all of you...

Title: Re: All please read
Post by taraann on Oct 24th, 2003, 1:59pm
Once again I have NO clue what's going on!  [smiley=confused.gif]

Title: Re: All please read
Post by cathy on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:17pm
??? and me both!! but Surf I can't believe your going to run away either.....clusterheads and supporters ride the storms and then carry on rowing...


Title: Re: All please read
Post by vig on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:32pm
I must've missed something too.
Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do.

Title: Re: All please read
Post by JDH on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:45pm

Title: Re: All please read
Post by Ree on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:49pm
huh? and he was so proper too ............... jeesh

just ree

Title: Re: All please read
Post by echo on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:37pm
I know exactly what is going on.

Answer --- I'm Clueless as to what is going on.

Title: Re: All please read
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:45pm
.... ?

So anyway... How about them Marlins?....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: All please read
Post by jonny on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:52pm
How bout them Chiefs...


Title: Re: All please read
Post by cathy on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:57pm
[smiley=smokin.gif].......It's a bit like a jigsaw know what I did a worldwide survey and it's always the same bit that people lose...always no kidding the same friggin bit....the last bit always goes astray....wierd


Title: Re: All please read
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 24th, 2003, 4:54pm
Ignorance is bliss. Consequently, I'm very happy...


Title: Re: All please read
Post by Tiannia on Oct 24th, 2003, 5:14pm

on 10/24/03 at 16:54:01, Hirvimaki wrote:
Ignorance is bliss. Consequently, I'm very happy...


Aye there are times that being the dumb blonde is a good thing.


Title: Re: All please read
Post by cathy on Oct 24th, 2003, 5:17pm

on 10/24/03 at 17:14:47, Tiannia wrote:
Aye there are times that being the dumb blonde is a good thing.


[smiley=ohjez.gif]...why didn't somebody tell me that sooner...when's that then... ???

Title: Re: All please read
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 24th, 2003, 8:11pm
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? But I'm OLD!!!!


Title: hello/goodbye club
Post by rumplestiltskin on Oct 24th, 2003, 8:51pm
I preciate the advice..butt

Knowin me...

I'll probably slam drug companies...and quarrel some...forget to always listen...halfass care a lot...even promote trickery if given an opening....and then of course I'll have my bad days too.

I have been watching people leave every sort of place and situation all my life because they weren't "nice"....sometimes I wonder if they ever found "niceville". I hope so. It must be nice.


Title: Re: All please read
Post by cootie on Oct 24th, 2003, 9:13pm
Confusious coots repeat say......One man's fight is anuther man's battle ! Gee surf glad I wasn't on the Titanic with you cuz you'd of stole my life jacket to bail.....what I am sayin is.......(in a corrupt sort of way) is why leave all the people that aren't givein ya a hard time !!!!! MOST of us have no idea what went on if ya had a 'insodent'.....well.....until now. No reason ta take off. Pam that in an EXTREMLEY strange mood  [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: All please read
Post by oringkid on Oct 24th, 2003, 9:18pm
Shit washes off.

Life is too short.

Cowboy up.


Title: ya think?
Post by Not4Hire on Oct 24th, 2003, 9:26pm

Shit washes off.

Life is too short.

Cowboy up.


best one yet, Lips....heh

...may i add: (WillRogers)> Don't squat with yer spurs on...

Title: Re: All please read
Post by Peppermint on Oct 24th, 2003, 9:28pm

on 10/24/03 at 21:18:47, oringkid wrote:
Shit washes off.

Life is too short.

Cowboy up.


...and to that Sherry... I say, can I get an AMEN!!?[smiley=smug.gif] Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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