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(Message started by: DaveHar on Oct 23rd, 2003, 9:41pm)

Title: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by DaveHar on Oct 23rd, 2003, 9:41pm
Alright everyone, I posted polls and I have not gotten much response. Everyone complains about this and that and now we are trying to get your voices heard.
When is the best time to hold the 2004 convention?

June or July? It seems as if no one wants it in Aug. Tell us so we can present it to the BOD and everyone else.

Talk to us or we will have to guess. The more we hear in this matter the more peeps will be there.


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Mikey on Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:17pm
June!......after the kids are out of school.  IMHO, it'll be a little cooler then, rather than in july, but what do i know, i'm no wheather man and i don't live there......So Dave, if no one wants to respond, make it when YOU want it!  That's what i'd do.

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Karla on Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:27pm
Nobody ever polled for a date to have convention before.  Just pick a date and we'll live with it.

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Charlie on Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:44pm
The cooler the better. June would be better but I'm never sure I'll be there. Logistics problem too. Also hate to miss a July 19th birthday again.


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by taraann on Oct 23rd, 2003, 10:56pm
for me personally the farther off it is the better chance of me having our finances and living situation settled by then.....but I havent voted only because I'd hate to vote and then not be able to go....for me it's going to be a play it by ear type of thing.

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:02pm
Vacation time is valuable to me. But my company makes me take a week for July 4th. Why not that week?


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Callico_Kid on Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:04pm
My chances would be better in June.

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by cootie on Oct 23rd, 2003, 11:55pm
Ahhhhhhh dude no way on the 4th of July !!!? There's so much goin on that weekend my head is still spinnin from last year. Can ya plan it before or after Roxy's roundup....what weekend is that ? We gotta have Rox there !!! Pam that knows nothin other then sumthin stupid  [smiley=ohjez.gif]

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Woobie on Oct 24th, 2003, 1:43am
I'm an idiot I guess.... i cant find a poll for june......??

JUNE!!   cuz I'm not sure I wanna go to Nashville in AUGUST............. ...

I personally cannot take the the cooler the better!!  

June......... 2nd or 3 week......after the kids get out of school....... would be good....

that's my vote.  sorry it isn't in the correct poll thread.


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:00am

Pick a date.  Those who will be there.....will be.    We trust you and Leesa.    


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 24th, 2003, 6:07am
August was fine -- No one is gonna be happy with everything.... who's gonna come is gonna come..... There's something right and wrong with every month...

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Ree on Oct 24th, 2003, 7:29am
Dave you cant make everyone happy Im with Linda... make a weekend and we will all try to be there... I personally think it should be during the time that it always has been.  The reason being is I hate change and everyone is having such trouble because of this thing... You're opening up the board to more arguments if you do this... ree

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by thomas on Oct 24th, 2003, 7:48am
June I guess.  Not sure if I can make it at all, but would love to.

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Donna on Oct 24th, 2003, 10:40am
Make it when ever you have the least personal pressure going on.

I'm not going to miss this one no matter when you plan it!

Do you have a tourist trade and seasonal prices?  That might help......whenever it is less expensive.

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by cathy on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:14pm
I'll be there whenever it is but our kids don't break up until July....


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by JDH on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:47pm
Anytime between June and August is fine by me.


Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 24th, 2003, 2:50pm
Gee, I hope you can fit it in to when I can make it.  I have a VERY tight schedule here, I can only come in a month that has three or more letters in it.  Can you fit it in then?

"Build it Set the date, and they will come ..."


PS: BTW I can only make it on days that ends in Y ...  

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by jonny on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:20pm

Not sure I can make it after that...oh well

.............................jonny  [smiley=headbanger.gif]

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Ree on Oct 24th, 2003, 3:27pm
like you would miss it........... jonny............... Hey I saw your work up close and intimate yesterday got stuck in a traffic jam in front of the Wellesley Free Library... that  is some awesome chrome (alluminum, alloy of somekind whatever it is...) Great job I had to keep from screaming "MY FRIEND MADE THAT BANISTER KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF IT"... any way whenever Dave and Leesa has this thing you will be there I just know it... ree

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by jonny on Oct 24th, 2003, 5:59pm
Took three days to insall this rail system....I do more for the handicap in three days than everyone here in a year.....LOL

.....................jonny [smiley=headbanger.gif]
BTW, its a senior citizen center in Norfolk, Mass

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by Ree on Oct 24th, 2003, 6:04pm
maybe you can build that cage you keep talking about on the bottom of your posts... LOL

jusssssssss kiddin you knows your my favorite bostoner.........................ree

Title: Re: Come on peeps, Help here, We need your voice
Post by jonny on Oct 24th, 2003, 6:24pm
Ive built it...its where I sleep, beast cant get me there.

My lock of rage is stronger than the beast!

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