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(Message started by: Cerberus on Oct 22nd, 2003, 7:01pm)

Title: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by Cerberus on Oct 22nd, 2003, 7:01pm
Ok so today I went to work WITHOUT my O2.
 YEAH I KNOW! .........STUPID! ;;D

The reason I did it was because I had been taking it with me for the last month or so in case I needed it. And until TODAY I hadn't had to use it there. I was getting hit early in the A.M. and the Verapamil seemed to be working just fine keeping the bastard at bay.

 Well..........wouldn't ya know it. exactly an hour before my relief was to arrive, the SOB showed up (2pm on the nose) and greeted me with a nice K7. One of my cooks got to see it for the first time (luckily for him, I have managed pretty well up to K7 with my trex) Anyway, I got blasted pretty good. everyone responded exceptionally. The gals (serving staff) were on the spot with coffee, water, and prepared to make any necessary phone calls. They hit the lights and waited untill I emerged victorious. Everything was fine untill I got home. I somehow managed to show little wear untill I reached space dock @ 1600 hrs. and I imediately hit the couch trying to absorb as much peace and rest as possible, then it came....................second wave began promptly @ 4:45 reaching level 7 again untill O2 quelled the sudden desire to eat 5 shot. Now only shadows remain and I am quietly awating new battle orders.

Funny thing about all of this.............I guess the months previous attacks until today were just preliminary skirmishes, being that I have not felt this bad up to today. nice hit in the A.M. and MAYBE a brief skirmish in the late evening hours. TODAY has been hell since 2pm CST. I am NOT looking forward to tonight. I don't have to work untill 5pm tomorrow. My ammunition supplies are good,but, the wait is killing me.
I find it totally Ironic that no matter how long this has happened to you it NEVER gets any easier to deal with.

Love, peace and all that mess :) >:(

Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by JDH on Oct 22nd, 2003, 9:33pm

on 10/22/03 at 19:01:40, Cerberus wrote:
I find it totally Ironic that no matter how long this has happened to you it NEVER gets any easier to deal with.

Love, peace and all that mess :) >:(

You got that right.

Hey Ramon it could be that you're hitting the peak of your cycle right now and that's why it's so intense. If that's the case (fingers crossed) then it's all down hill from here brother.
and btw, not to make light of it but I love the title of this thread.
Take care


Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by River_Rat on Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:16pm
Hang in there man and keep that 02 available, but I don't have to tell you that.

sending vibes your way,



Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by cootie on Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:29pm
Sorry Ramon....sorry ta hear yer gettin hit so hard rite now !!! Pam that says 'dam it' anyhow

Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by Edna on Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:47pm
Hey Ramon,

feel my hugs for you dude!!!!!!!!!!        knowing exactly what you mean, it never gets easy........but hoping that knowing we're all here for you helps in some way.

Hang tough, and keep us posted,

Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:57pm
Hard lesson learned. Made that mistake a few times with my Trex. Got 30 miles up the road one time and turned my ass around because i forgot my trex. Aint worth taking the chance. If ya need anything, Holler at me!


Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 23rd, 2003, 1:57am

on 10/22/03 at 19:01:40, Cerberus wrote:
I find it totally Ironic that no matter how long this has happened to you it NEVER gets any easier to deal with.

Shoot, Cerebus, I have been doing this for 24+ years ... I am an old hand at it now ...  Yeah, and old hand at banging my head, sceaming every curse ever imagined, pulling my hair, dreading and fearing the next hit, praying for a break, wondering if I can survive any more hits, and chanting over and over: "I will survive this, I will survive this, I will survive this ... ... ... !

Your words are words of wisdom!

Sorry you are getting hit, prayers and vibes heading your way ...


Title: Re: I'm Hit!!! MEDIC!!
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 23rd, 2003, 7:45am
Sending "end of cycle" vibes your way !!!!!!!!!!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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