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(Message started by: Peppermint on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:10pm)

Title: Just a word or two
Post by Peppermint on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:10pm
Hi people. [smiley=bag.gif]

I just wanted to tell you all that I haven't been around much lately (even if I've signed in its been almost pointless) but I am still thinking of you all and sending out those vibes that I know you all need.  

I've tried to read and catchup but one day is like a week on here, and so forgive my lack of support and being there - I have NOT forgotten you.  Just personal stuff going on, some good, some not so good.  That's life, it takes fertilizer to grow a beautiful garden doesn't it?

I want to let you know, I love 'Youse' all, I miss you, and I am slowly getting things back on track for myself.  

Deej, you've done a really beautiful job hooking up the website, its so much more expressive now [smiley=winkkiss.gif].  You know you are amazing in my book.  

Happy B'day to Blake (love Goofy) and hello to you Jackie. ... and the many many of you whom I've not said my first hellos to, a big warm hug  [smiley=hug.gif] and hello to you and to all those old buds I have missed recently.  

You folks in HSG chat, you've "been" with me through a lot, know it or not... I miss you dearly, maybe sometime soon I will be able to make it back there again.  

I've also thought alot about some heavy things that have come to pass in the last few months.  I've never been good at holding hard feelings for anyone, especially those I care about, so I guess that to some that will always make me a pushover - but to all those friends I had made whom I haven't spoken to for one reason or another....FWIW,  I do care and think of you! Your lives have touched mine deeply and I've learned a lot from each of you.  So whatever has happened,  the negative stuff is smaller to me in the book of life.  I wish nothing for you but a cure and pain free life.  

Ok that's it, I don't want to get too overwrought here at work.....I just had to get that out before I burst.

Love & PF Days & Nights to you all
....Peppermint [smiley=heart.gif]

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Cerberus on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:21pm

 I guess askin how's it goin would be pretty moot.....bein as you just basically told us how its been.
 So I guess the next question is "Is U OK?" the post seems kinda odd even fer you ;;D.
 Well, you know where I'm at ifn ya need anything.

Hope yer aiight,

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Jimi on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:31pm
 You're  not a pushover. Just a good person. It comes naturally to you.  A trait that many would love to have but don't. Never apologize for being nice.
  I hope your rainbow starts peeking thru the clouds soon.
   Your Buddy,
    Jimi :)

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Tiannia on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:49pm
Sweeite -

All I have ever seen from you is good that comes through your words and thoughts for everyone.  All I can say is that i hope that whatever you are going though passes soon and that you can see that you are still here and stronger for it.  


Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Elaine on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:00pm
Well Miss Peppermint! You just need to get that garden taken care of and get your butt back here to support some of us geezers!
Jimmi hit it right on the head, your just a good person with a big heart!
I haven't been keeping up with chat these days but right after the races I will be there again! I hope to see you there to :-)!

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by cathy on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:16pm
You know Peppermint, that post has come from the heart and anyone who has a heart will see that, you are a very special person Peppermint and don't ever forget that!

Sometimes we have to take time out, look into ourselves and like what we see.....when I met you I saw the real Peppermint and I can't wait to meet up with you again  :-*

Take care of yourself and that beautiful little girl of yours and hurry up back here.

Love and hugs to you Pepp

Cathy & Wes

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by cootie on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:34pm
Pepp was an awesome person ta meet at the convention......I very much enjoyed the time we got to yak and SING ! (Brad still talks about that) Yeah it takes alot of fertilizer ta make a garden grow but it takes alot more shit ta make the fertilizer ya know ? Pam shit fer brains

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Charlie on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:07pm
Ah ha. We'll be expecting to hear from you more often now. You're stuck and there is no escape.  ;)

Hope you're doing okay and keep in touch kid.

Charlie 8)

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Mikey on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:10pm
Hey Pepp, that was a very good post you gave.  As a lot of people have said already everybody needs time off from things sometimes, and forget the past.  I know it's hard sometimes especially when feelings are involved, but you are a GREAT person!! You've been here for lots of us, now we can return the favor!  You've been a very good supporter, and lots of us will never forget that!

Soooo, get yer ass back here, and on HSG chat girl, we've missed ya!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:15pm

on 10/21/03 at 19:10:50, Mikey wrote:
Soooo, get yer ass back here, and on HSG chat girl, we've missed ya!

DITTO Mikey!!!

Pep, let me know if you want someone killed.


Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by cootie on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:25pm
Whad do ya charge bout the guy that stomped a dent in my new car ? Pam that's not over that one yet  [smiley=sgrin.gif]

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:33pm
For you cute stuff?......Free  [smiley=bigguns.gif]


Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by vig on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:35pm
I'll do it for half that.

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:41pm
Pep, that post speaks worlds about who you are.  Stay that way.  Don't let anyone or anything change you.  You are just about perfect the way you are.  

We need to get together again, so make sure the next Pa/NJ ouch meeting (when announced) gets put on your calendar !!  Not sure about the Atlantic City thing though ........ lost my pants and a few other things along the way ...... LOL    

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Jackie on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:48pm
Ya know what?  Sometimes ya need to just step back, take a look around and take some "Pepper time".  It's not a bad or selfish thing to do.. :)  It's called being true to yourself and taking care of yourself...refueling if you will.

Blake says, "Tell Goofy thanks for the birthday wishes"... ;;D

Be well, Pep...

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by suzy617 on Oct 22nd, 2003, 3:37am
Hey Peppy girl, will give you a call this week to chat.  
Maybe you'll feel better if you find Uncle Buck.   ;;D

Later girlfriend,

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Peppermint on Oct 22nd, 2003, 12:57pm
My goodness.... you all certainly know how to pick someone up... really.  [smiley=bow.gif]

My post was meant to let you all know I'm still with ya.....I don't want ya to feel sorry for me!! [smiley=nopity.gif]
God knows at some point, everyone will have their own shit storms going on, and on here, that takes on a hell of a lot more meaning.  

For those that really don't know me, I'm not a clusterhead.  I just visit here for a friend who is (well, now its 'friends'), and well, these people, I've just grown on some of ya... kind of like a fungus I guess... but I hear that fungus can be a good thing..  [smiley=hey.gif]

Thanks for the emails, the pm's, etc.  Now kick some beasty ass.


Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by cathy on Oct 22nd, 2003, 4:31pm

on 10/21/03 at 19:33:16, jonny wrote:
For you cute stuff?......Free  [smiley=bigguns.gif]


Posted by: vig Posted on: Oct 21st, 2003, 7:35pm
I'll do it for half that.  

LMAO..... ;;D

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by jonny on Oct 22nd, 2003, 4:34pm

on 10/22/03 at 16:31:14, cathy wrote:
LMAO..... ;;D

For half of free you get a half ass job [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]


Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by cathy on Oct 22nd, 2003, 4:59pm

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 22nd, 2003, 5:23pm

on 10/22/03 at 16:34:45, jonny wrote:


... dingleberry, Jonny?...  ;;D

Hey, Peppy.... welcome back....  [smiley=me&mb.gif][smiley=me&mb.gif][smiley=me&mb.gif].... now lets get back to partyin'.... ;;D

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Just a word or two
Post by jonny on Oct 22nd, 2003, 5:29pm

on 10/22/03 at 17:23:51, Big_Dan wrote:
... dingleberry, Jonny?...  ;;D

No...thats just a rear view of the mule.

Heres a better look...

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