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(Message started by: AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:04pm)

Title: Wasted my time.....
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:04pm
Were ALL the people who sent in convention proposals inundated with emails Monday?

am i just being pissy?

I spent most of the day Monday, and all night at home, contacting resorts, etc about hosting the convention in southeastern Wisconsin... and this use of every spare moment was due to the emails I received. Because I was doing 'personal work' I had to use a vacation day even though I was in the office.... and then there's the phone bill that will come with all those long distance calls....

And, to be perfectly honest, there's almost NO way to get concrete answers from resort, etc owners/operators without a DATE. I really don't understand why the BoD doesn't just pick a place, pick a date, then try to find the best accommodations....

so tell me.... why did I waste my time?

Yeah, maybe I'm just being pissy.... but there are much better ways I could have used my time:
study for my midterm that's in an hour...
go for a walk...
read this message board...
spend time with my kids...
take a really short nap...
call and talk with a friend...

Lizzie, who's really pissed off right now  >:(  

Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by Cerberus on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:35pm
 Breathe deeply with the good, out with the bad. It'll all turn out ok in the end. I have to agree tho a place and time DO need to be resolved, so those of us who want to attend can make plans.
 Can be real difficult to go into work and say I'll be needing some time off, although I have no idea when or for how long. :-/


Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by Roxy on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:17pm
Liz, just want to say thanks for the work you did put in.  Just go ahead and put in a proposal for 2005, maybe the midwesterners will get lucky.  Sounds like you are already prepared, so don't look at it as wasted time.  We do appreciate your efforts very much.  

Thanks for the work,
Tracey      ;;D

Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by cootie on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:25pm
Would it make sense to have it the SAME place every year....even if it had ta be in the central USA or a favorite spot or resort that worked ? Wouldn't it be less work for all involved and everyone would get kinda familiar with the place and be able to help others inquireing cuz they'd of been there. (help with directions and cost info and general info stuff) I dunno....maybe I'm bein stupid.....I was jus wonderin that's biggie. I was wonderin what happen'd to the Wisconsin idea. Thank's Lizz fer all ya checked into. Stress queen Pam with a crown and t-shirt ta prove it  [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Yer all doin a wonderful job and I appriciate it all !! Glad DJ kept the modify tab on here.......sheesh.........I think I have the modify queen crown too of misplellers

Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:46pm
I agree with Tracey, You've done the work, put in your bid early for 2005. start campaigning now for your area.

We have a convention every year. We can only go to one place a year. That leaves several thousand places for us to go. WS is good - I can go there. I just can't go back to Chicago until about 2009 (bad experience at O'Hare with a CH).  :D

You've got the enthusiasm built up, get a chapter together so you don't have to do all the work.

Now aren't you cheered up?  thought so....

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by River_Rat on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:58pm
I don't think they speek english in Nashville. But maybe we'll get to meet Jeff Foxworthy. ;;D

Maybe Wisconsin would have been better!


Title: Re: Wasted my time.....
Post by Charlie on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:00pm
Sorry Liz:

I had no idea how much you put into this until we met in July. The Nashville thing has been around a bit. I really don't know when it started.

I like conventions up here in Yankee Hell where we don't get hushpuppies with every meal.   ::) Wisconsin would be fun too. (cheese) I don't plan this kind of thing so far ahead because it's work. :o

For me it's logistics and economics.

What can we do to make it up Cuddlepumpkin?

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