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(Message started by: Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 9:40am)

Title: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 9:40am
I had to go to my company doctor yesterday to be cleared to go back to work. He is no older than 32. Very friendly, but also not at all knowledgeable about CH. If i was a GP/Doctor. If i didnt know anything about a disease or a medical problem, I wouldnt dare try to fake it.
This GP proceeded to tell me about how CH was smoking related. I quickly corrected him. He asked me how i knew so much about CH. I told him after 28 years of research in the Library and then maybe reading the internet for the last 6 years i had learned a lot. He told me i shouldnt believe everything i read.
Then he proceeded to tell me about a room-mate in medschool who also had a CH attack. This room-mate had gone out drinking the night before and it triggered a "Cycle", he said if i drank alcohol, it would almost always trigger a CH the next day. He claimed this room-mate only had 1 cycle of the CH's.I tried to correct him on this also but he cut me off. Talking about being misinformed!
I realize a GP cannot know everything, but just because he went to school for 10+ years doesnt mean he has to know more than us about CH. I told him about how the Prednisone and Verapamil had broken my cycle and he was incredulous, and said he had never heard of that combination being used for CH's.
Seems to be a common thread for me lately, but i am just amazed at how little Doctors actually know about anything.

Patrick  [smiley=beer.gif]

ps...i referred him to OUCH, I doubt he'll go though

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Ann on Oct 21st, 2003, 9:50am
His roommate had A CH cycle??  LMAO...lead me to him so I can kiss his feet!  As if!!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

On a more serious note.....did you get the ok to go back to work?  Hope you're doing better.


Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 10:06am
Yes, I am good to go. Thank ya Ann!

Patrick   [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by JDH on Oct 21st, 2003, 10:07am
Did this Dr also tell you that you can get CH's from a toilet seat?


Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Tiannia on Oct 21st, 2003, 12:58pm
Lol That was good Jim.  I like that one.

Sounds like my doctor that told me there was no medical reaserch that shows that O2 helps with CH's.  That it is a plasebo that makes people feel better cause they THINK it works.

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by BobG on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:44pm

you can get CH's from a toilet seat

You can?  [smiley=ohjez.gif]

Damn. Sure glad I "hover" when I pee.  ;)

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:30pm
I just changed insurance and forgot to pick a PCP so they picked one for me, its some asian chick in her 30's

I cant wait for this first visit..."Hey Doc, wanna check out this lump on my testicale"  [smiley=guyflash.gif] ROTFFLMMFAO  [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]


Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Tiannia on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:38pm

on 10/21/03 at 15:30:11, jonny wrote:
Hey Doc, wanna check out this lump on my testicale"  [smiley=guyflash.gif]

OMG Jonny.............. [smiley=oops.gif]

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:50pm
What a marvelous story! It makes my point, which I have been pushing here for years, that docs can't and don't know everything about an obscure, rare disorder, and it's necessary that we walk into the office prepared to educate our doc.

This guy may be a young jerk who has already developed is ego beyond redemption--but it doesn't change the general picture: gather MEDICAL journal articles and books and OFFER to help him  to help you.

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:34pm
My husband recently got a job at a hospital and ran into a doctor that claimed he knew all about CH... he proceeded to tell my husband that they have found that CH's are seasonal and believe them to be allergy related.... My husband told him about our group and the doctor asked had any of us ever had the "scratch" tests for allergies.......doh!


Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Charlie on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:55pm
You'd think some of our pubescent MDs would at least have spent some time here or elsewhere looking at types of headache. I didn't expect to find so much sanity or level-headed information on line but here it is.

Scratch tests: LOL. I have serious doubts about them. It's nice to find the easy out.  Gee, I scratched your arm and it turned red. Wow!  ::)

Let me know if she has a good time Jonny, maybe she'll get more business than she'd like.  :o


Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by Prense on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:45pm
What's his email addy so I can flame him?   [smiley=bigguns.gif]

Title: Re: No way a GP can know everything!
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 22nd, 2003, 12:51am
I really like Don's answer to a post last month:

To Quote Don
Sep 28th, 2003, 10:49am

I've always found a demo works well. Insert a hot screwdriver in their left eye and a corkscrew in their ear. Proceed to hit them on the side of the head with a ball peen hammer while pushing the screwdriver and turning the cork screw. Due this for 20 minutes while playing a Guns and Roses album at full volume.

Give them a copy of the Kip Scale and tell them they have just experienced a 5.

I love that demo,  got lots I would like to use it on, this young whippersnapper doctor needs a demo too!

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