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(Message started by: Dave_Emond on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:29am)

Title: Any suggestions?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:29am
Hi Gang,
As many of you already know from previous posts, I've been having some serious health problems over the last 2 months. (Aside from chronic CH) The symptoms are getting worse day by day.
Now, I'm losing use of my other leg too, and have to use a wheelchair 95% of the time. Still no have clues from 5 doctors and 1 Neurologist.
But, that's not my main concern now. Annette and I are somewhat nervous about another symptom that has been occurring the last 2 days. Don't know where to search for information.
I’ve tapered down to only 10mg's of prednisone now (from 120mg) and pain increases everyday. Doctor put me on Vioxx, 25 mg per day for pain. I'm getting more sleep (from 2 hours per day up 5 hours now). The Vioxx & Prednisone aren’t normally good cocktails, but I don’t find in researching at these dosages any side effects like the following:
(Stopped taking the Vioxx today).
Here's the new twist: I can be wide awake and alert, when my eyelids start to close, very difficult to keep open and I don't feel tired. Twice now, I've just fallen asleep in the middle of eating, with food still in my mouth! This is scary to say the least. Looked up Narcolepsy and don’t see any similarities, wondering what or where to go to research why this is happening? Can’t see doctor for a few days, but will see someone if this continues. I’ve got an EMG scheduled Wednesday … can’t wait  :o  But I’d sure like to see if I can find any type of leads to what is going on in the meantime. Annette and I are getting a bit nervous about this.
Have any clues as where to search, links, even keywords for browser? Ever hear of this before? Any ideas are welcome,

Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 10:13am
Gosh Dave, I am lost on ur problems. I know you have done everything to try and find out why. Dave, Have you tried Detoxing, just curious!

Patrick  ???

Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by Cerberus on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:44pm

 You and Annette are GETTING a bit nervous? Captain, I'd be just a little more n nervous if suddenly I couldn't walk and were just fallin asleep for no apparent reason. I'd be freakin out somethin major.
 I have only been able to understand partially whats been goin on, but, the only thing that I can think of that might cause those kind of symptoms would be:
 A: some sort of stroke
 B: a diabetic reaction (low blood sugar)

After working in a nursing home for two years I'd thought I had seen just about all there was to see medically, but, what you are describing (of course I'm not a doctor) is typical of the above.
 In the end I'm stumped as well :-/...........I really hope you find out what is causing this.


Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by Tiannia on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:53pm
The "sleeping" part does sound like low blood sugar. Being hypoglycimic, if I do not make sure that I have eaten, I have passed out with no warning at times, and depending on if I was sitting, some people throught that I fell asleep.  You need to call the doc and let him know what is happening.  

Please keep us posted.


Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by Elaine on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:08pm
Dave I don't have any advice except to say I would be pushing the Docs to find out whats going on and I would NOT wait.
I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:19pm
Thanks All,
Yep, the first mate is nervous, but the Captain (Annette) is very nervous! Since we have to travel for the EMG tomorrow, we did get an appointment with our doctor the next day.
I assume the "Detoxing" would mean something along the lines of IV's or such? (Quit drinking 10 years ago, but I didn't think you had that in mind).
Will look into these other suggestions as well. At least I'm learning the warning signs now. Earlier today, I felt the heavy eyelids. Wheeled my way over to the recliner, settled in, and was soon "out."  I'm not one who can just say, "I'm tired, think I'll go take a nap, or go to bed now." Then just lay down and fall asleep, Annette can do that, but I never could. If I want to sleep, I've got to put on a real boring tv show, read, or use my headphones and listen to music until I drift off. So, this is very unusual for me.
Thanks for all your help, will keep searching until we can see the doc on Thursday,

Title: Re: Any suggestions?
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:21pm
I know this sounds weird and I can't really give you any real basis for the suggestion, but is there any way for the doc's to check your seratonin levels? and the other one that starts with an "n"  neopinphrine or something?

I know this much... seratonin and the other one do have something to do with sleep.  You were taking the melatonin for a while weren't you?  I assume you have stopped, but when?

I'm wondering if you should see an endocrinologist?  Is that the one that deals with glands and the stuff they secrete?

Have it checked... Can't hurt at this point!!  Worried and will be looking for stuff on the net for you.

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