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(Message started by: formerlyNOT4HIRE on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:13pm)

Title: BillGates REALLY does
Post by formerlyNOT4HIRE on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:13pm
...not sure if I'm all together on THIS FUCKING RANT... but i really HAVE checked this out.. and after doing so.. i have come to the conclusion that if i do NOT use Internet Exploder: i cannot chat with my clusterbuds on Elaine/Mast chat... and now i cannot log on to the board either...

with NETSCAPE...

NO FUCKIN PROBLEM WITH EYE EEE... it works like a charm....

...but!..FUCKING HATE the bondage of... and all the fucking BULLSHIT viruses/trojans/spybots/yadda that comes into my machine on IE...

..and DJ... please do NOT take this as a personal attack... it's not and i do not expect that you can change the forum just to accomodate ME....

i hope y'all understand my RANT (many/most DO NOT) ...  

and with THAT....

i lurk...


Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:19pm
Hello and welcome to the board..... ;;D wanna think yourself lucky I cannot use the chat at all and im on the Internet Exploder....but at least i've never deleted myself..... :P

Hope you feel better soon....

Cathy  :-*

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by floridian on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:47pm
Check out the firebird browser - free, fast, powerful. Available for M$ Windows and Linux.  I use it all the time to log on to this board.  It is a Netscape derrivative (Netscape branched to Mozilla, which forked to Phoenix, which was renamed Firebird).  Did I mention that its fast, powerful, and free?

Also, check to see if you got cookies and javascript turned on or off (turning them on helps with some sites, not sure about this one).

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by formerlyNOT4HIRE on Oct 20th, 2003, 7:18pm
hey cathy... i DID NOT delete myself.... and Never Will... i stand by every ..... cryptic.... ignorant.... mis-informed  ....drunk .....crazed by pain and sleeplessness

...yep, suicidal

*post* i have ever made here...

my problem is with the Internet... not DJ ...or mast ... or anybody...


Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:15pm
OMG Not4 .. is Texas not agreeing with ya?  Too many hot sauces or what ... ah shit, nah, it's just your browser.  Silly me.  Still loving ya.  Nan.  

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Ueli on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:26pm
I have no problems with Opera 6.05, Firebird 0.6.1, Mozilla 1.3b and Netscape 7.1 (I've lost the link to IE :D) for this site and Elaine's chat.
Michelle uses some weird Java features. Those I usually kill with a web washer (Proxomitron) that I have to bypass for the chat.


Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Opus on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:28pm
  I just logged on with Netscape and the chat correctly identified my browser as mozilla 5, Donna was on and she was using Mozilla 4 and King of pain was using Opera. This is definitely not a Netscape/mozilla issue. Try upgrading or reloading netscape, buy the way which version are you using? 4.75 and 6.x probably won't work.


Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by KingOfPain on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:42pm

on 10/20/03 at 20:26:55, Ueli wrote:
I have no problems with Opera 6.05


(quote condensed/modified)

Thanks to Ueli, I use Opera to
access HSG Chat & have rarely
had problems others have.

Thanks again Ueli!  


Title: SUCK...hoooo
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:52pm

on 10/20/03 at 18:13:43, formerlyNOT4HIRE wrote:
i hope y'all understand my RANT (many/most DO NOT) ...


If anybody understands your rant....then they've followed their proper meds schedule. Try it yourself......ya never know.

Load EVERY fooking browser ya can for free, then see which one works. So far, I've managed ONE functional Brow/Util that doesn't end in GATES.  Somethin happened this summer.......during DevCon03........and the proper CHEMO was never found.

So much for the price of admission,

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Karla on Oct 20th, 2003, 10:53pm
I use Netscape and IE both to access and all the time and I have no problem.  Maybe you need to upgrade your version.

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:43am
so you don't like "having to use" a "satisfactory" product?

you might want to look at some of the other "jokes" our beloved Uncle Bill has pulled on us lately.

Products that :
(a) have had price increases of more than 25% while having functionality removed
(b) have more than doubled in price
(c) have been discontinued causing the consumer to endure (b)
(d) are known security threats and have been needlessly been intertwined into the operating system, without the option of uninstalling.  (kinda like leaving the front-door to your house open, putting an "open-house" sign on your lawn, and going on vacation)

While I can see why you are pissed, I think there are more important problems arising from this guy that only made ...ummm...   ...errr...     about 3 BILLION dollars last year!

grant           >:(

(i would go into more detail, but gotta run! --- sorry for no proofreading)

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Bob P on Oct 21st, 2003, 9:54am
What you probably have is a JAVA  problem.  MS can't support their Virtual Machine any longer since Sun Systems sued them.  It's not your browser, it's Windows, especially if you have a newer version like XP.  Just go to this link and get the free download from Sun and you'll have JAVA capabilities again.  Fixed my wifes laptop up no problem.

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Kirk on Oct 25th, 2003, 5:07am
Http://  (Iwould get firebird)
or do a google search for a JRE = Java Runtime Engine
Http:// has one if you want to hassle with thier web site.
Oh and lose IE it is s00 out of date.
If you lose MS while you're at it, this is not a necessarily bad thing.
I find that chat works just find with Linux and BSD.



Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 25th, 2003, 6:23am
Well, this explains why I couldn't find you. Was going to ask you to help tabulate election votes for OUCH, as I believe you've done it before?
We've now got a vote counting team in place, wondered why I could find you, now I know  :-/

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 25th, 2003, 6:31am

Love your tag-line...

"Found in MS source code- 01111001011011110111010101100001011100100110010101100100011101010110110101100010, go figure. hehehehehe "

grant         [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Kirk on Oct 25th, 2003, 11:33am
You think they would'nt put it in ASCII binary text huh?



Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by Mac on Oct 28th, 2003, 1:53am
I've had no problems at all.Of course I run a Mac.Bwaaaahahahahah [smiley=laugh.gif]
Sucks being a lackey for the darkside [smiley=smartass.gif]

Title: Re: BillGates REALLY does
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 28th, 2003, 2:16am
The best way to get back @ Billy is........................... buy some stock-- msft --ever heard of it? How else you gona get your money back???????????


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