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(Message started by: cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:12pm)

Title: Need advice.....
Post by cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:12pm
Okay a couple of questions on shadows....

What on the kip level would you say a shadow is no longer a shadow and becomes a hit..?

How long does a shadow last..?

The reason im asking this is Wes has had a kip 4 since about 2pm my time and still had it when he fell asleep at about 10.30pm he's been using the O2 earlier and wondered if anyone gets really tired after using it...? If these are dumb questions then im sorry, but im a bit worried about him, he just doesn't seem right....

He said he's never had a shadow like this or a hit...his right nostril has been tingling and burning and his right eye has been watering...the O2 didn't help it.


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:24pm
if he's at a 4, then he probably is worn out. After a while of that you lose a little energy. Try a cup of coffee with the O2. sometimes that will get it down.

Sometimes I try 3 excedrin, a cup of coffee and the O2. If that don't work, I go for the cafegot. I'm just sick of hurting right now. But hours of a 4 can wear you out the same as 15 minutes of a 10.

Hope he's down to a 0 soon....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Prense on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:28pm
4 is max I'd say for a shadow.  Shadows can last a LONG time.  Long = 1+day.  Normally, a shadow is like an imminent attack that never hits.  They can come on as sudden as an attack but just stop punch.  They go away just as quickly too for me.  It is difficult to tell if an attack will come after a shadow or not.  Normally, for me, if I don't get hit in about an hour or so, I'll just have the shadow to deal with.  That is not always the case though...just the norm for me.  I typically get conjestion on the affected side with a shadow... occasionally, I get the tearing in my eye as well.  My shadows do not focus behind my eye normally until a 4 in intensity.  My shadows respond very well to imitrex administered anytime throughout the duration.  It is quite difficult for me to go to sleep during a kip 4, but I have done it.  I have not had much luck with O2 yet...with shadows or attacks.  I don't think I am catching them early enough though.   [smiley=twocents.gif]

Hope Wes gets to feeling better!


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Tiannia on Oct 20th, 2003, 6:29pm
I have had a shadow last all day.  Usually, I if it does it will stay at about a 3-4 for me as well, and I know that a hell of a hit is coming.  But I know htat it iwll wear me out and I've wished that it would just come rather then sitting there in the background.  

There are no stupid questions, really, we will always try and help.

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:26pm
I got the shadows at the end of my cycle.  It seemed like they came and went all day .. with me trying to rub my eye right out of it's socket.  Mine, I think came and went though.  But after a while, it's hard to decipher when the pain comes and goes.  

Praying for Wes.  We have to keep him healthy and strong until he gets in to surgery and gets the old ticker fixed.  He is NOT allowed to get hit .. you tell him I said so !!!!!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Opus on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:38pm
 1-4 shadow
  5+ treat quickily becouse it will get worse fast, that's where i'm headed.

by they way if he can sleep with a 4 he must be pretty tired.


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Joanie on Oct 20th, 2003, 9:00pm
Hey Cathy,

I have to agree with the above.......I've had shadows last for many hours.  And it does wear you out pretty quickly......

Hope Wes is feeling better soon...


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by cootie on Oct 20th, 2003, 10:19pm
This last cycle Brad complained of all day or unusually long or amounts of was a very wierd cycle ! Hopein Wes is at the end of it and can go PF !!! Pam that's shadow only knows

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 10:20am
Yea, i'd have to agree that a 4 is the extent of a shadow, My migraines usually are no worse than a 6. Shadows for me are just a bit less annoying than a migraine, I aint talking Kip10 CH's here! 7 thru 10's are in that upper spectrum of pain.
Common headaches for me never extend beyond a 3.

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by aprilbee on Oct 21st, 2003, 11:22am
I've had a very wierd cycle this time around too, it is actually my second cycle this year and that has NEVER happened, and I have had shadows all day, and by the time I get home, I am just completely worn out, I kind of feel like I have the flu, achey, drained, stuffy...I usually take a Lortab (please don't flame me, they work for me) for my shadows, they work pretty well, never know, what might work...

I hope he gets to feeling like himself soon and you have your sweetie back to normal... ;)

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Jewel on Oct 21st, 2003, 11:28am
Don't know about the kip thing, but I've had shadows that last all day long.  

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by H on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:33pm
Hi cathy
             hope wes feels better ring u 2mor  [smiley=clown.gif]

Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by 9erfan on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:44pm

As said above, I've had shadows that have lasted all day.  Unfortunately, I cannot fall asleep with a shadow.

Three Excedrin Migraines kick a shadow out of me almost every time.  Must be a combo of the aspirin & caffeine or something.

Best wishes to Wes.


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Margi on Oct 21st, 2003, 2:01pm
Hi Cathy - I understand your concern.  If that's a long time for a shadow for Wes and if he's never noticed the nostril tingling before, should you maybe ask his doc?    I've heard Mike talk about that burning in his nostril before and his eye does tear - but that's normal FOR HIM.  If it's not normal for Wes - only you and Wes know! - don't take any chances.  Especially considering the other meds he's on and the upcoming surgery.  What's the worst the doctor will tell you?  "Don't bug me, it's nothing?"  At least then you'll know it's nothing to worry about.  But, wouldn't you feel horrid if it IS something that needs attention?
Don't mean to alarm you, friend - just keep an eye on it, ok?


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Roxy on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:01pm
Cathy, I also get very tired, to the point of wanting to fall asleep when I'm on the 02.  I've mentioned this to other ch'ers, and they always look at me like I'm crazy..... :o.  On the shadow issue, I've never had a shadow last that long.  I've had them come and go throughout the day, and in between hits, but not a long, constant steady shadow.  I would be sure to ask the doc about it, especially considering his other health problems.


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by cathy on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:09pm

on 10/20/03 at 18:12:19, cathy wrote:
Wes has had a kip 4 since about 2pm my time and still had it when he fell asleep at about 10.30pm

He said he's never had a shadow like this or a hit...his right nostril has been tingling and burning and his right eye has been watering...the O2 didn't help it.


Thanks for all the replies....I guess what I was trying to say way, although wes has had shadows before they'd never lasted very long, they'd always he says come and gone, as if he were going to get hit, but then not...reminding him...the tingling and burning of the nostril he always gets and the watering eye, he'd just never have a shadow that didn't change and lasted that long, but from what im reading im seeing that some of you do thanks for putting our minds at for what level of pain, well maybe wes's 3 - 4 on a kip scale is a 1 - 2 on yours..who knows...but whatever he did fall asleep....

Wes did go to the doctors today, because he got hit bad last night, and again this morning and as your aware he can only have O2.....he has been given PIZOTIFEN 1.5mg one a is also known as SANOMIGRAN...does anyone have any info about this medication..?? there isn't much else that they can give him, because of the heart meds he's on.

Thanks for the support and the advice.


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:29pm
My shadows usually come and go, but can last a fairly long time.  I also agree that 4 is shadow, 5 usually means it's going to continue into a ch ... however... you might try treating it as sinus... cuz it could be sinus!  A low grade, one sided headache with burning and tearing just might be sinus... it is the season... at least over here.  Also, I think that the congestion we get with CH can lead to some sinus pain for those who are susceptible!

Here's hoping!


Title: Re: Need advice.....
Post by Prense on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:36pm
I didn't realize there were cardiac issues as well...that sucks!  Maybe I should pay more attention when I read the posts.   [smiley=hammer.gif]

No idea on the med Cathy, but I hope it works for him!

Keep us posted.

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