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(Message started by: cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:00pm)

Title: Just a link...
Post by cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:00pm
Found this on the web....not sure if it's been posted before because im a lazy bitch and don't have time to check the archives...but it makes good reading anyhow...what conclusions do you conclude..?

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: Just a link...
Post by Cerberus on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:12pm
Hello kitty.......lmmfao! ;;D

 I conclude this..........I took several of those supplements while training for Tae Kwon Do, and the results on my CH were less than satisfying. They did however result in the ease of speeding up any injuries and may have prevented a fair amount of Damage to my joints. The diet of flax and a larger portion of veggies and fruits provided more energy to fuel my workouts but again.............did virtually nothing for the head. Some have said that a heavy workout has helped them abort the pain if done immediately...........this, however, did not occur for ME and I ended up having a real nice K7 during drills one afternoon. Not to mention a string of 7-10k headaches during the wind down after class.
 Total may end up physically healthier, but as to actually curing or aborting CH? Not likely. sorry, wish I had a better prognosis fer ya. :-/


Title: Re: Just a link...
Post by Ueli on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:07pm
[smiley=arg.gif] Our old friend, crack pot Rocky Frie [smiley=arg.gif]

Back in March 2001 Rude Rocky messed up the message board with close to 100 post, equally full of crazy ideas and miracle cures as well as rude comments and bad wishes to those that didn't believe his gospel. Here just two of his gems:

You may enjoy walking around with your head banging or whatever it does day in & day out, but that is not for everyone. If you want to be CH/TN sick that's your business. But there are others out there that would like to be pain free, without drugs, breathing O2, snorting Nasals, and paying now nothing doctors lots of money for treating the symtoms and not the cause. Get a clue and Enjoy your Misery my friend.

I think you should advise your friends to get off the drugs and seek spiritual help.

He always talked about, but never presented, his 30 page report about the "cure" for CH and TN and lots of other headaches, that are all the same in his muddle of quarter witted "medical" terminology.

Don't waste your time with the web pages of this moron, and pray that he never returns to our site.


Title: Re: Just a link...
Post by jonny on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:16pm

I forgot about that dude.

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