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(Message started by: swartzrs on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:28pm)

Title: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by swartzrs on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:28pm
This is my first post so bear with me.  I'm a 48 yr old male who is chronic.  Been getting CHs for about 7 years but then all the sudden 3 yrs. ago I started getting them every day and decided to see a Doc.  I've been visiting this site for some time and find it comforting that I'm not alone.  
    I have the standard equipment, O2, Verapamil, Imitrex (shot and inhaler)
   I was taking Topomax for several months but one day while I was working with my son I had what might be called a Heat storke attack.  Never had anything like it in my entire life.  Well after some research I discovered that Topomax could be the cause, called the Neuro PA and told her, and I weened myself off of it.  That was in Aug.   After I stopped the Topomax the S**t hit the fan.  (Not that Topomax was a cure-all but it made life bearable.)    I started getting 2,3 or 4 CHs a day.  Thought I'd go nuts.  Last week I visted the Nureo clinic, been waiting for a month to see someone and the PA started me on Lamotrigine 25mg/d movig up to 50 after the first week.  Well, the results have been GREATI haven't had a >5 CH since and for the last 4 days NONE!!  I even had a few drinks, the real test, god old scotch and water.  
      Now will the beast find a way to get through this?  Only time will tell.  But boy I'm happy.  


Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by thomas on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:31pm
Awesome.  I'm so glad that you are getting some relief.

Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by Cerberus on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:01pm
Great's to hoping it contiues to work for you.


Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by cathy on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:05pm
Raybo....Thanks for sharing always good to hear good news....welcome aboard and hope your gonna stick around to keep us posted!!



Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by cootie on Oct 20th, 2003, 10:46pm
Welcome Raybo......hope the new med continues to work for you cuz that is great news ta hear sumone has found sumthn that is helpin !!! Pambo  ;)

Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by sandie99 on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:35am
Hi Raybo! :)

I am so happy for you! I used to have 4 attacks a day, so I do know how horrible it can be. :(

Good that you've found something that works! :D
With all the treatments out there - it's a lottery, really. I'm on predisolon now and it keeps my head PF, which is good.

Best wishes & PF days!!! ;;D


Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 21st, 2003, 10:10am
Great news raybo, Keep us posted!

Patrick  [smiley=smokin.gif] and  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Another new Med (for Me)
Post by stuey on Oct 21st, 2003, 3:40pm
So glad you found something that's helping you.  Welcome also.  Will look this up and see if it can be combined with all the mess I have been taking. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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