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(Message started by: drhbooks on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:24am)

Title: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by drhbooks on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:24am
I live in Northern Virginia, and have had clusters for about 8 years now.  Usually get a series of headaches in the fall or late summer.  If I'm lucky it skips a year.  Lately I haven't been lucky.  I never thought it would get worse.  This year is probably the worst.  Been to the ER twice in the last week.  First time they took one look at me and took care of me.  2nd time they just said 'why would anyone come to the ER with a headache-- he's not even throwing up'.  If you know what I mean.  

Got my own oxygen on Friday.  Sometimes it helps.  Tonight it didn't.  

Been pacing and climbing in and out of a hot bath for the last 2 hours.  Not much helps.  

Maybe just complaining to fellow sufferers will help some.   Hope that nobody else out there is suffering the way I am, but from reading these messages it looks like there are others.


Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by Mikey on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:45am
Yeah D, your not alone!  I live in N.C. and i'm up right now right with you.  It's really rough, but stick to your guns!!.....And WELCOME to our family here!  Ask all and anything you like, and complain all you want to, there's always one or two of us around......Good luck.
And by the way, what kind of preventives are you on right now and what do you use to try to abort an attack?  Maybe we can help in that area for you, and suggest some things!

Grab you an oar and start rowing with us to a cure!!!

Mikey,  ;D

PS  are you using the O2 the right way?  are you using an nonrebreathable mask? If not you should be, and jack that O2 up to about 8-15 lpm if possible.

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 20th, 2003, 4:36am
I'm in Texas and dancing too. Try some black coffee along with the O2 and the hot baths. I'm on the second pot now. Get a little jumpy but it keeps you moving.

At least we're all up so you've got company. Wanna play cards?  [smiley=bash.gif]

And I gotta go to work in a couple of hours. I'll be a total joy at the office today. Not only will I be glad when this darn cycle breaks, but I think the population of Gladewater TX will be also.

This is the longest cycle I've had in four years and I'm ready for it to GO AWAY!!!

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by Woobie on Oct 20th, 2003, 7:22am

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by aprilbee on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:39am
Welcome, so sorry you are in so much pain right now and apparrently misunderstood, welcome to the sight of understanding support and love!!  Hope we can help with at least the mental part of CH!  Hang in their sweetie it DOES end!!

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:40am
welcome D sorry you are going through this but you have come to the right place.

Great idea's here and support!!

about the hot bath....hmmm hot always makes it worse for me have you tried ice and a cool bath just a thought!


Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by aprilbee on Oct 20th, 2003, 8:44am
I would like to add to that...if I may   :)

I take hot and cold showers, something about the water falling on my head really helps, I aim the shower head towards the wall and sit towards the wall and lean my head (and sometimes bang my head) against the wall, the water falls on my head, and I turn the water slowly from hot for a while to cold for a while, it does offer some relief...for me anyway...Good luck! ;D

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by drhbooks on Oct 20th, 2003, 1:46pm
Thanks to all for your replies.  I've been using hot/cold alternating but hot seems to help more with these headaches.  I'm taking Topamax, but am scaling back due to side effects.  As far as pain med goes Indomethacin & an occasional Butalbitol (sp?).  The Indomethacin worked great at first.... but I'm finding that with my CH's many things work initially then stop working... anyone else have this experience?  

Thanks for your replies.  Sure helps to know I'm not alone.

I think I may need to change my Oxygen... only goes to 6l/hr and doesn't have a 'rebreathing mask'. ..  It was difficult enough getting THIS and when the delivery person played dumb "No you don't need that much" I didn't have the willpower to fight with him over it.


Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by Tiannia on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:12pm
Work on the oxygen, the few times that I have had it in the er it really helps.  

You are in the right place, these people are great.

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by BobG on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:34pm
Hey D,

It's a NONrebreather mask.

You'll need a regulator that will put out 10 to 15 l/m.

On the left side of the board is a 'oxygen info' button. click it for all the O2 info you'll ever need.

Title: Re: My head sure does hurt tonight
Post by Cerberus on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:48pm

 Sorry you are experiencing difficulty finding meds that work fer you. Stick with the Oxygen (take the 8-15Lpm advice) and don't wait even a second to get on it, sometimes if you wait too long it doesn't help.
 You mentioned Indocin and Butalbital.......These are usually a neurologists way of testing, They generally don't do crap for CH. If you must, call your doc and ask about Imitrex, the injections are fast acting and work for many here. Also you may want to ask to try Verapamil as a preventative.......doses higher than 120mg. seem to work best. Of course, check with a physician if you have any other health issues as Imitrex can be hard on your heart and Verapamil, is a bloodpressure get cleared first. And lastly ........Welcome, you are not alone, many here have suffered for years and there is alot of mental/spiritual help to be had as well as physical. Much to read/learn in the buttons on the left.

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