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(Message started by: BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 1:41pm)

Title: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 1:41pm
Hey Widder, any relation to Mr?

And if you're Mr's Widder

what has happened to him?

I notice you're from the same town and the same age.
Is he dead? Did you kill him?

Inquiring minds want to know.  ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by jonny on Oct 18th, 2003, 1:57pm

I must have missed something.

Its not easy slipping something by me here (they must have done it while I was sleeping)

Thats it!! more sleeping (like I get much.....LOL ;D)


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 1:59pm
Yep, you missed if jonny

At the time I posted there was a "Widder Happy" logged on.

But, about 3 minutes later she was gone.

Maybe Mr got her  :o

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:08pm
Widder there is a Mr Widder or not does it widder matter... i'd be as a happy as a widder happy thing widder mr widder or widder happy were here or widder they weren't..... ;D

or was it a mrs widder or well maybe we'll never widder know.... ???

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:13pm

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

;D :D ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:21pm
:o.....Widderly Bob what are you suggesting.... ;D 8)

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:30pm
The widder wobbled in and the widder wobbled out.  Widders wobble but they don't fall down !!!!!

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:31pm
Never a widder word spoken!

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:34pm
cathy,  LMAO  ;D

Sharing your smokes with OneEyeBlind?

Title: My Future Ex
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:37pm
Damnit Bob. I wish you'd just look...... and keep your mouth shut.
If she gets wind that somebody else is paying attention to how short my leash actually is......there's going to be HELL to pay. So much for cheap sex the rest of this year.......

I'm dead meat,

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:44pm
Uh huh.......right....... ::) ??? ::)


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:48pm
LOL Mr Happy ... so is the widder happy that it widdled in and widdled out ??

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:50pm
Now Ramon....don't think we widder don't know that you know exactly what this is widder about.... ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 2:51pm

on 10/18/03 at 14:48:31, OneEyeBlind wrote:
LOL Mr Happy ... so is the widder happy that it widdled in and widdled out ??

He widdled in and widdled out...widder didn't you say that.... ??? then I widderd got it... :-/

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:00pm
If you look real quick at who'd logged in you see the Widder is Back.

Now the question(s) is

Is the Widder happy or is the Widder Happy?  ???

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by River_Rat on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:00pm
widder you can or widder you can't, it's ok, because wild widder winks wildly while widdling wid on a willy wrocky woller coaster.  ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:03pm
Widder Happy I widder just like to point out that BobG was the widder that started this...he such a widder twubble maker....  ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:10pm
Now we have River_Rat smoking the same stuff as cathy and OneEyeBlind.  8)

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Widder Happy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:11pm
Wow! You all must be really bored today! I visit the board to find ways of messin' with Mr. Happy's head. As you may guess, it's not hard to do... ;)

Back to school work ( for me.

Have a nice day,

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:16pm

on 10/18/03 at 15:11:17, Widder Happy wrote:
I visit the board to find ways of messin' with Mr. Happy's head.


Sandy welcome and hello to you....TMI though... :o ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:19pm
Hi Sandy Happy  :D

Messin' with his head, huh?

I find that if you tickle Mr behind the ears, his left leg will twitch.


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:21pm
I really widder have to disagree it's definately his right!  :P

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:22pm
I'm OLD but HUH??????? Widder what?????

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:28pm

on 10/18/03 at 15:22:40, BarbaraD wrote:
Widder what?????
Hugs BD

The question is not widder what..but widder or not...but hey it widder isn't important anymore... ;D

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by BobG on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:28pm
Barbara you're not that old. You live in Texas and it just seems that way.

Heck, if I lived there I'd be senile by now.


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:31pm
I think Bob has given you some really good advice here Barbara...Old free vibes to you...keep us posted...

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Charlie on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:38pm
I guess a welcome is due? If so, you can see that your being here has drawn out our widdiest.....I mean wittiest scribes.  

Please come back though, we need the practice.

Wider Charlie

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:57pm
Just a little FYI Cathy 'n' River-rat.........

You're supposed to PASS the duchy on the left hand side.........a Widder more 'n' a widdle a widdle less 'n' alot! ;D


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by CathiP on Oct 18th, 2003, 7:07pm
Dunno widder I wanna get into this or not......but, widder I like it, or widder I don't..I'm here!
Sandy- welcome to the farm....please be careful who you trust here, there's this Cathy who will definitely lead you astray-but you can trust me..
Now, widder Happy, please waddle in and enlighten us about the wondrous widdeerful things ya do....the leash shortening, the chain-yanking, ya know- the really good stuff.....widder we need to know, or widder we don't......
Cathi....not to be confused with the brit Tart, who misspells her name......

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Mark C on Oct 18th, 2003, 7:40pm

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 18th, 2003, 8:48pm
Welcome to the board Sandy.

If you can live with Mr.'ll fit right in with  the rest of us :)


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Roxy on Oct 19th, 2003, 12:16pm
Hey Sandy.....nice to see you on the board.  Welcome!!

Nice to know you can come here as a break from being around children all day....... :)  (Randy included in that bunch!!  ;))


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by Donna on Oct 19th, 2003, 12:33pm
Welcome Sandy........I guess I move my cursor a lot when I read, never really noticed before, but clicked on your highlighted  "school work" and found your site.  It's a neat site.  Now I wonder how many teachers go out of their way to provide things like this.  Nice job.

Hope to see you here often.  Check out the Supporters Corner further on down the page.

Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by TerryS on Oct 19th, 2003, 1:21pm

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

I like Bobg's THINKING.  :o


Title: Re: Widder Happy
Post by cathy on Oct 19th, 2003, 3:24pm
[smiley=smokin.gif]....what was the question again... [smiley=crackup.gif] Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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