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(Message started by: litlgriz on Oct 18th, 2003, 10:52am)

Title: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by litlgriz on Oct 18th, 2003, 10:52am
Whos going to win,,,,and why,,,,,,,,,,,to bad my cubbies wont be there,,,,,,,,,,,theres always next year,,,,,,,,,

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:15am
Who cares.......meaning, who wants to see the skankees play the marlins who couldn't fill their stadium all year until the cubs came for the playoffs.
The two teams that really deserved to be in it aren't so lets move on with football and hockey.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:23am
BTW........I'm not bitter or anything ;D


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:29am

on 10/18/03 at 11:15:50, Cerberus wrote: lets move on with football and hockey.

already have,

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 18th, 2003, 5:00pm
How 'bout them Cowboys????

Hugs BD

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Charlie on Oct 18th, 2003, 5:06pm
I wanted a Cubs-Sox series and it's not going to be as exciting. I read that Fox isn't selling as much commercial spots since the Cubs land Sox lost. It would have been fun damn it.  

Since I don't care for sunbelt baseball, I'll pick NY since they have 26 wins under their over-strected belts. Boring though.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 6:32pm
If one MUST give reasons.....

 Pitching.................advantage Yankees
 Clutch Hitting........advantage Yankees
 Home field.............advantage Yankees
 Defense................advantage Yankees
  Overall record........advantage Marlins (best record in baseball since may)

   And lastly the normally useless stat: The Marlins have never lost a post season series. 'course they've been to the WS Once before this. ::)

There ya have it: good luck betting personally you'll get better odds on the bears making the superbowl. ;D


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Brian_Y on Oct 18th, 2003, 7:36pm
Who cares?

But fuck the Yankees and fuck New York.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Brian_Y on Oct 18th, 2003, 7:52pm
More proof no one cares.  Yeah, I'm bitter,  But who cares?

Yankees suck.  Marlins suck.  Buh-bye.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Ree on Oct 18th, 2003, 9:15pm
ya........what brian y said~~~ I am sad enough this week to just end it............................ lets move on Go Pats.... ree

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Brian_Y on Oct 18th, 2003, 9:32pm
When I was a child, we used to vacation up at Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.  I consider New England my second home sometimes.  It was during that childhood, I discovered the history and breathtaking beauty of the Red Sox.  Been a Beantown lover ever since.  I'm a southerner, but my heart is aching for the folks in New England STILL.  Maybe it'll end soon.

I'm with you, Ree.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 4:04am


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Spindrift on Oct 19th, 2003, 8:04am
Great photo, Jonny.  Saved it and will send it to a few choice friends.

Spindrift (er, in Miami, where things for the moment ain't too bad...)

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by fubar on Oct 19th, 2003, 9:13am
are they still playing baseball?...

who gives a flying f... when the pathetic giants gave it away I stopped watching.

no bitterness here...


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by JDH on Oct 19th, 2003, 10:18am
Good pic Jonny...lmao!
They start that Yankee hating young don't they?


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 1:36pm
Baseball ..............readin these posts is like reading Poe to a clueless classroom.

The players.  It's in their faces.  I still love watchin on the tv cuz i git to see that expression of want and need and possibility.  It's still there that poetry.  If i felt like you guys i'd never watch a ball game again - SAD.

There are men out there struggling to attain that sumpin ........imagine what it must feel like.............BORING?  You guys spend too much time tawkin and not nuff OBSERVING.  One thing to root for your team........and one thing to rootforyerboys!   Perspective.  Baseball.  Boring?  Damn Pity.

It's any man's game.  Lets PLAYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snap out of it!

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 1:41pm
Marlins beat the yankees.....LMMFAO


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 1:43pm
-now jonny-----(lol) member -- it ain't ova till it's ova..........(hmmm?).

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 1:46pm
Sweep........Marlins in 4 ;D

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 2:05pm
yer jes jealous :)


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 2:08pm
Yer god damn right I am ;D


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 2:22pm
NEWSFLASH:   I am secretly wholly f-in IMPRESSEE with the marlins..........deygotdagoods-speed.........hitters.........they remind me of newo'leans laid back "gumption".   I'll be watchin..........Marlins ..........they could smirk their way into the Series****

I like dirtry slandering.......they really wanna PLAYBALL***********

we'll see**********

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by BobG on Oct 19th, 2003, 2:29pm
Kim, I admire your attitude. You go girl.  [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 2:37pm
I got e-mail into DJ Bob....cant post pics either

.........................jonny ;D <<<<Smile (Manually)

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by cathy on Oct 19th, 2003, 6:09pm

on 10/18/03 at 19:36:21, Brian_Y wrote:
But fuck the Yankees and fuck New York.

Posted by: Ree Posted on: Oct 18th, 2003, 9:15pm
ya........what brian y said

???...I don't understand Baseball but I understand the true meaning of you.. :-/

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Spindrift on Oct 19th, 2003, 6:50pm
"I don't understand Baseball but I understand the true meaning of you.. "

Well of course, silly!  It's to get your agent to bag you the absolute slickest contract he can, with the greatest number of incentive clauses and the fattest signing bonus, then attempt to live up to this potential while staying out of jail.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 19th, 2003, 6:55pm

on 10/19/03 at 18:50:09, Spindrift wrote:
"I don't understand Baseball but I understand the true meaning of you.. "

Ok David


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Brian_Y on Oct 19th, 2003, 7:38pm
Baseball is not a sport.  So understanding it's "true meaning" is NOT applicable.  Especially to people who truly understand it.

It is a game.  It is America.  And history.  And ghosts.

jonny knows.  Ask him.  Don't ask me.  I'm too pissed.  Still.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 7:51pm
Nope.  Ask me brudda.  We were poor.  We had a bulldog who chased lawn mowers and the neighbor was a cop with a german shepard.  Our "bumps" (the bulldog) heard a lawn mower and chased down ole Finnegan (the retired cop beloved german shepard) was the bottom a the eithth on Kerry
Avenue.........ole bumps chewed up Finnegan and the ball went over Mrs. Cease's fence (she screamed her bloody head off cuz we broke her window for the umteenth time) and thats what I'll say bout that ;D

Beein that ya w eren't thea,   well, ya jes weren 't thea ;D

PLAY............BALL! ;D

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 19th, 2003, 8:21pm
I luv's ya Kim

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Woobie on Oct 19th, 2003, 8:56pm
Baseball is NOT a game it is a way of life, and the fact that George Steinbrenner can essentially buy a world series by stacking his team with the highest payroll in all of baseball makes me ill 26 times. The whitesox had a really good team bloom late and choke in the last two weeks of the regular season and ruin a legitimate chance for an all CHICAGO world series....again sick, The RedSox who battled all season just to make the playoffs and against all tradition and history actually get a viable shot as well, only to lose to the stacked yanks.......sick!   They(Redsox) really really DESERVED (especially in the eyes of tradition and history)to be in the world series. They battled the hardest all season for it. The CUBS even with all of thier WS history also deserved to be in it. Their defense was outstanding until the "foul ball" incident (don't even get me started) and in game seven had to lose because their payroll wouldn't allow them to actively aquire a 5th starter in thier beat up pitching rotation. THEY, also DESERVED to be in it. Take nothing away from Torre's managing skills I'll be the first to admit it, but, having a personally rich owner to buy you a team to win with is again SICKENING............c'mon 26 world championships and not including this one 7 in 9 yrs. the disparity between the yankees and the rest of the league is huge.
 Its not an arguable point..............the yankees have essentially bought every world series since Steinbrenner.   As for the marlins.......................10,000 fans a game in 2002 in a stadium that holds about 70K where were the fans then? Suddenly they become a force, and make a run at it. The CUBS come  to florida in the playoffs and now there are reportedly 60K+ marlins fans? ARE YOU KIDDING?! the 50K+ new fans are heartbroken CUBS fans that don't want to see the yankees win yet ANOTHER WS.
I am as big a baseball fan as they come. I LOVE the game and know just about all there is to know regarding strategy having played, coached and watched. But excuse me if I am just a little upset that the yankees are in it again because Steinbrenner can buy the most TV airtime.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 19th, 2003, 9:12pm

Ramon.........if that's what makes ya choke in the stands........more power to ya.

Those ball blayers fought like hell to win and I think your an not a very nice person for stickin to that stinkin thinkin. >:(

Shut up and PLAY BALL.  That whole sick diatribe is just why no one beats em.  ThAT IS WHAT IS BORING..........and old.  When a player wants to win, he wins.  you know it we know it and so stfu and WIN ............I DARE YOU.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Charlie on Oct 20th, 2003, 1:33am

I don't understand Baseball but I understand the true meaning of you


I suppose we need a thread to explain what all the vitriol means. Baseball is actually the most civilized of our major sports. It’s a game of very strict rules that everyone seems to put up with. Nobody really has "killed the ump." When you think about it, it's amazing.  I think that’s why we like it. It’s dependable. Baseball fans are for the most part, the best behaved.  Baseball fans will will give you a second chance. It's easier to deal with them than almost any other fans. Perhaps it’s that patience is such a big part of it.

Maybe all our screaming during the playoffs and series makes up for our being so “dull” during the season. No matter what Jonny, Kim and Brian say, it sounds hostile but it ain’t so....well it’s always okay to hate the Yankees. Even Yankee fans do until the series.  Go Yanks.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 20th, 2003, 12:06pm

not the first time I've been called an A**hole for my way of thinkin'.......Won't be the last I'm sure.
 Its my opinion and will remain that way until the Yankees produce a team of all new players and STILL make the WS. There is no sport in Dominating a league every year and its bad for MLB. J.Jiambi said it himself on national TV, "Everybody wanted a Cubs/Sox WS" and had to restate his original thought to keep from getting steinbrenner mad. I do not disagree that the Yankees have an outstanding ball club, it is top notch and any player should be honored to play for it. All I ever was trying to say was, when are the Yanks going to make a game out of it again, instead of total domination? I'd never expect a Yankees fan to get bored with them winning it every year. And if my attitude sucks then so be it. I felt the same when Dallas went to the superbowl so many times. diversity is the spice of life that makes the season worthwhile. And if I'm an a**hole for believing that then I guess I'm one in a HUGE group of em.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by JDH on Oct 20th, 2003, 12:19pm
I guess I'm an a$$hole too Ramon.
The Yankees are like the little rich kid who gets EVERYTHING he is no object.
Stienbrenner and his free spending is bad for baseball...unless you're a player.
The league needs some sort of salary cap so everyone has a chance to win instead of the Yankees year after year.
Go Fish,


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 20th, 2003, 12:25pm

That was my WHOLE point, everyones chances in MLB are NOT equal. And unless you are a Yankees fan, they should be.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by stuey on Oct 21st, 2003, 4:00pm
I don't much care one way or the other about the Yankees since they will be paid win or lose, but the "fuck New York" from Brian I could have done without since I live here and was born, raised and work here everyday.  No matter what someone feels about New York it is THE metropolis of this country and this planet bar none and unfortunately open to attacks by terrorists and even it's so called citizens.  Was I offended by that?  Yes, I'm sure he won't care but yes I was.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Ree on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:38pm
Go Marlins!!!!!

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:58pm

...........................jonny  [smiley=bigtiny.gif]

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Cerberus on Oct 21st, 2003, 5:59pm

 No love lost for the city, as great aplace as God has put on this earth as far as I'm concerned. It's the Yankees and MLB I have a problem with. no offense to NY or NY'ers intended.

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Charlie on Oct 21st, 2003, 6:25pm
I have to pass along what Mark Shields wrote in his column the other day: "Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for Microsoft."   :o

Yeah, I wish Boston could do it now and then but since my October fantasy didn't come to pass, I have to root for a team that has some real fans. Baseball in Florida is hard to take. They can't count votes either.

Don't worry though, Steinbrenner will do his best to tear apart the team. He likes that shit. We're in danger of another Bronx Zoo as Torre's contract is up. If Steinbrenner wants to live, he better play ball with the fans this time.


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:22pm
I just say .....................

Play Ball !!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 25th, 2003, 6:57pm
luck be a lady tonight ;)

C'MON !  Lets go Yanks!!!!!!!


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Ree on Oct 25th, 2003, 7:12pm
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Marlins............ half of them yankees will be doin time in Boston anyway...bullies..........and field keeper beaters...

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 25th, 2003, 7:22pm
STEADY..................steady ON.  

WATCHIN........(bitin nails)............
pettite lookin GOOOOOOOOOD ;;D

We shall see.....

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by kim on Oct 25th, 2003, 10:03pm
joe torre's yanks lost the deciding game tonight to a team i have watched - and respected -.

sad for new york - we wanted it and worked hard - but Marlins played BALL betta - congratulations to the Marlins - ................great ball playin. :) :'(

And a note to all the fly by nite neysayers :

Baseball will always shout out its poetry.  Truth and good ball will always overcome a loud and not very smart mouth.
Goodnite team. :)

Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by Charlie on Oct 25th, 2003, 10:37pm
It's because of the time change no doubt......

Our damn Yankees have lost two series in a row to teams from hot climates.......hmmmm.

Not gonna be fun in the Bronx.

I still love this game because any team can be the best. Betting on baseball is iffy.

Florida won. They played better......


Title: Re: The World Series ?????????????????
Post by jonny on Oct 26th, 2003, 1:12am
Yankees SUCK worse than the Sox.....LMMFAO ;;D

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