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(Message started by: BarbaraD on Oct 18th, 2003, 4:40am)

Title: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 18th, 2003, 4:40am
For those of you interested in WHERE the next convention is going to be held, you might want to go to the Business BOard - Go to the OUCH Website and then to the Business Board - Click on the Board of Directors and READ What's going on.....

There is a Members Forum for OUR comments. If you want your INPUT heard this is the place to let your OPINIONS be heard by YOUR BOD members. They will make the decisions, but don't know how WE feel unless we tell them.

It really amazes me that most of us will loudly state our opinions HERE on, yet no one will go to the Business BOard (where our opinions COUNT) and say ONE WORD! Why is that?  ??? ???

The BOD of OUCH were elected to SERVE the MEMBERSHIP of OUCH. BUT they can't do as the membership wants UNLESS the membership lets them KNOW what they WANT.

Everyone's opinon counts and everyone's vote counts - just like in real life...... If you're not part of the solution - then you're part of the problem....

Get involved in OUCH -- be part of the solution.....

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by Woobie on Oct 19th, 2003, 10:35am
I posted my 2 cents..  
I realllllllllllly realllllllllllllly wanna go...

tina    :-*

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by Ree on Oct 19th, 2003, 11:21am
I cant figure it out ..................... thats why I don't post there.............ree

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by Widder Happy on Oct 19th, 2003, 11:44am

on 10/19/03 at 11:21:49, Ree wrote:
I cant figure it out ..................... thats why I don't post there.............ree

I agree with you Ree.  I can't find the place to read about the important happenings. I spent the better part of this morning reading countless posts and am having a hard time determining what is important and what is current.

Thankfully Randy finally came home and explained to me the only active portion of the OUCH website takes place under "Member's Corner/Business Board" and all the rest does not relate to current issues. Other new users may not have someone to provide that guidance.

As a new user it would be helpful if was easier to go directly to the Member's Corner or it was highlighted in such a way to draw our attention directly to that spot.

Have a nice day,

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 19th, 2003, 12:02pm
it might be an idea to sort the threads by date of last update...  OR  in ANY order ;)

just a suggestion,

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by Donna on Oct 19th, 2003, 12:15pm
It can be confusing the first few's the formula:

1)  Go to the OUCH site and click on the "Members
     Corner" heading when it loads fully.

2)  Next click on "Business Board".

3)  Then click on either "Board of Directors" (where you
     get the info on what's going on) and "Members
      Forum" (where we get to put our $.02 worth in.)
You can tell by the dates posted where the current stuff is.

Just go back and forth between the two to get a picture of what's happening.

To get a look at the "Financial Report", go back to the first menu and look for Committees.  The Treasurers report can be found under "Budget Committee".

I hope this helps.  It is important to keep up on what's being discussed so that you know your candidates, what's being done behind the scenes for our sakes, and get an opinion on who to vote for.

You must also have a members password to get in to this section.    

Title: Re: Convention Topic on Business Board
Post by Woobie on Oct 19th, 2003, 6:26pm

I totally agree with the OUCH site being hard to manuever.  Maybe someone can work on that. .. but ...


no more scuses......Lucy!


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