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(Message started by: Carl_D on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:02pm)

Title: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:02pm
I have an old friend who used to say about me "Dammit man, just write a few books, record a few albums and get all of that shit out of yer head and it won't hurt ya so damn much."
Seriously, without meds, I can lie in bed for hours, and my brain just will not shut off.
Any overthinkers, overachievers in the ranks?

Just a 'thought'
Carl D  FREEk

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by echo on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:05pm
I try to avoid overthinking at every opportunity.  

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by LasVegas on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:08pm
Carl D,
I can relate with you bro, as I am compulsive, can't sit still, overachiever often setting limits out of reach and dissapointed as a result of only performing "average", highly motivated (when I don't have a CH cycle), etc.  Go check out the new Nicholas Cage movie where he plays a con-artist with a tic problem, absolutely hilarious.  
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Opus on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:24pm
I am always thinking, If I don't have a project to work on in my head I can get real bored and start thinking of weird stuff. But on the other hand when in cycle I can't remember what happened a minute ago.

.....Um, where was I , Oh yes, turn the left nut 5 turns and then start the piston going......

Opus/....what is that next name?....

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by JDH on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:34pm
over achieve? no way man  8)
over think? definitely. Always something running through my head  ???


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by vig on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:35pm
brainiacs, huh, you meen like reedin' 'n figgerin' 'n stuff?

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 17th, 2003, 6:46pm

on 10/17/03 at 16:35:52, vig wrote:
brainiacs, huh, you meen like reedin' 'n figgerin' 'n stuff?

Dude, I am currently reading 2 books, kind of at once. Take a break from one story, take some time into the other. Seriously. Right now though, I am taking a break from everything to focus on this band, and getting this album recorded. After the smoke clears from this...I have a book of my own that needs finishing. I gave up on setting deadlines, as right now I would be dead if held to my word. Thought it would be done ages ago, but in the immortal words of one who could always imagine : Life is what happens while other people are making plans.
I was content that we had a decent band a month ago. In the last few weeks, things have changed, we have a whole new attitude...we sound like a totally different band.
OKay, I'll shut up now and go annoy our new drummer, "Menace" for awhile.

Hehehe, I gave everyone a title and rank, still working on Rich's though. I wanted to call him Johnny Bravo, but it was nixed by Sherwood Shwartz!

Hasta La Roasta
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by oringkid on Oct 17th, 2003, 6:55pm
I can relate to the over thinking!  I also have been known to read 2 books at once!  I've always had trouble falling asleep at night as my brain seems to go into high gear!!

As an exercise to help myself sleep, I once designed "my dream house" in my head over a period of months.

My father has always said that the cause of my headaches was that my brain was too damn big! LOL!

But I fall terribly short in the over achiever department.  I love to think...but tend not to do.... :-/


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by cootie on Oct 17th, 2003, 7:03pm
I can only think for a few minutes at a time cuz my brain starts ta repeat itself !! Pam the not-so-achieved-achiever  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by catlind on Oct 17th, 2003, 10:02pm
Hmm I have some light reading that I like to do, Epistomology of Objectivism by Ayn Rand, Julian Jayne's Bicameral mind and the origin of consciosness, a C/C++ programming bible, and A bear in the attic by Patrick McManus are the current nibblers.

Overachiever? nah.  Overthinker? Definitely.  Type A personality?  possibly ;)


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by fubar on Oct 18th, 2003, 12:28am
hmmm... graduated at 16, 1550 on my SAT.  built the worlds largest private network (80 countries) back when most people didn't know what a network was for... prototyped and built the network that later became known as AT&T Worldnet... help put the world's most notorious hacker in jail (then helped him get out... long story)... made 10 million in the Internet bubble... lost 11 milion in the crash (ouch)...drew detailed plans for a Tivo 6 years before a Tivo ever shipped...

I'd say I tend to go large.  It's the only way.


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:03am
Brainiach?  Yup!!!  That's me!!!  ---   Ooopppsss!!!  I fogot!  Ya gotta have a brain first to be one right?  Damn!  Missed out on that one too.  My neuro says all my MRI's come back the same ... Just a big fog in the crainium ... Hmmm ... Is she trying to tell me something?


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by cathy on Oct 18th, 2003, 4:28am
Yep Wes is an overthinker and constantly has his head in a book, magazine, paperwork of some kind......

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by sandie99 on Oct 18th, 2003, 5:35am
Hi there!  :)

Am I over-achiever? Yes.
Over-thinker? Guilty as charged. That's what you get when you have wild imagination, a mind that wants to know little bit about everything and desire for knowledge. And we all know, that the next step is well, stress about knowing too much!  ;D

It's bit like a Nick Carter song Help Me:

Help me figure out why I'm stuck in the middle
Trying to understand why I can't
Why's this such a riddle
Got my eyes crossed
I'm thinking so hard and I know I'm missing the mark
Can you help me sort out
All this information
I'm just rackin' my brain
Paying attention
But I'm still lost
And at all costs
I gotta know (gotta know, oh)

Take care, PF days,

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Cerberus on Oct 18th, 2003, 9:49am
Duuuhhhh...what was the question again? ::)


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by suzy617 on Oct 18th, 2003, 10:42am
Hmmmm no way to both.  Well I do work 60 hours a week but after that I shut off my brain totally.


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by River_Rat on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:06am
You might be on to something, YEP to all here too, I lie awake in bed with my mind racing,

Two jobs and work like 15 hours a day, (I can set my own hours)

Very active in the stock market, Not a day trader who has time.

Never miss my kids games EVER (so far)

I'm joining the ARMY reserves next Thursday as a Drill Sargent, I guess because I get bored with not enough to do.

My wife head just spins.


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:23am
depending on my motivation, i can work 18 hrs/day or 0 hrs/day.  (prefer 0, but it has its financial limitations)

currently reading "Administering XP-Pro", "Configuring Server2003", "ASP.NET Developer's Handbook", "Internet Security Basics" (to become a "Certified Ethical Hacker"), "Tai-Chi for Dummies" and re-reading Shogun (for about the 5th time in 20 yrs) to put me to sleep at nite and brush up on my Japanese at the same time LOL.

not much time for sleep,

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 18th, 2003, 12:48pm
Does reading Schopenhauer, Maupassant , Hawthorne, Gautier, Longfellow and Shakespeare by age eight (my parents thought - still do in fact - I was a freak), being published at 12, doing art shows by 16 and teaching at a foreign University by 22 count as Brainiach-esque?  I sleep little more than four hours a night - pre-CH, even less with CH - because there is just too much I want to get done. My wife is constantly telling me that if I could just get all the stuff in my head OUT of my head, it really wouldn't hurt so much. I'm awed by people who can actually do ONE thing at a time; I multitask because I have to multitask to keep from going crazy. Even with CH - unless it's a really bad one - I have to keep doing things, creating, exploring, researching.


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Hound_Dogg on Oct 19th, 2003, 12:07pm
:) I am a Genious (Did I spell that right?)...That's right a Super-Genious (It still doesn't look it spelled Genius or Genious???) & I will take over the world universe.

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by Donna_D. on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:33am
Over thinker...yes...Over know exactly how much I have to do to get by...I've been told that I am too smart for my own good.  I scored in the top 1% of the nation on the SAT's but didn't want to go to college (MISTAKE!!).  I constantly have a running conversation, idea, song or list running in my head.  Sometimes more than one at a time.  I have a million and one ways to make a fortune, 15 book ideas, 25 unfinished craft projects, and yet I always tell my husband I just cannot get anything done...I remember everything I have ever read but couldn't tell you where or why I read it....

OCD MEET ADHD  [smiley=bash.gif]   ADHD MEET OCD

Interesting comment by oringkid

"My father has always said that the cause of my headaches was that my brain was too damn big! LOL!"

That may not be a laughing matter after all!!

I recently read an article that said they thought that the cause of CH was too much Grey Matter compressing the hypothalamus gland...maybe our brains are too big!!

Just one more thing I will try not to think about as I am lying in bed trying to go to sleep!! (Note time of this post).


Donna D.

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by thomas on Oct 20th, 2003, 3:23pm
Scored a 27 on my act back in the day and had a very high score on my asvab test for the army.  My mind is always working, thinking of things.  I't real hard for me to stay focused on a conversation, because I'm always thinking of something else.  Some times I can be reading a book and I have to start a page over again, because I was thinking of something else while I was reading.

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:45pm

Many super-geniuses have gone insane...

Perhaps we are one step down.

However, my brother whose IQ tests rate in the genius category, does not have CH... his sanity is questionable however LOL!

My IQ, depending on the test and the day I take it ranges between 120 and 140... not a genius but not too damn bad either.

I do think that overall, CH'ers have a higher than average intelligence.  And remember, intelligence and education are not the same.  You can be highly intelligent and not be able to spell.


I also have noticed that many intelligent people wear glasses (or contacts) (or need glasses LOL!)

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:47pm
My brain is in my pants.....typical man.....LOL

....................................jonny (its huge....LOL)

Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:49pm
Yes, Jonny, but does it wear glasses???  [smiley=laugh.gif]


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:54pm

No, it knows where to go.....LOL


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by oringkid on Oct 21st, 2003, 7:59pm
Good thing... it would be a bitch to keep them on... having no ears and all!  [smiley=biggrin.gif]


Title: Re: Out of curiousity....any 'brainiachs' here?
Post by jonny on Oct 21st, 2003, 8:03pm
The one good thing is I would only need

one contact lense.....LOL [smiley=guyflash.gif]

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