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(Message started by: Svenn on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:33pm)

Title: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Svenn on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:33pm
4 times today.The fuckings"General Cluster is back.Been up for 24 hours now.
Think the stress fighting the local politicians about our summerhouse is the reason.They have decided to build a Highway 10meters from the wall of our summerhouse.

I`m just bonetired fighting those bastards.They are criminals.almost ready to give it up now.

Sorry for the anger and the wining

at least i had almost 2 years in paradise


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by 9erfan on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:07pm
Hi Svenn,

Sorry to hear that the beast is back & torturing you!  :'( It sucks when you get tricked into believing that they are gone for good.

Well, we're here for you.  What meds are you taking?  Are you using oxygen?  It seems to be helping me.

Take care, I hope things get better for you.

PS: (I wish I HAD a summer house that they were building a wall next to)... ;D  I need that problem! ;D

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:01pm
Ah Svenn, hope it's a short visit and someone decides that no highway is needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, if the highway comes ...... I hope it friggin runs over the beast !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 16th, 2003, 8:20pm

on 10/16/03 at 16:33:15, Svenn wrote:
Think the stress fighting the local politicians about our summerhouse is the reason.They have decided to build a Highway 10meters from the wall of our summerhouse.
I`m just bonetired fighting those bastards.They are criminals.almost ready to give it up now.

Thought you Vikings killed the Eminent Domain thing back in the days of Anglo/Saxon rape and pillage.  Had no idea the Monroe Doctrine set roots across the pond. I apologize on my behalf for the international crimes committed and perpetuated by my government. Alas....

Sorry for the anger and the wining

No worries, Svenn. Stock up on a bunch of cigarettes - the ULTIMATE stress reducer- and have your trailer moved down to a nice quiet fiord somewhere out of the way.

at least i had almost 2 years in paradise

Me too. THEN I got married..........

I Do, she Doesn't,

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Edna on Oct 16th, 2003, 10:44pm
Hey friend,

seems as though they're back eh....what a bummer!!

BUT, the "up" side to it is this - - - - -
  you could  become episodic........2 yrs. is a good long while to have been pf......I'm certainly hoping that perhaps you'll soon fight off this beast, and he'll leave you for another 2 yrs.

Then, my friend, you know what that would mean??......YOU and I would cycle at the same times...every 2 been hanging around me too long perhaps....LOL

Sending you many wishes for pf times Svenn, hope to catch up to you real soon.

Fight the bastard dude, he won't win you over,  after're too stubborn!!  LOL

pf wishes,
Hmmm..............sounds like bunch of crap about the summer house too.........wishing you luck with that so that it remains a peaceful place for you and your family.

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Woobie on Oct 17th, 2003, 12:01am
Oh Svenn!!!   I'm sorry !    :-[

Kick some beast ass... willya??

Sending you some "kick ass" vibes right now!!

tina     :-*

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by CathiP on Oct 17th, 2003, 12:14am
Awww, Svenn...Tell the General the war is over...he should pack and go home >:(
Gather your artillery, and go kick some beast....he's NOT bringing you it?
Now, go out there, and give him got plenty here who will be right behind you at each step.
Paradise is not lost, you HAVE to know that.....

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Charlie on Oct 17th, 2003, 2:22am
Ah Shit, Svenn  >:(

Nice run but this sucks big time. Do some major damage to the General. Maybe you could change your name to Sitting Bull. That worked well for the Sioux  8)

Thought Norwegians were quiet types. We can send over some pissed off Red Sox fans to help out with your construction problems. Nobody wants to deal with them now. Scare the shit of em'......Let us know 8)

Keep fighting friend.


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by suzy617 on Oct 17th, 2003, 3:09am
Hi Svenn,

Sorry your getting hit again.  The beast has a way of making us feel that he lost our address sometimes but the damn thing must have radar or something.

Hang in there.  I hope its a short cycle for you.
Stay hard.  ;)


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by juvy on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:10am
Hey Svenn,

*gentle hugs*

I'm sorry both bastards are bugging you.  Hang in there and continue to fight the good fight.  We're here for you bud.

Lots of vibes coming your way,

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by cathy on Oct 17th, 2003, 5:32am
:'(...Svenn sorry your getting hit again  :-/  time and time again you've been there holding me up hope now I can return the know where to find me!


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by ZAIRA on Oct 17th, 2003, 9:25am

Don’t repeat these words. They are “anti beast” Italian words. ;D

So sorry my friend.... :'(

Brave and strong Viking, fighting for some time, if you know nothing else, know that we do feel your pain and that we love you. We’ll not let the beast win this war! >:(

I send you my vibes so that your cycle go away ~~~~~~~>

Zazi :-*

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 17th, 2003, 9:51am
... what's worse?... Clusters or Polititians?...

There's ways of getting either off your back for a while, but the bastards always find a way around it...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by echo on Oct 17th, 2003, 10:07am
Read this has happened to you just plain sucks my friend.  Hang in there -- kick his a ss.

Vibes that this is a short visit.

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by LasVegas on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:54pm
We are here for you.
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by jonny on Oct 17th, 2003, 5:06pm
Welcome back General Svenn,

Let me know if you need me to come there....I have plenty of RPG's (rocket propelled grenades) that we can use to stop the highway ;D


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Roxy on Oct 17th, 2003, 5:26pm
Svenn, I've got a 20 gauge you can use on the politicians.... ;D.....wish I had something to take care of the head....... :-/.

Sorry you are having to deal with all this, if it helps to it, you've got plenty of friends here.


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by oringkid on Oct 17th, 2003, 6:34pm
Damn!  I was just writing in another post that you had appeared to vanquish the beast!!

Sorry it's back, but I'll send you a War Hammer!!  You can use it on the polititians OR the CH OR better yet, BOTH!!

Hoping it's a fluke, or at the very least, that you've gone episodic like Edna said.  Two year remissions aren't too bad to live with.


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 18th, 2003, 12:03am
bigass vibes going up to you Svenn,
You can beat the General!

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 18th, 2003, 3:16am
What is it you are always telling me?  Breathe deep ... Concentrate ... Don't give in to it ... Get that O2 mask on ... Do you know how to use it properly?  Should I give you some lessons?  (heehee) ...

You always have vibes and a good word for us, now it is time to send some your way ...  You know I am pulling for you ...

Get your head straight, and then you can take on the politicians ... Don't let them ruin that beautiful place!  You have plenty of experience kicking General Cluster's ass, now do some woop ass on them damn politicians!

Pulling for you, my friend.  Kick some serious ass, in both camps!

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by River_Rat on Oct 18th, 2003, 11:31am
Hang in there bud, Just take it one day at a time. Soon they will be gone.

LEE----sending Vibes your way

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by taraann on Oct 20th, 2003, 2:37am
Well Said Chuck!  Hang in there Svenn you got tons of VIBES coming from me in little ol' New Hampshire!  Shout out to me anytime you want/need to vent I'm always here to listen friend.

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Major_Headcase on Oct 20th, 2003, 10:54am

So sorry to hear that the beast has returned to haunt you ... you've been a great help to me in my short time here and I truly wish you PFDANs. Hopefully this cycle will be a short one for you.

Also disappointed [but not surprised] to hear that politicians in Norway have their heads up their butts too. I hope they can still see the light from there ...


Title: Huldafolk
Post by floridian on Oct 20th, 2003, 1:41pm
If it were the Norwegian refugee camp known as Iceland, you could claim that you had a vision of the "hidden people" there, and that construction would drive them out from their home and make them very angry spirits.  Really, roads have been rerouted in Iceland for this reason. I don't suppose the Norsk government would fall for that.

(The hidden people are like leprachauns or gnomes - supposedly, God went to visit Eve, and some of her children were unwashed, so she hid them from the great bearded one.  Seeing through the deception, God proclaimed "That which is hidden from me now will always be hidden" and the kids became spirits.  How they got from the Garden of Eden to Iceland remains a mystery ;)

Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Svenn on Oct 23rd, 2003, 5:05pm
Thnx all of you.Have had 3 nights now with 8 hours sleep.Thats 3-4 hours more then what is normal for me.
Only mild shadows left"i hope"

Still fighting the highway-plans with all i got.Any good advice i axept .Thnx anyway


Title: Re: "General Cluster" has returned
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 23rd, 2003, 8:52pm

I am so sorry.  I now understand why you didn't know who I was the other day in MSN..  I forgive you my friend.  The beast made you forget.

Kick it's ass with all the vengence you can muster.  We're all here for you.

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