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(Message started by: TerryS on Oct 16th, 2003, 9:39am)

Title: Be Happy
Post by TerryS on Oct 16th, 2003, 9:39am

PREMISES (Dimensions for Living, 1995), James Moore relates an
experience that occurred in a New York art museum. One special
thematic room exhibited paintings only of roads. There were
depictions of busy modern interstate highways, big city crowded
thoroughfares, attractive landscaped parkways, happy neighborhood
streets, remote mountain trails and quiet country roads.

On one wall hung a large painting of an unusual road that had an
ethereal, spiritual look, done in soft pastel colors. The caption
beneath it read: "The Road to Happiness." Two women approached
the painting. One of them was visibly moved and said, "Isn't that

But the other responded sadly, "Of course it's beautiful. The
only problem is, there's no such road!"

I suspect she may be right -- happiness is not a place. It is not
a destination. It is not a future port of call. The problem
is...we want to "arrive" at a point when we are happy. We think
"If only I could do such and such" or "When this or that happens,
I will be happy." When we think like that, happiness becomes a
condition we hope to experience in the future.

Writer Barbara DeAngelis says something different about happiness
(REAL MOMENTS, BDD Audio Publishing, 1994):

   "Happiness comes from the old English word 'hap,' which
   means 'chance' or 'fortune,' either good or bad. In other
   words, what happens to someone. Happiness literally
   means the experience of being with whatever is happening.
   Although when we say, 'I want to be happy' we are usually
   projecting ourselves into the future, happiness, by
   definition, can only be found now, in this moment.

   "If you can't be happy now with what you have and who
   you are, you will not be happy when you get what you
   think you want. If you don't know how to fully enjoy $500,
   you won't enjoy $5,000 or $500,000. If you can't fully
   enjoy taking a walk around the block with your mate,
   then you won't enjoy going to Hawaii or Paris. I'm not
   saying that having more money or more recreation won't
   make your life easier. It will. But it won't make you
   happier because it can't."

You are already on the "road to happiness"! Look around. Breathe
deeply. Enjoy. You can be happy NOW. Indeed, happiness can only
be found in the present.

This is a good time to pause in your pursuit of happiness and
just be happy.

© 2001 Steve Goodier

Title: Re: Be Happy
Post by Turts on Oct 17th, 2003, 7:41am
OOPS sorry TerryS,

Didn't mean to BUMP into you.

Can I buy u another beers since I spilt this one?

Title: Re: Be Happy
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 17th, 2003, 7:48am
...If you don't know how to fully enjoy $500,  you won't enjoy $5,000 or $500,000...

Shit!   Somedays, I'd settle for $5, even though I'd like to give the $500,000 a shot!   ;) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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