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(Message started by: BarbaraD on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:26am)

Title: Great Idea for Convention
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:26am
Ok guys you all got the wrong idea of what we actually did in Florida.... It was NOT all fun and games.. We did some WORK along with all the stuff that everyone's been posting.

One thing that did come out of it was a GREAT idea to get people to convention.... how to raise the money for it.....

Every night before you go to bed - clean out your purse, pants or whatever of ALL your CHANGE -  put it in a can, piggy bank or whatever.  Once a month ROLL it and put it up. This should be saved for CONVENTION. You'll be surprised at what you can save up for convention.

Now, before you come to convention TAKE IT TO THE BANK AND GET GREEN BACKS. Don't bring all that rolled up stuff with you - it gets a little heavy toting it around.

I thought this was a great idea. I have a three pound coffee can I'm dumping my change in. And you'd be surprised what I find in the washer.  :o

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Great Idea for Convention
Post by juvy on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:46am
when and where is the next convention?

Title: Re: Great Idea for Convention
Post by don on Oct 16th, 2003, 8:29am
As of this moment the only answer I can give you is that it is next year somewhere not in New York.

We are working on it though, wont be long.

Title: Re: Great Idea for Convention
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 16th, 2003, 10:27am
Go to the OUCH business board and read the discussion and see what the thoughts are on the place for the next convention. There is a Member's Forum to give your opinion.

It's just like Congress -- if you don't let your elected officials know what YOU want - you ain't got a BITCH afterwards.... Same way with votin'    Don't vote - Don't Bitch....  8)


Title: Re: Great Idea for Convention
Post by juvy on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:08am

Well since I'm not in the US, you guys/gals can decide and I'll just show up, when and where i'm told to. :)

Me Bitch?  only every other 30 seconds.


Title: Re: Great Idea for Convention
Post by Turts on Oct 17th, 2003, 6:50am
Great idea BarbaraD,

I have been doing this for a while now. Money tin size of a large coffee can is half full.

In addition to the loose change, any "leftover funds" from the pub, gets thrown in there too. (pisses u off the next morning when u think u spend two hundred on a night on the town)

PLus any gambling wins.

I estimate about 1,500 dollars.

Thats a free flight from Kangaroo land to the US.

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