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(Message started by: ave on Oct 16th, 2003, 2:34am)

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by ave on Oct 16th, 2003, 2:34am
I wear glasses...

If I have an aura it is before both eyes (even when they are shut).

Don't know anything else to say.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by J.ten_Dam on Oct 16th, 2003, 3:12am
I have 10% vision in my left eye incorrectable but my CH and CPH are on the right hand side
regards Joke ;D

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:43am
There are a fair number of eye diseases which can cause a cluster-like picture. If you are just starting to have clusters it would be wise to get a good eye exam to rule out such problems. The issue is to know whether the headaches are true cluster or arising from another problem.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:35am
My right eye is considerably weaker then my left eye and always has been.

My CHs were originally on the left side but switched to the right side after about 5 years.

grant              ???

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Karla on Oct 16th, 2003, 10:38am
I have been sitting in the eye dr. chair when getting hit during an exam.  My vision is 20/20 normally.  But when getting hit my vision sucks big time and it is uncorectable no matter what lens the eye dr. puts up in front of my eyes.  Nothing helps it.    

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 16th, 2003, 12:12pm
My vision seems affected when I am having an attack.  I can have attacks on either side, though usually - 80% - it is on the left and the opposite eye is affected.  It is not that I loose vision in one eye, but it is a significant enough loss of clarity that I notice it.


Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 16th, 2003, 1:05pm
... In the past, my right eye would become bloodshot, and I'd see everything with a reddish/pinkish hue... and my pain is on the right side....

... that hasn't happened for about 4 years...

And as far as vision... Ray Charles is one up on me...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by vig on Oct 16th, 2003, 1:15pm
I had an accident and injured my right eye when I was 3 and wore glasses ever since.  Cluster's in the left.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 16th, 2003, 1:25pm
Had 20/10 till i got to be 40 yrs old, then my eyesight went to hell. I do see better on my non ch side, but just barely.


Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Cerberus on Oct 16th, 2003, 2:05pm

As Far as I know I have no vision problems. Am told my eyesight is slightly better than perfect, according to my last exam anyway. Wish I had more for ya. Of course the CH always makes me sensitive to light during an attack.


Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 16th, 2003, 3:49pm
Legally blind in left eye .. get clusters on the same side.  Does my vision change while getting hit ... how the hell would I know ???  There was a thread about this about 6 months ago, but the results were insignificant.  

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Tiannia on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:15pm
With me, my eye will swell and my eye sight gets very blurred on the side that I am getting hit with the cluster.  I do not get the light sensitivity that I would get with migraines that I had in the past.  Normally, I get hit on my right side, which is where my weaker eye is.  (I was almost blind as a child on my left side had to wear a patch for 2 years to force me to use the eye and I still hve a lazy eye here) - But the CH's will shift sides and the swelling and blurred vision goes with the pain.

Hope this helps.

I did get my eyes checked when I first started getting hit and my eye site had not significantly changed, so glasses where ruled out as a trigger for me at least.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Jewel on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:16pm
I have a stigmatism (sp?) in my left eye and my clusters are on the right.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by 9erfan on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:30pm

on 10/16/03 at 16:12:58, hyperacktive wrote:
In case you didnt read the posts above, I was only asking if you had a vision problem and if your cluster pain was experienced on the same side as a weaker eye since most people who do have vision problems normally have one eye that is stronger than the other

....not whether you get aura....not whether you have vision problems when you have pain....not whether your vision changes when you have cluster pain...

Simply if it was located on the same side as a weaker eye.


Hey Hyper!

No need to cop an attitude!  People here are just trying to be helpful.


Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by andy on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:15pm
20/20 in both eyes. No vision problems ever, unless i get something stuck in there, then it hurts like hell and cant see for a few days.....Eye injuries suck really bad

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by oringkid on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:44pm
I have REALLY bad vision.. Used to have one eye worse than the other, but last time I went to the eye doc, he said they were the same ( which is bs, I can tell the difference.  He put me in 5.75 contacts for both eyes and the right is just not as clear )  But the difference has gotten less.

Oh, but (sorry) the weaker side is the right and I get my ch on the left.

During a CH I can barely see out of my left eye... but that is because of the copious tearing that my left eye does not due to a change in vision.

Sherry (who can read directions, but wanted to share the other stuff anyway)

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by 9erfan on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:00pm

on 10/16/03 at 17:46:32, hyperacktive wrote:
Hey 9erfan!

I'll thank you to not judge what you preceive my intentions to be.

I'm not judging your intentions, I'm judging how your post came off sounding.  Basically, like you were just fed up with the answers you were getting.

BTW, "more so" is 2 words.  Sorry, I just couldn't take it anymore!

Virginia -who never picks a fight with anyone.

Geez, I must be feeling really bitchy today!

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:09pm
Holy crap, I only said "is my vision worse during an attack ... how the hell would I know" because if you are legally blind you can't see a thing cluster attack or not ... so I really wouldn't know.  That line was not intended to piss ya off for crying out loud.  

I answered your question, as asked.  

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by Prense on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:15pm
20/15 in both eyes and never had any vision problems.  CH on the right side chronic.  I couldn't say that one eye is weaker than the other, and I still do not know what the heck an aura is...don't guess I get those.

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:19pm
Not friends, family.   ;)

Title: Re: Vision & Eye Problem(s) Poll
Post by 9erfan on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:34pm

on 10/16/03 at 18:19:50, OneEyeBlind wrote:
Not friends, family.   ;)

Hey-that's what I was going to say..  :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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