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(Message started by: brain_cramps on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:06am)

Title: Need a prayer...
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:06am
for my dad.

A while back, I had mentioned that his cancer had returned.  Yesterday, we got word that the chemotherapy wasn't helping as much as anticipated.  The general opinion of the doctors was that chemo wouldn't "beat" the cancer on its own, but maybe buy him some time.    (surgery and radiation are out of the question because of last year's problems.)

While going through the 4th session of chemo in 2 months, it is taking its toll.  He is in a lot of pain.

The doctors are considering dropping the chemo as the "qualtiy of life" seems more important than the "quantity" at this point.

Any prayers would be appreciated,
grant           :'(

P.S.    We are expecting the results of more tests sometime next week.

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Ann on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:14am

I'm not into prayers...but I'll send as many positive vibes as I can.  Hope your dad finds some peace.  Hang tough hon!!


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by suzy617 on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:15am
Awww Grant, so sorry your Dads not doing good.  :'(
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
I'm sure more patients then their families would agree that sometimes quality is better then quantity. We as the family would find it harder to accept.

Hugs, prayers and vibes going to your Dad,

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by nancyc on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:26am
Praying for your Dad and YOU in SC...please keep us posted on the test results... ;Dnancyc

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by JDH on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:33am
Keeping your dad, you and your family in my thoughts.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by vig on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:35am
I repeat what Ann said....



Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:35am
My wife and I are sending our prayers.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Melissa on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:36am
You got it Grant.  I want to let you know, that you are not alone in this.  If ever you need someone to talk to, drop me a line.  I know sometimes it's hard to ask for help, I know, I had a hard time doing it myself.  My thoughts and good wishes are with you, your dad and family.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by echo on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:06pm
Prayers heading your direction Grant.  I lost my father to cancer and remember well the hardships he endured during theropy.  I pray your father will be able to side step any future side effect of the chemo, and that the chemo will do it's intended purpose.

Hang in there Grant -- your dad needs you to.

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Roxy on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:13pm
Vibes and prayers headed your way.  I lost my mother to cancer and I know what a hard time this is for the family.  It is a time of devastating decisions and pain.  Know that all of our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Donna on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:14pm
This is so hard.  I'm sorry.  I lost my young dad to CA years ago and I would put my money on quality.  

My ex-husband also did experimental treatment for the CA he had in both lungs.  Again quality .

It's a tough decision but it sounds like the right one.

My prayers are with him, you and your family.

We are all just an e-mail away.  

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by taraann on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:19pm
I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.  He is definately in my thoughts and prayers, as are you and your family.

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Karla on Oct 15th, 2003, 1:41pm
Grant I am praying for you and your family during this difficult time to find peace and comfort.  I am also praying for a healing to occur for your father and that the cancer would go into remission.  

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 15th, 2003, 2:01pm
Grant, I wish you and your father the best of luck bro. I went through the same thing with my Mom 3 years ago.
My best advice is....Contact Hospice, They are a great organization that will help you and your Father deal with the anxiety related to cancer. They will also help your father deal with the pain.
Stay strong bro, Your father is going to need you!


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by ZAIRA on Oct 15th, 2003, 2:22pm

Grant, hope again.
Cancer is the worst beast but hope never dies.
Your dad, you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Zaira :'(

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Svenn on Oct 15th, 2003, 3:45pm
Vibes and prayers headed your way

Dont give up the hope


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Charlie on Oct 15th, 2003, 4:05pm
Sorry for this and some vibes headed your way.

Don't worry, you'll do the right thing and a long remission isn't necessarily out of the picture.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by cathy on Oct 15th, 2003, 4:25pm
Grant.....sorry to read about your Dad...prayers coming to you and your family.......

Cathy & Wes

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Opus on Oct 15th, 2003, 4:58pm
Prayers out for all involved.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Tim_w on Oct 15th, 2003, 4:59pm
You your dad and family are in our thoughts and prayers
Give your dad a big hug from all of us!
If you need any thing just ask!
Tim & Robin W

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Mark C on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:22pm

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by oringkid on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:34pm
Grant, I love you bro.  I know you hurt.  I know you don't want your Dad to die.  I also know your Dad is tired.  I know he hurts.  I know you want the best for your Dad.  

I'm going to send you strength... to deal with what comes.  Understanding... to realize that sometimes what seems to be the worst for you might be relief for him.  Peace... to enable you to enjoy and cherish all of your experiences together.

And to your father, I hope for validation of his beliefs.
Relief from his pain.  And the knowledge of your love.

Take my hand... its here for you.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by kim on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:42pm

Your dad and family are in my thoughts and prayers.  All the very best well wishes comin your way.

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 15th, 2003, 9:02pm
VIBES going up to you and your family Grant!!!

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Joanie on Oct 15th, 2003, 9:42pm

So sorry to hear this, was hoping for better news.  Many prayers being sent your way for your Dad and your family....

I wish you peace for you and yours during this difficult time.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 15th, 2003, 11:44pm
Thanks a lot everyone.   I really appreciate this.

and Sherry...   you have an amazing way with words.  After re-reading your post a couple of times, I suddenly felt a LOT better.   Hard to describe.

Again, thanks everyone.  You guys are GREAT!!!  :D    I'll keep you updated.

grant          :)

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Surf on Oct 16th, 2003, 12:10am
I'll be sending my prayers; Dad passed in 86 alot of things changed, hang in their and take care...Surf

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by CathiP on Oct 16th, 2003, 12:19am
Keep reading what Sherry wrote....isn't it great she's back?
You have a whole lot of people here to help you cope with a very uncertain future....lean this way....there's always someone to catch you....
For your Dad, I wish him courage, and grace and time with those he loves....
For you, G, I wish you many memories to carry you through all the days of your life....
Now is a good time to make them....forever is a good
time to keep them.
Oh, and hold onto hope, too.

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Woobie on Oct 16th, 2003, 1:10am
I'm sorry, Grant.  Sending you vibes right now!!

Hang in there.......
tina     :-*

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by TerryS on Oct 16th, 2003, 9:52am
My prayers are added to you and your Dad.

May God give your dad peace and pain free days.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Jackie on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:23pm
My heart goes out to you.  These are very difficult days for you and your entire family.
We'll keep your Dad, you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:43pm
Prayers coming for you, your dad & family. Some things in life ya can't change, the only thing you can do is cry & pray.  Know that I'll be praying for ya.  

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Leesa on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:26pm
Grant, Im sorry hun. We all are here for ya bro. I know how hard this is for you and your family. I lost my dad in 95 to Cancer. Did the chemo and all that good stuff. I hated it!! I hate to hear that anyone is having suffer through this. If we can help let us know. I got he vibes, prayers, mojo and war paint going for ya bro.
Vibes & prayers big time, Leesa

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by jonny on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:57pm
Sorry im late, Bro!!

Vibes way up for you, Mom and mainly for Dad.


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by 9erfan on Oct 16th, 2003, 7:19pm

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad.  He is certainly in my prayers, as is your whole family.

Take care of yourself,

Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by Edna on Oct 16th, 2003, 10:55pm
Grant, please know that my thoughts are with you and your dad..........praying that both of you can endure the road ahead knowing that you each have the other there with you now.

Hang on to hope, prayer can do many good things.

Praying for you all,


Title: Re: Need a prayer...
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 17th, 2003, 8:05am

on 10/17/03 at 06:42:58, Donna wrote:
You have to experience THIS type of support from your friends in Clusterville to know how much stronger it makes one feel...

I couldn't agree more!!!

thanks so much everyone.  You are definitely making a tough time much easier!     :)
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