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(Message started by: momspy on Oct 14th, 2003, 5:59pm)

Title: similar experience??
Post by momspy on Oct 14th, 2003, 5:59pm
mom of a headache sufferer, college student, with a new twist to his headaches. talked to his doctor (also a sufferer), who suggested some of you folk may be able to give insight.

headaches are both cronic and episodic for about 7 years, with bad times being 3-4 a day, sometimes several weeks. don't think he knows what a day without a headache is.  

last week he was typing study notes when one hit hard, and he zoned out, but when the pain eased he found he had kept typing, not his notes, or nonsence, either of which he could have understood, but he'd been typing about santa and his elves. couldn't remember typing it. anyway, spooked him a bit.

anyone else have this kind of episode?

spooked him a bit

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Cerberus on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:11pm

That, I have to admit, is a bit spooky, however, not totally unheard of. Sometimes ones concentration can be so intense that a sudden break in the same sparks the subconscious to take over in the interim.

 On a similar note: ancient nordic legend tells of warriors being fatally wounded during battle and continuing to fight unaware of their injuries until the last opponent falls, and only then dies. Hence the somewhat famous term "berserker rage".

So I wouldn't put too much thought into it, unless ,of course, he IS mortally wounded. :)


Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Charlie on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:21pm
Welcome aboard Mom.

It sounds to me that this may be clusters with something else involved.  It may be some kind of seizure too. Some neurological testing is needed. It's not painful, just boring.  I have epilepsy as well and sometimes I've done some odd things.

In any case, we know exactly what cluster headaches are. They are awful. If this is CH, stick around. There are some good ideas and ways to deal with this horror. You'll find some helpful posts here.

Here are two helpful links...One being our best description of this disease to help others understand that this has nothing to do with what anyone thinks of as “headache,” and the second, is a technique that I found very helpful:


Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Prense on Oct 14th, 2003, 10:01pm

on 10/14/03 at 17:59:26, momspy wrote:
last week he was typing study notes when one hit hard, and he zoned out, but when the pain eased he found he had kept typing, not his notes, or nonsence, either of which he could have understood, but he'd been typing about santa and his elves. couldn't remember typing it. anyway, spooked him a bit.

anyone else have this kind of episode?

Medications perhaps?  I could see me doing something like this when I was taking topamax.  Just a thought.

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Drk^Angel on Oct 15th, 2003, 2:27pm
Maybe he just blacked out.  I've been known to have a few blackouts when things get really bad.  You just sorta loose time, but realize you had been doing something during that time, even if you don't remember what it was.  Very weird and fairly annoying, but I don't believe it's something to be too concerned of.  Probably should talk to a neuro about it though.

PFDAN....................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by cathy on Oct 15th, 2003, 4:40pm
momspy....sorry your son is having to deal with pain on a daily basis...but welcome to the board......get your son seen by a neurologist as the mother of an epileptic I agree with Charlie...get some tests done...odd things happen otherwise they wouldn't be odd....


Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Surf on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:36pm
Hi Momspy, I call em skips, you know like a vinyl record does, doesn't quit track right all the time, ya I get em (skips) but instead of physical actions such as typing and not knowing that I was typing or walking or something it is usually a thought that got away. After and during my cycle my skips get worse, not sure why, maybe it's a;; the stress the brain is under. If this continues with, It may be a good Idea to get it checked...Take care now...Surf

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Surf on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:41pm
Oh ya forgot "it must have been the celexa"...My trusted GP says it's very safe so that couldn't be it...Surf

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Ree on Oct 15th, 2003, 10:32pm
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ::)

Title: if a million monkeys typed for eternity
Post by rumplestiltskin on Oct 16th, 2003, 12:54am
Okee dokee

Doc is a CLUSTERHEADACHE sufferer...who knows us? ...would love to know hi/her name. It's so rare and important to find Docs with CH thinks.

"hit hard...kept typing" I happen to be one who likes to draw very very wide parameters of possibililities concerning CH characteristics. I normally just let most hokey slide. Butt I uh simply find a glaring contradiction here. He types all the way thru a "hard hitting"  CLUSTERHEADACHE attack? ...uh ....and would find that "understandable"?

...well I just checked with Georgia to be certain I was not being too harsh...says I "now I'm not talkin about a bit of typing at either end of an attack darling...butt...can you imagine anyone typing all the way thru a hard hitting CLUSTERHEADACHE attack?" ...and to my surprise she assures me that she could do it. She doubled up both of her fists and pretended to bash and rage at an imaginary keyboard.

I stand corrected.

And the Santa and elves part surely made me and Georgia smile. So thanks fer the story.

Good Grief

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 16th, 2003, 1:09am
I'm no doctor... but I play one on TV...

I would think that CH attacks cause an adrenaline (sp) rush, and would produce results like that in the mind...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: similar experience??
Post by Patrick_A on Oct 16th, 2003, 3:58am
Seems a bit far out for a CH, but i ain't gonna dispute it. I once saw a boxing match where a guy got knocked out cold, but while laying on his back, his arms were still moving as if he were throwing jabs.

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