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(Message started by: Carl_D on Oct 14th, 2003, 1:20pm)

Title: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '03
Post by Carl_D on Oct 14th, 2003, 1:20pm
So far I have a DVD player, and trying to get a local music store to donate a guitar for the raffle. I need all the help I can get. I will need volunteers at the benefit who can walk around selling raffle tix, so anyone who is coming to the event feel free to email me with any suggestions or whatnot.  I have to wait and see what my financial future holds, but I am gonna try and get a cappucino/espresso maker. Anybody who wishes to donate, email me at the addy below. Thanks again guys.

Carl D

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by Carl_D on Oct 14th, 2003, 7:31pm

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by Carl_D on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:05pm
bump again guys... I seriously need help with this.

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Carl D

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by River_Rat on Oct 15th, 2003, 5:30pm
Carl, I'll donate a $300.00 Hoover Wind Tunnel Self Propelled Vacuum (new in the box), and I can also donate some time to sell raffel tickets, If the tickets can be sold in advance and people need not be present to win I can start selling them asap.

Where do you want the machine sent or shall I just bring it with me.


Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by Carl_D on Oct 16th, 2003, 2:38pm
Hell Lee, if you're coming to OUCHFest, just bring it with you. No need to spend major moola on shipping it.
Thought about how to do the raffles, and whether or not you have to be present to win and so forth.
Okies, we've got a DVD player and a Hoover vacuum from hell; any other pledges?

Carl D

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by River_Rat on Oct 16th, 2003, 6:24pm

C'mon People, out of all of us clusterheads we can only find two Item to raffel??

LITTLE HELP HERE!! I thought with all the big hearts out there we would just be flooded with items and support!

This would be a great write off, and it is getting close to the end of the year!


Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by Carl_D on Oct 17th, 2003, 2:47pm
I'm doing everything I can on this end. Been brainstorming all night and trying to figure out how to do the raffles. It would be impossible to try and track this all over the internet and etc. To be fair to everybody, there will be a number drawn from a box, once the matching number makes it to the stage after being announced and we can confirm the ticket - I decided to make this a little interesting and fun.
The winning ticket holder will reach his or her hand in the box, pull out a piece of paper, and they win the item written on that piece of paper.
We have a DVD player, a Hoover vaccuum cleaner...
I am working on getting a starter electric guitar donated from a local music store, and when Izzy stopped by this morning, I told him to put out his feelers for possible donated items.
Just think....what would I bid on?
An MP3 player...personal care traveling kit...a CD Boombox... ANYTHING that most people would say - "Ah, what the hell...gimme ten tix."

City Limits is being kind enough to donate thier nightclub for our first ever Festival, and none of the bands are being paid for this gig. This whole thing came about because my bros believe in me, and know what I go through...hell, Mike has seen me writhe a few times.
Clusterheadaches.Com was a godsend to me, it helped me stay sane when nothing in my world was; and the early onset of OUCH, Elaine took up a fund to help me get my meds when I had no way to get them.
I look at it this way...CH.Com and OUCH have done so much for me, what can I do in return?
Hell, I am so poor, these shoes on my feet have been the same ones since 2000. Don't worry, they were off for intermediate washings. Hell, I am so poor a homeless guy gave me 25 cents the other day.
Who knows? This whole event could turn out to be a bust and me feeling like a fool heartsick watering down my beer with tears. Then again, maybe this could be bigger than any of us know. Ya know, OUCH came together out of the minds of a few people in an idiots garage (and he will tell you, he is the KING of the idiots.) But it happened.
Hell, we might be doing OUCHFests all over the U.S. if things go right.

What can I give to OUCH? Nothing but my time and talents; and they are every part of the heart of me. I put everything I am into everything I do.
What can YOU give to OUCH?

Hope to see ya there,
Carl D

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 17th, 2003, 8:19pm
whoo hooo,
this calls for the cheerleader!!

I'll be printing up the brochures and sending them to you on Monday. Love the raffle drawing idea.
Great Job!!

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by River_Rat on Oct 18th, 2003, 10:31am

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:20am

Title: Re: Still in need of items to raffle at OUCHFest '
Post by River_Rat on Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:35pm
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