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(Message started by: taraann on Oct 14th, 2003, 11:27am)

Title: Update (about the fair and doc appt)
Post by taraann on Oct 14th, 2003, 11:27am
Well we went to the fair on sunday.  THe weather was nice until we got there then it started raining (almost every year we always seem to pick the day that rains to go!) but it was drizzle most of the day until the last half hour that poured (during that last half hour me and the kids waited under a canopy eating caramel apples until my hubby finished up picking out the knife he wanted to buy).  The kids had a blast, my daughter (Antoinette) esp LOVED all the animals,  she kept trying to pull me over to them so she could pet them.  But when we got to the barn with the huge Oxen in it I had to draw the line LOL (there was no way were were getting to close to those things!).  My son (Sammie) was scared of the geese when they honked at him lol.  Well as I mentioned the other day Sammie has been obsessed with Tractors lately and the whole night b4 the the morning of the fair that's all I heard "Tractor, Tractor, Tractor!".  Well as we approached the tractor pull he burst into tears and yelled NOOOOOOO!!!! lol he was very scared and we couldn't convince him not to be scared so we had to leave the tractor area and FAST!  I think it was the noise of all those beefed up tractors and the size of some of them that scared him. LOL oh well!  Well just wanted to share that with ya'll.

Had an appt with my GP yesterday.  He asked if I had any pain or stiffness in my neck and I told him lately I do on my CH side in between attacks and during an attack I sometimes get a shooting pain down my  neck on that side and that is a new symptom for me.  Well he then asked if I wanted to try some physical therapy on my neck and I told him I'm willing to try ANYTHING.  So I will find out when that appt is today.  Worst case scenerio it doesn't do a thing for my CH's (which will probably happen) but it helps my neck pain.  

Okie Dokie folks, that's my update!

Title: Re: Update (about the fair and doc appt)
Post by stevek on Oct 14th, 2003, 12:37pm
Sounds like a good time at the fair.  Looking forward to and remembering the past good times definitely helps me get through the bad days.

I spent Sunday morning at my daughters surf contest, and then the afternoon shuttling between her contest and a beach party that my 4-year was at.  Fortunately the beaches were only a couple of miles apart.  I did get hit when heading back to the 4 yo party in the afternoon.  It was very warm at the beach and I don’t do well with CH cycles and heat.  But the trex and a cold shower came through so I could keep going.  I think others thought it was weird that I had my head in the cold shower for 10 minutes BEFORE I went down to the beach.  I don’t even try to explain.  A busy but nice day:)


Title: Re: Update (about the fair and doc appt)
Post by taraann on Oct 15th, 2003, 7:09am
SOunds like you had a pretty crazy weekend!  Sorry you got hit (heat is a trigger for me too) but glad you aborted it pretty well and then kept going!  Always a goal to not let the beast ruin a day!

Title: Re: Update (about the fair and doc appt)
Post by nancyc on Oct 15th, 2003, 9:48am
The FAIR!   I loved it this year..went the day before i flew out to Florida....took my grandson and daughter in law....Tristan is only 17 months but had a ball...He rode the rides , saw the fact, he stuck his sippy cup in the Llamo's mouth and then back in his before i could grab it LOL...everyone was laughing at him!  I ate so much, I was still full when i got to Florida...steak sandwich, pizza, cotton candy, elephant ear does not make for a good flight the next morning ....But we had a blast and got lots of pictures....Strange how grandkids can change your outlook on things... ;Dnancyc Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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