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(Message started by: Mr.Happy on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:58pm)

Title: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:58pm

It's nearing election time at OUCH. Don't know about YOU, but it'll be my first. So far, in the NOMINATIONS ( category, things are sad, to say the least. Not only don't we have choices, but also there aren't  enough names to fill individual categories. If you, or someone you know, would like to actively participate in the decisive functions of OUCH.....then by all means, step forward NOW. Maybe it's just me....but I'd rather have to choose between fellow congenital idiots, than have no choice at all. Sadly enough, for better or worse,  there's a 1 yr Yule Rule of OUCH Membership required. Options are requested.

Jiffy RANT concluded. I ain't eligible for squat, and the only time I run is if somebody's chasing me..........

I fish and I vote, (

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Donna on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:41am
This isn't meant to be sarcastic.  We just need to ask ourselves honestly where our priorities are.

I, as a member, took it upon myself to post this because I agree with Randy's post.

Where are we going?  How can we do it without Officers and Directors?

I know lot's of people have a heavy load of committments and responsitilities,  but surely there are at least a dozen or so members that can offer a few hours a week to the org.

I know it's been said before, but thanks to a few people, OUCH is finally getting the recognition it needs.  We can't just let this slide.  There's a lot more work to be done to benefit the world of clusterheads.  YOU will benefit, my son will benefit, and perhaps my little 7 year old grandson (who is having somekind of headache pretty routinely now just as my son did when he was little) will benefit.

Ouch needs us.

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by catlind on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:56am
Well said Donna!  and Randy!

If you haven't been going over and reading the OUCH board you may not know some of the things going on right now.

I'll tell you about a couple of them.

1) We have a fundraising team and a store that is working overtime to help raise funds

2) We are in negotiations with the NECH for a medical affiliation.

3) I am working with 3 different COUNTRIES now on the quality of life survey.  

Yup there is LOTS on the go.  And those are just the start.  As soon as details are sorted out and we have the full picture there will be a full briefing on the above items.

OUCH is moving forwards at an alarming rate.  We need good people who can help.

Need a motivator?  Here's mine:

MY (insert expletive) HEAD HURTS!

Why do I do what I do for the org?  Because I want MY head to stop hurting and I know that I will work harder than anyone for MY head :)

Does your head hurt? ;)


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 14th, 2003, 7:27am
I'm with you Cat -- my head hurts too! :'(

That's WHY I give the time and energy (even when the energy isn't there) to OUCH.

So I urge those of you who are not involved now TO GET INVOLVED!

If you don't want to run for office (and not everyone does) then at least VOTE. Read the qualifications of the candidates and cast your VOTE! We've had a POOR turnout in the past. Find out what OUCH is doing and GET INVOLVED! Y O U can do something.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 14th, 2003, 7:59am head doesn't hurt at the moment, thanks to this board and to OUCH...but it KILLS ME that my chronic and severly hit episodic friends (FAMILY) are hurting right now!!!! other words...well put you guys :)

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by ckelly181 on Oct 14th, 2003, 8:05am
Newbie here. I'll be sure to vote, and, in a year, I would consider running. I sure want something done about this horrid thing.


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by ozzman on Oct 14th, 2003, 8:21am
Crunch time indeed!! This is an interesting proposition, by stepping up and taking a leading role in the organization you can be selflessly selfish. True, you will give up some (a lot) of your free time, but at the same time you will be working actively to once and for all make the head stop hurting!!

Some people seeing what's been done at the PANJ  Chapter have asked me to run for the BoD. After much consideration I have declined. Two reasons:

1) One year membership rule.

2) The most important, I am already actively working for OUCH, at PANJ and I would like to concentrate on the local aspect, at least until it is well in motion and seamless.

It's time to put those vibes we send each other into more concrete things, we all like to support one another, to help one another. Here is the perfect opportunity to actually do it!!

Oh and yeah of course, I too like all the rest of us that volunteer have:

1. Head that hurts
2. Lots of work (job)
3. Lots of work (around the house)
4. Family things to do
5. Friends/family/pets to take care of
6. Lots of excuses...

It doesn't matter,

Be selflessly selfless, get involved in OUCH!

OUCH PANJ Director

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Bob P on Oct 14th, 2003, 8:32am
This is for those who have already accepted a nomination.  If you would like to write a statement of your platform, where you think the org should be going and what you will do to help get it there, I would be proud to link it to your name on the nominations page.

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 14th, 2003, 3:47pm
As a current member of the OUCH Board of Directors, I would be more than pleased to continue to be a part of the growth of this organization.
I'm not sure if I can nominate myself for re-election, or must be nominated by another member.
I am committed to the future of OUCH, and will be whether on the BoD or not. There are many projects and other areas one can still be involved in to help OUCH grow.
OUCH is growing quickly, the current Officers and BoD need to keep up with this pace. We need to secure the foundation of OUCH and protect it's future.
I believe that my experience over the last two years on the BoD gives me an understanding of where we are now and what issues we need to address to make OUCH a truly structured organization.
Anyone should feel free to go to the OUCH Business Board and see for themselves if I have served in the best interest of OUCH and the membership.
Should you find that I am dedicated and my postions on issues important to both OUCH and the membership are in accordance with what one would expect from a BoD member, it would be my pleasure to continue service. If nominated, I will present a platform for my visions for the future of OUCH as well as the interests that need to be done to secure solid ground for OUCH to stand on in order to expand while making sure the base of OUCH is protected. These things I will address in detail should I be considered for re-election.
It has been an honor to serve you and I will continue to do so; if not on the BoD, then as a dedicated member assisting in any other manner I can help with.
Dave Emond

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by jonny on Oct 14th, 2003, 3:51pm
I nominate Dave for BoD.

There, that was easy enough...give'em hell Dave bro!

..........................jonny ;D

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Woobie on Oct 14th, 2003, 4:01pm
What does a recording secretary do, and does it require any amount of traveling??  

if not, I nominate RAMON to do SOMETHING.   ;D  anything.

tina  who's in BIG twubble.

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by oringkid on Oct 14th, 2003, 4:10pm
I second Dave Emonds nomination.


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 14th, 2003, 10:11pm
hey kids...ya gotta go to the NOMINATIONS page to NOMINATE someone :)

have fun!

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by suzy617 on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:25am
I put my votes in!


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Drk^Angel on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:51pm
Excuse me for my opinion (FWIW), but why does it matter?  O.U.C.H. will go on with or without an extensive list of canidates to choose from.  As long as members vote in the races that have more canidates than available positions, what does it matter if a few positions only have one person willing or able to run for it.

PFDAN.................................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 15th, 2003, 1:54pm
At the time this original post was put up, there were many positions that had no nominees, so no canidates to vote for. Now, we at least have a canidate for each position. Just a matter of timing is all from the time the first post was put up  :)

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Drk^Angel on Oct 15th, 2003, 2:06pm
Ah... Okay... I should've paid more attention to the date of the post.  Thanks for the heads-up.

PFDAN.................................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by DaveHar on Oct 17th, 2003, 7:07am
OK!.....I'm going to go way out here but I think Jonny should be VP or at least on the BOD. That is just my personal opnion. I have not made it official as I have not talked to him yet but who better then one of the original old timmers.

JUST A THOUGHT, Take what you will from it.


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by don on Oct 17th, 2003, 9:02am

sorry, i don't vote.

That should be followed with;

I also dont whine
I dont complain
I dont mind if everyone lives with CH for the rest of their lives.

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by jonny on Oct 17th, 2003, 2:51pm

on 10/17/03 at 07:07:52, DaveHar wrote:
I think Jonny should be VP or at least on the BOD.

No way, no how!!!

But thanks anyway, Dave Bro


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Leesa on Oct 17th, 2003, 7:01pm
Jonny and why the hell not?? *tappin foot* what you think your too good for this or what?? FINE!!! *stompin foot* I will take no more spankins from you then. HA!  ;)

Biting Jonny's knee caps off cuz he wont run for VP, Leesa  >:(


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 22nd, 2003, 7:59pm

that's all.  Just hmmm.   Drummer used to say this.

I stepped up to the plate. In cal OUCH.
I also have no clue as to what to do but  I did  it.

so now all of you!!!!!!!

It's your turn.      Linda H

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by ClstrHeadSupport on Nov 5th, 2003, 2:23pm
Can I ask what is expected of the person you are looking for?

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by don on Nov 5th, 2003, 5:01pm
The answer to your question can be found here;

Access the By Laws page and it will explain what is expected of OUCH officers and BoD members.

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 5th, 2003, 10:45pm
How long till we get ta VOTE??

obnoxious Mast :)

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Charlie on Nov 6th, 2003, 12:25am
Good question Michelle.

Damned if I can remember.


Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 6th, 2003, 12:57am
Charlie, I think Bob is working on the page for voting now.  I was just being obnoxious :)

Title: Re: OUCH Crunch Time
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 6th, 2003, 7:58pm

on 11/06/03 at 00:57:13, Mastifflvr28 wrote:
Charlie, I think Bob is working on the page for voting now.

In the words of Arnold......

Work Harder,
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