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(Message started by: Elaine on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:05pm)

Title: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Elaine on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:05pm
Buddy and I been planing to go to the Race in Atlanta the end of this month. We plan to camp out for three days and two nights. Have everything we need. Tent, grill, light, firewood, food, even cotts! I hate sleeping on the hard ground. Anyway, Buddy thinks cause I am having clusters again. I should stay home. He said the camping will get to me. I won't be able to get away in a private spot if I go. I say I can go to my tent and take a shot. They won't hear me anyway, they will all be two sheets in the wind ;-)!
Should I stay home or go? Buddy and I are asking my cluster friends to  advice me on this! ;D His idea  ;)
Do I go or do I stay home?

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by nancyc on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:08pm
All I can do is pass back the advice you gave me once, told me not to let chs rule my my vote is ...Go with your hubby and enjoy yourself...the beast is gonna come either way if he is coming...smiles,nancyc

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by cathy on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:12pm
Hell you should GO...imagine what you'll be missing, hard ground....bugs and nippy things...greasy cooked food with a hint of smoke....more bugs and nippy things...back to nature..a hole in the ground for the necessaries....leaves instead of loo roll....cold water to wash in......getting the cans out and realising you have no can opener so building a fire only to find noone has a match...yep I say go and have a really good time!

Cathy  ;D

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Jackie on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:13pm
Staying home is not even a consideration.....but, of course, you knew what I'd say...... ;D

You go, have a good time, hug Buddy for me and cheer for Dale Jr..... ;D (cause I will be.... :P)

Love you my friend,
Jackie 8)

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by ShariRae on Oct 13th, 2003, 7:20pm
You know the motto "Never Give Up. Never Give In"
oh..and have an awesome time!

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by BobG on Oct 13th, 2003, 7:32pm
Hi Lady,
Depends on what Race you're talking about.

If it's camel or dogs or horses or any kind of animals racing, Don't Go.

If it's airplane races, Don't Go.

If it's hot air ballon races, Don't Go.

If it's cars racing it depends on what kind of car racing.

If it's raced on a road course, Don't Go.

If it's one of those roundy-round go-fast-and-turn-left races, hhmmmm. OK Better yet, Don't Go.

If it goes in a straight line for a quarter of a mile at 315 mph in 4 seconds  :o Go Go Go  ;D

Bob- "Accelerate til you see God, then brake" - G

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 13th, 2003, 7:36pm

Hi E

By all GO girl !!!!!           8)

Have a great time !!!


Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Edna on Oct 13th, 2003, 7:42pm
OH but Buddy should have known he'd lose if he left it up to us!!    ;)

LIFE even with ch is worth living!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing you the best time to be had, and tell Buddy we certainly appreciate his confidence in us here!!

Love to you and Buddy both,

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by stevegeebe on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:09pm

Steve G

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:31pm
go to the freakin races...
get out of the house...
maybe the cold nite air will even help :)
my opinion,

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Miklos on Oct 13th, 2003, 9:23pm

Loo Rolls: Wasn't he a popular singer in the '70s and '80s?

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Turts on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:01am

Hi Lady,
Depends on what Race you're talking about.

If it's camel or dogs or horses or any kind of animals racing, Don't Go.

If it's airplane races, Don't Go.

If it's hot air ballon races, Don't Go.

If it's cars racing it depends on what kind of car racing.

If it's raced on a road course, Don't Go.

If it's one of those roundy-round go-fast-and-turn-left races, hhmmmm. OK Better yet, Don't Go.

If it goes in a straight line for a quarter of a mile at 315 mph in 4 seconds   Go Go Go  

Bob- "Accelerate til you see God, then brake" - G

I had to quote BobG. My thoughts EXACTLY, unless the horse races are heldon ladies day for me then Ill go for sure ;) ;)nugde nudge

But hey you have to go. Dont let the bastard win.

As I have seen here The Beast turns upwhen least expected.

So maybe expect him everyday and he will keep the hell away.

Maybe the beast dont like no races??

Will you have better seats at home?

Wishing you all the best either way.


Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by sandie99 on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:05am
My advice: GO!

I don't anyone of us should let ch rule our lives more than it already does!

Best wishes & PF times,

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by suzy617 on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:08am
I say Run Forest Run....
Dont ever let the beast keep you from doing what you want.
Hope you enjoy yourself!  :-*


Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by taraann on Oct 14th, 2003, 11:06am
I say GO!  Have a blast even if it's in between CH's!

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by maggie_may on Oct 14th, 2003, 11:13am
Definitely go!  The camping sounds great this time of year!  Don't let the beast get to ya and run your life.  


Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Roxy on Oct 14th, 2003, 12:10pm
Gee E....wish you were coming up here..... :-*.

Get your butt out of the house, just don't forget the trex.  Never let the bastard slow you down.... :).  (psst...not Buddy, the ch'

Have fun sweetie!!!

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by aprilbee on Oct 14th, 2003, 12:55pm
I am going to play devil's advocate here and say, you might want to go when you are out of cycle, whether you want CH to run your life or not it does take a pretty big chunk out of things you can do!  

I for one, and this is just what I would do, would stay home, I can't even fathom having a CH and not have my shower, or my bed with my pillow and my ice and familar surroundings...I've had a CH at my in-laws and I stayed just long enough to be able to drive with my head still pounding I drove home so I could be comfortable and in a familar place and it makes my CH go away a lot easier.

Your husband is only thinking of you and you might want to listen to him (I can't believe I just said that  ;))  He's seen you go through this and wants the best for you...there will always be camping and races right???  

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but If I get attacked, I don't want to be anywhere else but home  :)

Good Luck sweetie!  I hope if you go you have an awesome time and don't get hit!!   ;)

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by oringkid on Oct 14th, 2003, 1:06pm
Go, Go, Go!  The vibrations of the racing will probably knock the beast out anyway.  And heck if you're in the stands... no one is going to notice anything wrong with you even in the middle of a hit!  The people around you will be acting weirder than the Ch would ever make you act LOL!  Heck, even if you start crying and screaming, they will just think your favorite driver is losing! LOL.

Don't let the beast get ya down and don't let it ruin your good times!

You go and have fun kiddo!

(ps though, try to stay upwind of wood smoke)

(missed you E)

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Elaine on Oct 14th, 2003, 2:39pm
The goes out number the stay homes! Looks like its going to be a fun week end! Its not this week end but next week end. Its the Nascar Racing they use to call it the Atlanta 500 but they changed the name not sure what they call it now.

Jackie you know Buddy will be pulling for Matt Kenseth, or Dal Jarret, or Kurt Bush!

I told Buddy if I can go around the world to the convention when I am getting hit and have a GOOD time. I can go to the race and have a good time. If I did not have imitrex I would stay home for sure.  Imitrex is my wonder drug. I am only in pain a very few minutes when I have it :-)!

Are you home yet Roxy? I wish I was headed that way also. Most all the people going know about clusters not that they understand but they know so I see no problem.

Buddy it looks like you are going t have me tag along after all :-)!

Now I got to figure out what to feed 15 people for three days and not go broke. LOL

Oh Cathy I am a real camper I got a blow up full bed to go in our tent. It even has a frame won't be on the ground. I have a light for inside the tent and a lots of bug spray :-)! Charlie has a mortocycle he is bring me home Saturday to take a shower. I got it all figured out. I even went and picked out where we will camp already. All I have to do Friday night is throw on a pot of chile and they are fed. Buddys cooking breakfest Saturday and Saturday night I guess it will be hamburgers and hotdogs and chips. I plan to come home Sunday! That leaves Buddy to clean up the mess. They are on their own Sunday!

Yep I will never let any type of pain stand in my way of living and having a good time. I hope all of you do the same :-)!

Well I guess I best get out in the shead and get stuff out cleaned up and ready to go !!!

Not that I am one to say I told ya so Buddy ! But I told ya :-)!

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by thomas on Oct 14th, 2003, 2:41pm
I'm getting hit hard right now, and I now that I could go to a na$car race I would go in a heartbeat.  Just stay away from the adult beverage.  Oh and bring earplugs.

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Charlie on Oct 14th, 2003, 5:28pm
It depends on how big you are into left-turns all day.

You'll have fun E, especially if you're into masochistic adventures  :o


Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Elaine on Oct 14th, 2003, 6:34pm
Thomas that name I like my dads name is Thomas and so is my Brothers. I hope you are ok! I won't drink. I know better ;-)!

Charlie I worry about you some times!  ;D

Charlie you would have enjoyed the last race I went to. There was a woman at the race my age (no not me) that had on a dog colar with spikes on it and her old man had a leash hooked to it. We all geathered at the camp fire to watch her wait on him. She dressed him in the mornings, and she waited on him hand and foot. All the men were all eyes. Buddy said Looked at me and said OH Honey are you taking all this in...I told him don't even go there  ;D You know me I just had to go over and speak to her.  I started to loan her my leather cuffs but decided to keep them ;-)

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by Charlie on Oct 14th, 2003, 10:55pm
Cool E.

Sounds like Sally. She would never be the dominant though. Had to break it off.  It hurts so good. SMILEY.gif

Your slave, Charlie

Title: Re: The races should I go or stay home?
Post by BuddyH on Oct 15th, 2003, 6:04am
You have leather cuffs??? Hmmmm…… I am always the last to know anything around here.

I guess this means your going. I guess this also means us men have to reframe from getting drunk, telling dirty jokes, farting, and NO wild women. I hope my friends will still talk to me when the race is over!

We will have fun, if you get to hard to handle we will just handcuff you to a tree or something. Maybe Brownies Collar will fit you I have a leash.

All joking aside I am glad you’re going; I just don’t want you to get out there and not have any fun. I always have fun when you’re around. I been looking forward to spending the time alone with you all year. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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