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(Message started by: SommelierCH on Oct 13th, 2003, 10:38am)

Title: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by SommelierCH on Oct 13th, 2003, 10:38am
My thanks, and my hat’s off to:

OneEyeBlind, Roxy, Miss_Deleny, Edna, Jackie,  Mastifflvr28, brain_cramps, angry_bear, jonny, UnsolvedEquation,  Mr.Happy, andy, Prense, Melissa, juvy, ozzman, TxBasslady, gmlevenhagen, pigeon, stevegeebe, DJ, BarbaraD, aprilbee, LasVegas, mikezz, River_Rat, Charlie, BobG, Kirk, Lori. These are the people who E-Mailed our last Target.

I will now consider you 30 people, our core group, you are the ones who will be here every week (you know, within reason).I hope this idea becomes an anchor for this site. I hope that ClusterHeads out of cycle will check in every week to see what they can do to help.

ATTENTION:  Once you write a letter to an E-mail Target, you can use that same letter for all the other targets. Write your letter in “Word”, then just “copy and paste” into each message box. That’s what I’m doing now on this post. You do your spell check in “Word” and paste into the message box. Save your original letter and just recycle.

The plan is to have all the ClusterHeads and Supporters around the world focus on one Target every week, with a barrage of email. We only want them to know… that we exist… Everything else WILL follow.

There will be 52 Email Targets every year. We are starting out with the media.

This weeks E-mail Target is Barbara Walters and the television show 20/20.

From the 20/20 contact page:

"E-mail 20/20
We Want to Hear from You

Do you have questions or comments about a recent 20/20 broadcast? Ideas for issues or stories you’d like us to explore?
Tell us what's on your mind!"

Tell a small part of your story in a few paragraphs, or just ask them to do a show on us. Who knows what will eventually get through.

For those of you having a hard time getting started here are a few ideas.

Short bio’s of personal hell.
Hassles with Doctors.
Hassles with Insurance.
Hassles with Employers.
Definition of our pain.
How we deal with our families, how our families deal with us.
Remedies we’ve tried, to relieve the pain.
Meds that fuck up your life.
Financial burden of CH.
Internet medical support groups in general.
Any life-threatening misdiagnosis’.

Post back here if you emailed Barbara and 20/20, it will encourage others to get on board, and even a one word reply will help to keep this thread alive.

Sowing seeds,
David J.

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by BrainPudding on Oct 13th, 2003, 10:50am

good plan. i sent them a message. do i get to be on tv? will i have to shave?

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 13th, 2003, 10:54am
You make this too damn easy!!
Took me less then 30 seconds to "submit".
I have my little speach saved in notepad.
copy and paste,
gotta love it.
Thanks so much,

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by aprilbee on Oct 13th, 2003, 10:58am

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Melissa on Oct 13th, 2003, 11:03am
David, did you check out the reply I received from ABC news in the Ted Koppel thread?  You might want to, for I'm pretty sure it is not a canned response.


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 13th, 2003, 11:25am

(did anyone else get an error in the "mailform.html" page?)

hoping it went thru,

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Jackie on Oct 13th, 2003, 11:47am
Ok David.....another one 'out the door'.

Ya know what....... ???  I think we just may land on something one of these days.... :)

Jacks 8)

Title: Baba Wawa
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:22pm
Copied and Pasted, but I didn't _Speel_ check it.

No postage due,

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by pigeon on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:26pm
I'm in.


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Melissa on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:31pm

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by DJ on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:20pm
Mine's there too.


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by jonny on Oct 13th, 2003, 2:29pm
D D D D D Done ;D


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Prense on Oct 13th, 2003, 4:37pm
Done!   ;D

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Miss_Deleny on Oct 13th, 2003, 6:14pm
Mine's in for the supporters  ;)


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Edna on Oct 13th, 2003, 7:57pm
done deed....thanks once again David for making it so easy.

Only wishing more of the people who visit with us here would take the few seconds to send in their own lil message..........perhaps it will catch on!

pf wishes,

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:16pm
Hey there, David J,
Greetings from Texas......

Did my good deed and sent the email !         8)

BTW....thanks for sending the healing doll to D.J.         :-*


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by BobG on Oct 13th, 2003, 8:26pm
Mine's done.

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by andy on Oct 14th, 2003, 10:24am

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by ozzman on Oct 14th, 2003, 10:42am
Done deal


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Lori on Oct 14th, 2003, 8:49pm

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 14th, 2003, 9:28pm
DONE!   Let's keep this going..... please take the time to do this!

This is a GREAT idea, and we HAVE TO MAKE OURSELVES HEARD!  It is a must, for all those out there being told they have a 'sinus problem', migraines, etc.

Mine was a bit lengthy, but what the heck.... it went through.  LOL

Luv u guys.... PFDN

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by Charlie on Oct 14th, 2003, 11:01pm
I'm cool


Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by LasVegas on Oct 15th, 2003, 12:31am
Emailed Barbara Walters.
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: E-MAIL TARGET:Week of 10/13/03
Post by juvy on Oct 15th, 2003, 6:34am
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