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(Message started by: Angelus on Oct 12th, 2003, 10:44pm)

Title: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 12th, 2003, 10:44pm
Havin some bad pain wondering if theres anyone to talk to. :'(

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:05pm
Hello Angelus

o i am so sorry you are having such a hard time :'(. But we are all here for you. I notice you are only about 20 min away from me. email me any time if you need to talk.
wishing you PF tari

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by BobG on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:05pm
There's 3 or 4 of us here. Tell us about the pain.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:14pm
Thanx for getting back to me. didnt think anyone was here. I think my cycle is just starting up. this one seems to be a real wopper. And of course got nothing for it.  :'( ran out of pills. I just wish sometimes it would end. I am so sick of this. Have such a hard time with the doc's that seem to think its not worth helping. I just wish they could go through this for one day and then maybe they would know what its like.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:24pm

Hi Angelus,
Sorry you are going thru so much pain.  It's a shame you are out of medication.  

Ice paks work well for me...but if you are out of meds, I don't know if that will help or not.  Do you have 02?  Can you get to a place with some cold ac vent or a fan?  Just a suggeston....It helps sometimes.

Sending you lotz of pf vibes.......hope you get to feeling better real soon.        :)


Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:30pm
Thx for the vibes nope i don't have any o2 i just stuck my fan in the window and will sit in front of it and hopfully it will help i will also try the icepac i hope to god it helps. Not fun at all. And its so hard to get the meds at times cuz they r so expensive i have tried imitrex but it does funny things to my preseption so my doc has been giving me samples of Amerge and that seems to help. But its not very often i ever have them. I have been using endocet for what little good it does but it does seem to help some. but of course all out of them.
thx for the info i will try that and hope it helps. if anyone else can suggest something It would be very apreciated.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:31pm
Angelus if you are having one now wrap a towel around your head with ice in it as TIGHT as you can match the pressure on the inside. When its over you need to go to emergency at the hospital and tell them its cluster and you need a proscribtion for imitrex. Tell them you will see your doctor as soon as you can then go to walk in clinic in the morning and tell them the same thing you should get enough imitrex between the two to get you though until you can see your doctor on tuesday. If all else fails email me and we can work something out.

Hang in there this will pass

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:42pm
The ice seems to make it hurt even more. :( would heat work?
I have tried imitrex and it screwss iwith my head makes me feel funny. I have found that amerge is the only thing so far that works. But i havve to see my doc for him to get me some samples cuz can't afford to buy them :( don't know would emergency give u them at the time or will they only give u a perscription?

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:54pm
Heat usally makes it worse for me but you can give it a try i hear some go in the shower and turn on the heat as hot as they can stand it. If you go to emergency and tell them you need amerge and can't afford it they may give you some but not really sure. that one you will have to try. But you got to try this will only return again. Hate to see people in pain and no meds.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:59pm
Some do get in a hot shower and let the water run on their neck.  Unfortunately, there is no pattern...what works for some does not work for all.  

No advice on the er....never had to do that.  Attack would probably be over by the time you get there.  Don't know how long you have had the pain, and how long an attack usually lasts for you.  Guess going to er is up to you.  I have read alot of posts here where when they have gone to er...all they get is narcotic drugs.  But you have to make that decision as to whether to go or not.

Let us know how you are doing.... Wish I could do something to help.  But I know I can't     :'(


Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:01am
Its just getting worse. The hot seems to help but not enough i think i will have to go to emergency and see what they can do. I will try the hot cloth for a little longer maybe even stick my head in the shower under hot water but if it dosent go away soon i will can the ambulance and hopfully they can give me something at the hospital.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by BobG on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:01am
If the ice makes the pain worse try heat. Many people use heat instead of ice.
Vigorous exercise is something you can try as soon as you feel the pain starting.
And if the pain comes on during sleep, try sleeping in a sitting up position or at least have your head elevated. It won't keep the pain away but seems to help a little.
I saw your post a few days ago where you mentioned that you have not told your neurologist about the cluster pains. Also you said it was from a TV program that gave you a clue to what the pain is.
Please click on the 'cluster quiz' button on the left side of the screen and take the test.
You also need to get to your neurologist and get a diagnosis to be treated correctly.
Under the 'medical info' button on the left is good stuff on medicines for clusters.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:13am
i took the quiz and it said thats what it could be. After seeing that program it seems to fit what i am going through right on the dot. I get migranes all the time too and headaches 24/7 but these ones r the worst and i am pretty sure thats what these ones must be. i have had the migranes since i was 9 then these ones everyday started when i was 16 after i started getting sezures. They did all the tests and found that my brain is all full of spots of grey matter and they said thats whats causing the seizures and the migranes but these ones i have all the time they still have no idea. I told the neuro a bit about these CH cuz before they started i just got the pain in the right eye and that was it. so i do have tests at the end of oct. but then they moved so now its the whole jaw up to the temple and into the eye. so i think thats what they must be i see the neuro in jan after the eye testing and another mri so i will tell him then about it moving and that i think they r CH's

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Mikey on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:14am
first welcome to the family, and second, tell us a little more about yourself like how does your pain develope, where is it mostly located, how long have you been a cluster head, what all meds have you tried?  For instance, have you tried Verapimil, depakote, lithium, etc?  Have you ever tried O2, and did it help? Get back to us , and let us know how things are, and the answers to these and some other questions.  There are alot of us here, maybe one or two can help.

Good luck and PFDAN to ya!

Mikey,  ;D

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:23am
Thanx Mikey i am so glad i found this site didn't know there was such a site and its nice to know i am not alone and other people know what its like to go through this.

the migranes started when i was 9 and these daily headaches started when i was 16 and am taking Endocet for tehm. and the suspected ch's started about a year ago maybe less can't really remember and i am 24 now and all this has basicly ruined my life. had to quit school and can't even work its so bad. I don't get to many good days. i have tried alot of different stuff for the migranes probably everyting in the book but i have found that amerge seems to be the only one that seems to help them. don't know enough about cluster headaches to know if that will help them. i suspect if imitrex works for them then amerge will as well cuz imitrex works for migranes.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:47am
:) Thank god i think its starting to subside. It feels a little better i hope its starting to go away. Thanx to all for yer support and help i will let u guys know what happens with the doc and other things.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by BobG on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:52am
Somebody will be here.

Open 26 hours a day.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:55am
How are you doing angelus? ok just got off taking to my sister who works in a hospital and she told me in canada they will give you amerge for free if you can not afford them so go to emergency dept. good luck and let us know how you make out ;)wishing you pain free

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by BobG on Oct 13th, 2003, 12:59am
G'nite tsayswhy and Angelus.

I'm off work in 10 minutes and I'm going to Vegas.  ;D

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:25am
night bob and thx for the help. Have fun in vegas

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:26am
Thx everyone who helped i think its dulled down enough for me to try and sleep. hope i can nite all and thx again.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:28am
good nite hope you sleep well!

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Angelus on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:56am
thx tsayswhy i hope so too.

Title: Re: Ouch!
Post by Surf on Oct 13th, 2003, 1:57pm
Angelus, Hope you got some z's and pf vibs going out to you...Surf...oh ya the ice thing, I found that it will hurt at first then the colder the skin gets on the head and neck the duller the pain no gain only sometimes...take care now all of you... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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