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(Message started by: jakereason on Oct 11th, 2003, 11:02pm)

Title: Fun, Fun, Fun
Post by jakereason on Oct 11th, 2003, 11:02pm
Thanks for the support from my last post - I can't tell you how much it means to finally find people who understand what a nightmare this is.  I'm 2 weeks into this episode and the headaches are being weird.  Normally, I get one thumper a night - lasts around 30 to 45 mins and then it's gone.  However, on some nights I just get a little blast and it's over in 15 mins.  Whereas last night I a very interesting headache that decided to stick around for 2 hours.  There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to my headaches at the moment except that I'm scared to go to sleep.  My neuro has prescribed O2, verapamil, topomax and zomig.  I haven't started the verapamil cos it messes with my balance and I don't want to take topomax cos I'm sick of anti-deppresants.  The zomig is making me feel really nausiated and my neuro says I can only take 10mg at the most 3 times a week - 5mg on the other 4 nights.  5mg of zomig with the O2 just isn't cutting it.

I got a massgae from a great body-worker on Friday morning and she said my whole skull was spasaming.  I try to relax and breath when I get an attack but I'm now getting pain in my left nostril when I breath through it.  I'm tired of dealing with these bloody things, I'm tired of dealing with the unpredictability of the headaches and not knowing which one will be a bad one.

Just wanted to check in and verablize what's going on.

Jake ???  ???

Title: Re: Fun, Fun, Fun
Post by cathy on Oct 12th, 2003, 11:57am
Hi Jake, one thing for sure is that there is no rhyme or reason like you say for the beast, he just beats out the rhythmn whenever it takes his fancy, and he seems to be wide awake when you all want to be fast Vig says CHit happens...hang in there, hope things get better for you,......!!

PF vibes your way.


Title: Re: Fun, Fun, Fun
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 12th, 2003, 12:43pm
Jake,  First I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the beast, unfortunately as inconsistent as the headaches are right now, you may find your cycles just as inconsistent; whereas what works one cycle, may not the next.

As a 20+ yr sufferer.  This last cycle (this past spring), for the first time EVER, I had my cycle broken with Verapamil (360 mg twice daily).  I have never ever had this happen, they have ALWAYS run their course no matter what I tried and I do believe I've done 'em all!  My drs have prescribed Verapamil in the past, but not many realize that in order for it to work on the cycle, the dosage has to be high enough, but you do have to be careful of b/p.  My neuro prescribe 240 x 2 and I upped it to 360.  He was a little surprised when I told him this, but did agree with me, the problem with the Verapamil is that most docs are not prescribing a high enough dose for it to work.  It does take a while for it to kick in.  

I've decided the heck with everything else, from now on when I feel a cycle start, I'll be reaching for the 360 Verapamil.  

Just an idea that has worked for me after trying EVERYTHING.  Good Luck

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