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(Message started by: miapet on Oct 11th, 2003, 3:07am)

Title: Question.
Post by miapet on Oct 11th, 2003, 3:07am
hello, i'm sorry if this question was previously asked/discussed, but i am seeking information.  Has anyone here (or does anyone know of anyone who has) successfully applied for SSD?  i am hoping a precedence (sp?) has already been set.

Thanks you,

Title: Re: Question.
Post by Karla on Oct 11th, 2003, 4:09am
I am chronic and suffer 8 ha a day.  Have been like this the last 6 years.  I also get aprox 4 migraines a month.  I would end up in the ER aprox 4 times a month for 4 years straight.  I was unemployed for a year.  I applied for disability 3 years ago based on ch and the depression it causes.  I was deniged because of the ch but approved for the depression.  I was on an antidepressent and was depressed over being in constant chronic pain.  I explained that I found it hard to impossible to focus or concentrate during my employment or to do anything else for that matter.  When I was at work I wasn't at work because I was in bathroom bangin my head throwing up etc hiding.  I was approved the first try and within 6 months.  Good luck on your attempt should you decide to try.

Title: Re: Question.
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 11th, 2003, 5:47am
Yes you can, for quicker and better results you should have a statement from your doctor and neurologist. They will have to fill out forms again from SSA stating your Cluster Headaches are severe enough that they insist you cannot work.
However, when you apply, you should tell them you are willing to work with them on finding a job you can do. And do whatever you can to work. Not only is it good therapy for yourself, but also a sign that you are willing to do everything in your power to become self sufficient.
It is very important that you fill out all forms in complete honesty, you'll be filing out many forms, they will check them for inconsistancies on both what you tell them and your doctors tell them. Don't mail in forms if possible, meet with them face to face. Bring in your own statement as to why you cannot work, or only work part time. Report all income you receive, cash or otherwise.
Bring along information about Cluster Headaches for them to read. Stay in close contact with your agent, never lie or even embelish on anything you say or write.
SSA will only give you assistance, not enough to live on, so it's very important you do all you can to find ANY type of work you can handle. Are you Chronic or Episodic? If Episodic, tell them when your cycles begin and end, again honesty is the issue. Cluster Headaches are considered to be disabilitating to a degree. Once you have done all of the above, you'll most likely know within 3 months whether you qualify or not. If you do, you will most likely have a 3 month "Trial Period." You will get assistance during this time, and possibly back pay for time you could not work because of doctors orders. During the waiting & trial periods, do everything possible to work and report all income to your agent.
Once you qualify and go through the trial period, they will most likely put you on another 12 month assistance. During this time, and I'm assuming you'll have found some type of work and reporting it, you'll stay in contact with your SSA agent. You then have to prove to them you can earn enough on your own to get back off SSA assistance. 9 months of income above the income rate they give you (these are non consecutive months) will allow you to drop the assistance, which should be your goal. If you cannot prove self sufficiency over time, you will then qualify for Medicare as well. This is a serious situation, only apply if there are no other avenues you can take. For your future, you must fight this Beast with all you have, for your own dignity and for your fellow Clusterheads. If you need help, you can E-mail me. I will only help those who are willing to help themselves to do everything possible to make it on their own and are completley honest about all questions. Hope this helps clarify a few things, E-mail me if need be.

Title: Re: Question.
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 11th, 2003, 7:58am

on 10/11/03 at 04:09:57, Karla wrote:
...I applied for disability 3 years ago based on ch and the depression it causes.  I was deniged because of the ch but approved for the depression...

That, in itself, would be depressing, at the very least.  (I'd probably have gone "postal". >:()

Have to wonder who draws up those guidelines or makes the decisions.     ::)

grant               8)

Title: Re: Question.
Post by BobG on Oct 11th, 2003, 6:16pm
Click on these blue lines. They may help in you search.
           SS disability benefits site.
Carl D (2-2-01, advice on disability benefits
  Trip 6-30-01 document on current disability laws (from Migraine Awarness Network)
           Links to imformation to get help

Title: Re: Question.
Post by FrankF on Oct 11th, 2003, 6:35pm
I agree with Dave_E regarding filling out the forms. You need to fill out the forms completelt and honestly leaving no blank spaces. The time spent filling them out may decide whether you get approved or not (My wife was in an auto crash and is permanently disabled. I filled out the forms for her and she was instantly approved for SSDI).

Title: Re: Question.
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 11th, 2003, 6:45pm
Right Frank!
No blanks!
There will not be enough room to answer some questions, attach a paper with question #'s and answers in order.
Simply put "see attached" for these areas. Leave no question unanswered.

Title: Re: Question.
Post by miapet on Oct 12th, 2003, 1:09pm
Thank you all so much.  I really appreciate your quick responses and genuine help.  mia Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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