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(Message started by: BillyJ. on Oct 11th, 2003, 1:42am)

Title: A good description
Post by BillyJ. on Oct 11th, 2003, 1:42am
A good description-

A start on educating doctors-
I hope these help someone.

Title: Re: A good description
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 11th, 2003, 2:12am
Good sites Billy!
I'm going to be seeing 3 new Neurologists in the coming month, one of which doesn't believe there is any such thing as Cluster Headaches! Although this heathen feels that way, I'm not seeing him for CH. But, after other tests for this other unknown disorder, I'm going to call him on his opinions about CH. I'm loading up an arsenal of information and will add these.
One of the articles was written by a Doctor in Denver where I used to live, and I'm only a few hours away from there now. Think I'll try to contact him as well before I go see this ...... fill in the blank Neuro?!
Thanks for sharing those articles, it's refreshing to read from a Doctor who really offers a good description of what us Clusterheads really go through!

Title: Re: A good description
Post by stevegeebe on Oct 11th, 2003, 6:28am
Thanks Billy.

Get'um Dave!

Steve G

Title: Re: A good description
Post by suzy617 on Oct 11th, 2003, 6:43am
Hey Billy, how YOU doing?

Miss ya,

Title: Re: A good description
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 11th, 2003, 11:27am
Hey Billy!!!!
You may have come across something that might help me more than I could have imagined!
Dr. Klapper, in Denver, ...
Annette will have to finish for me ...

Hi Billy !  We went into the website for the Denver Headache Clinic and then ended up calling and leaving a message, hopefully we can get Dave into this place.  This doc is doing clinical trials on several things in addition to Cluster Headaches and  may or may not be able to help us find out what is wrong with Dave right now.  We have also called our family doc and asked him to help get us in if he can.   We haven't been looking at this much hopefulness for awhile now... so even if this doesn't work out for us, YOU have given us something to look forward to in a big way.   :D
Are those by any chance wings poking out between your shoulder blades?  ;)
Will keep you posted.  Thank you for your research and post.    
Annette and Dave

Title: Re: A good description
Post by Charlie on Oct 11th, 2003, 1:08pm
Thanks Billy.

This stuff is pretty damn good. Nice sites.

And......good luck Dave. It's time you get a break


Title: Re: A good description
Post by cathy on Oct 11th, 2003, 1:24pm
Billy thanks for the links.....Good luck Dave from moi too... !!


Title: Re: A good description
Post by don on Oct 12th, 2003, 12:10am
OUCH has recently become affiliated with ACHE.

Title: Re: A good description
Post by BillyJ. on Oct 12th, 2003, 12:54am
    I'm doing good sweety.How ar YOU doin?You were
due for the beast to visit in September right?Well whats
your status?
Annette and Dave ,
      "  We haven't been looking at this much hopefulness for awhile now... so even if this doesn't work out for us, YOU have given us something to look forward to in a big way. " WoW,I don't know what to say
I hope it does work out for you!Wish there was more I
could do to help.
"Are those by any chance wings poking out between your shoulder blades? "LMAO Horns maybe above my
ears!Only way I'll ever have wings is to get on a plane!

      Yes I knew about OUCH joining up with ACHE,I think
its probably one of the best things that could happen.
I informed my neuro about this as well as your trip to
Rome,and some basic info about OUCH.She was very
supprised,interested,impressed and excited about it all.

   The first time I saw my Neuro (for Migraines)she
gave me some info to read,on the bottom of the page was the ACHE adress where she had printed the info
from so I went there and that was the first place that I ever saw the term Cluster Headache.So I typed that into
the search bar and found my new home on the net.
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