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(Message started by: taraann on Oct 10th, 2003, 7:40am)

Title: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by taraann on Oct 10th, 2003, 7:40am
Hubby and I are actually getting out of the house without kids this evening (just going to do some regular shopping but it'll be very nice without the kids)  
Then at some point this weekend we are going to a local fair.  Going to enter my son in the child's pedal tractor pull LOL.  I love this fair ... it's on the small side and it's pretty local so I always bump into ppl I haven't seen in awhile (it has carnival rides, all kinds of food and clothes and objects for sale, tractor pulls, all kinds of farm animals) and the kids have so much fun (my son is OBSESSED with tractors lately so the real tractor pull will be fun for him)!  Keeping my fingers crossed the beast stays away atleast while I'm at the fair!

Ok so whats your plans this weekend?

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by jimbo on Oct 10th, 2003, 7:49am
I'm going bow-hunting this weekend with my son just like we do every weekend in Oct. and Nov. My wife becomes a hunting widow for two months every year. She's pretty cool with it though because she knows that its the thing that I love to do more than anything in the world. I guess I got pretty lucky when I found her about 22 yrs. ago.

I'm still not sure what she sees in my stupid-ass.LMAO



Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Turts on Oct 10th, 2003, 8:43am
Sorry to say that I have a weekend of rest and soul searching to do so I can  drag my arse thru another week.

On the good side ill going to do this at my holiday house in Newcastle.

180 degrees of ocean views.
200 metre walk to the ocean

140 metre walk to the pub.

Ive decided that the alcohol will either bring on a kip 10 and bash my head in, or Ill find a night of rest and escape from the beast.


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by thomas on Oct 10th, 2003, 8:47am
Golf and watching my girlfriends son play football tonight.  Leading rusher in the state of Wisconsin for high school.

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:04am
Good morning, Taraann.....

The fair sounds really neat.  The pedal tractor pull is something I have not heard of.  Bet your son will have a blast!    8)

For me, I am going to the high school football game tonight.  My grandson is on the team, so I am gonna go watch them kick some major butt!  LOL

Tomorrow, (Sat.) I am gonna put some baby back ribs on the pit and then I'm gonna have a feast !  

Thank you, sweetie, for the messages.  I hope you are doing better today.  Take care of those sweet babies of yours....too soon they will be grown and gone from home.  Just remember....even when they are grown, they keep coming back. LMAO             ;D

Hope you and Sam have a nice time shopping and spending some time "alone."          8)

Take care sweetie,  if ya need anything at all, please let me know.

Jean (from Texas and LOVES all you Clusterheads)      :-*

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Ann on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:28am
I had planned on going to help a friend but up drywall this weekend...but after reading Turts description of his "holiday House"  I'm heading there.  Screw the drywall!  ROFLMAO..... anybody else coming to Turts?

;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Edna on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:49am
Yeah REST.....LOL

Had a busy end of the week.........went to Canton, MS for the annual Craft sale and walked ALL DAY LONG!!!!

Had a blast though......and then tonight is a wedding for a young couple that bowls on our league!!  FUN STUFF

Tomorrow is a little bit of shopping cuz daughter needs new shoes pronto!!  

AND then Sunday is the Lord's day and I'm hoping he helps me rest!!!

Hope you all have at least a little bit of pf time to enjoy the weekend,


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Leesa on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:51am
Well.........after hearing what Turts has up for this weekend Im with Ann Im heading in to Aussie country!! What time should we be at the Pub?  ;) Have drywall to hang, carpet to lay, a potty to install, cabnits to get back up, and lord only knows what eles we will get in to round here.

Tara, yall need to come to TN round the third week in Sept. antique (sp) tracktor show and pull. We live in "tractor central" LOL
To all the football warriors who are playing this weekend KICK SOME BUTT!!!
Jimbo, enjoy your hunting trip and hope ya get the "grand daddy" of all deer!

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by suzy617 on Oct 10th, 2003, 10:22am
Going upstate New York to an Octoberfest with bunch of friends for 2 days. Lots and lots of beer.  Thank God I'm not in cycle yet...


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by stevek on Oct 10th, 2003, 11:23am
Friday – After watching my daughter’s volleyball match, take her surfing.  My new board is awesome and there is a nice NW swell today.  Then hurry home for anniversary dinner with the wife (better not be late but the surf is nice today).

Saturday – Take son and daughter surfing.   Help set up for HS booster club fundraiser.  Another volleyball match.  Then off to younger sons school fundraiser.

Sunday – All day surf contest (my daughter’s first HS contest) and beach party for the little one.

Monday – back to work to rest


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by gmlevenhagen on Oct 10th, 2003, 12:18pm
Tonight Cards with the in-laws

Sat - day taking my youngest to the pumkin patch to pick his pumpkin, hay rides, pony rides and a mase.

Sat-night - Hunted houses, and bar hopping

Sunday taking oldest son to Yu-gi-oh battle something or other

Fun Fun and more Fun


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by aprilbee on Oct 10th, 2003, 12:54pm
Does no one watch college football???  Its a huge weekend!!  OU Texas, and Miami Florida State just to mention a couple!!  

I am getting a massage at 12:45 and then I'm sitting my ass down and watching some College football and hopefully hold off the beast for the weekend!

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Karla on Oct 10th, 2003, 12:59pm
Friday is busy.  My husband and I have a church banquet to go to and as soon as that is over with we are headed out to my sons H.S. football game.  They are undefeated at 6-0 and the team they are playing this week and next week is 6-0 also.  Cant miss these intense games!  Praying my sons team wins tonight and captures the city championship.  Sat. I have leadership training by John Maxwell from 8-10am followed by Bible school classes from 10-3:00.  Then I am going to a friends house for a cookout and play some card games.  fun!  Then Sunday is the Lords day and we will spend the day at church since my husband is a minister.  No rest for the weary or is that no rest for the wicked?  Hmmm.  Either way I have a weekend packed full of fun and adventure.    

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by ZAIRA on Oct 10th, 2003, 2:24pm

on 10/10/03 at 07:40:14, taraann wrote:
Hubby and I are actually getting out of the house without kids this evening (just going to do some regular shopping but it'll be very nice without the kids)  
Then at some point this weekend we are going to a local fair.  Going to enter my son in the child's pedal tractor pull LOL.  I love this fair ... it's on the small side and it's pretty local so I always bump into ppl I haven't seen in awhile (it has carnival rides, all kinds of food and clothes and objects for sale, tractor pulls, all kinds of farm animals) and the kids have so much fun (my son is OBSESSED with tractors lately so the real tractor pull will be fun for him)!  Keeping my fingers crossed the beast stays away atleast while I'm at the fair!

Ok so whats your plans this weekend?


Nothing particular ;D, we will walk in a mountain path to reach a glacier in the Italian Dolomite (they say that they are the most beautiful mountains in Europe ;D), near Austria border, to see the fresh snow which came in the last days, 2500 mt height. It will be tiring, but if you love the mountains you do all efforces.
Have a nice week-end to you all..... Zaira (mountain lover&mountain climber ;D)

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Jackie on Oct 10th, 2003, 6:26pm
BIG plans here.......LOL
NASCAR, Football, Baseball...and I'll probably shoot some skeet if it doesn't rain... :D

Had to hurry and get my housework and cooking done tonight.  Blake has been in Illinois visiting his Mom....he'll be home tomorrow....hungry (she's a terrible cook) and pissed (she's a real downer).  Bless his heart... :P
The good news is......he's had NO hits for 3 days!!!!!!

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by kim on Oct 10th, 2003, 6:34pm
Roundin up kidds and headin for the river early morning.  About 2 hours from Long Island up and over to Hawley PA.  Some ant-eek huntin and festival prowlin, and then we'll sit on the porch and eat some good food and watch the river flow :)  .........bee a nice break from all this baseball tension ;D.........not that I won't be keepin my eyes peeled ;)

happy trails fellers :) and pfdan*

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by cathy on Oct 10th, 2003, 6:35pm
I always have BIG plans for the weekend but they never seem to materialize, I reckon it's cos men have always tried to convince us that this.... >>>>> is six inches so we get confused as to whats big and what isn't.... ;D

Jackie great news about Blake....hope his PF time continues...


Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by taraann on Oct 10th, 2003, 6:39pm
Wow sounds like you all have busy weekends planned!  I hope you all have lotsa fun.  Jackie that's great news about blake here's some extra vibes it stays that way!

Well my plans for tonight flopped ..... really could have used some alone time with hubby but my bro (who was goind to babysit) is being a brat AGAIN and isn't babysitting hubby is out looking for him cause he took off mad and cocky AGAIN.  *BIG SIGH*  Oh I just don't know what to do with or for him anymore.

But our plans for the fair are still on so I'm happy bout that!!!!  THat'll be a blast and NOTHING can ruin that day!

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by BobG on Oct 10th, 2003, 7:47pm
My weekend will be like most weekends.............

Gotta go to work........

But I don't mind working weekends.
I'm the only one here.
No manager, no linemen, no electricians, no Troublemen, no Testmen........just me.

And it's a 3-day weekend. Monday is a holiday so it's triple time $'s ;D

I can work on the hot rod after I get home from the bank.  :o

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Charlie on Oct 10th, 2003, 10:03pm

Nothing particular , we will walk in a mountain path to reach a glacier in the Italian Dolomite (they say that they are the most beautiful mountains in Europe ), near Austria border, to see the fresh snow which came in the last days, 2500 mt height. It will be tiring, but if you love the mountains you do all efforces.  
Have a nice week-end to you all..... Zaira (mountain lover&mountain climber

Geeze Zaira. That's all?  :o

My weekend is going to be hectic:

Watch a History Channel tour of the Chunnel.
Thaw out lunch.
Turn on the game.
Break into the new bag of peanuts I just bought.
Watch the game.
Turn off the game.
Thaw out dinner.
Start a dumb thread here if I have time.
Tape Saturday Night Live so my Sunday will be a full one
Rewind my CSPAN tape collection.
Read Jonny’s, Kim’s and Pep’s latest Sox and Yankee blogs.
Time for my Ginger Snaps and 1% milk.
Too tired to hang on.
Good night kids.

Worn out old Charlie

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by kim on Oct 10th, 2003, 10:19pm
HOLY :D.......charlie, i dunno y but i am   l'g my assawf. ; man ;)...............okay.  wannna play spit? :D

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 10th, 2003, 11:43pm
... this is the first weekend I've been home before 10pm saturday, in four or so weeks...

So my plans are to introduce Mr. Crown to Mr. Coke...

I'm thinking it'll be the start of a beautiful friendship.... and a shitty hangver. ;D

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 11th, 2003, 7:36am

on 10/10/03 at 22:19:42, kim wrote:
...yubeeeepredddybored man ;)...

Think that's boring?

How about "work---study---eat---study---go-fer-a-walk---study---eat---sleep-for-4-hrs---study---eat---study---go-fer-a-walk---study---eat---sleep-for-4-hrs---study---eat---study---wish-i-could-watch-football-while-studying---TURKEY-DINNER---sleep-for-1-hr---study---sleep-for-4-hrs---DAMN-its-Monday-already---work---study..."

at least the Turkey dinner is a bit of a change-up

grant               8)

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by stevegeebe on Oct 11th, 2003, 7:40am
Finish the drawings on my Brother-in-Law's addition.

Get ready for October pilgrimage to the Smokys. (Yes!)

Watch the LSU/Florida and Saints/Bears game.

Steve G

Anybody from TN/NC...tell me that the week after next is going to be peak....please.

Title: Re: Any big plans for anyone this weekend?
Post by Ree on Oct 11th, 2003, 10:46pm
anyone from Boston is watching the Sox this weekend......... i guess that's me too... people with a life would do other wise.  

can anyone get me a life... cheap??? Ree Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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