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(Message started by: OneEyeBlind on Oct 9th, 2003, 7:55am)

Title: Update on Christopher
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 9th, 2003, 7:55am
Once again, thanks for all the prayers and support.  Here's another update from my sister.  

> Dear Friends and Family,
> Well, we are packing our bags for round two of chemotherapy which
> starts Thursday.  We have enjoyed our time at home for the last week
> while Christopher's counts have improved.  Everyone is doing well thanks
> to the prayers for all the Smiths.  School work has been accomplished,
> chores
> resumed and a return to semi-normalcy.  
> Most days Christopher is the first one up as 7-8 hrs of sleep is all that
> his mind will allow.  (For a teenager
> and one who needs a lot of rest this isn't quite enough)  He is being
> weaned
> off the steroids and is now at 1/4 the amount he started with!  His hand
> is still in great working order so the swelling has apparently gone down
> in his brain.  Hallelujah!  His energy level continues to be low but he
> is great at conserving it for important times, like youth group and
> friends
> visiting.:)  He even cleaned out the fridge for me the other day when he
> had a burst of energy.  (No, I'm not sending him to your house!)
>      He completed his 14th and last whole brain radiation treatment
> yesterday
> and now gets 5 boosts to the largest tumor.  After that we wait and see.
> He has a CT scan and an MRI scheduled for the 23 of October to evaluate
> how all man's medicines are working.  Since we know that ultimately the
> Great Physician is in charge we are not anxious about the results.  This
> is
> indeed a great gift from God that we do not sit around wondering or
> worrying.
>     On a special note, Christopher received an incredible gift
> the other day.  My (Maryann's) big family bought him a laptop computer!
> When Christopher received the letter that informed him a week ago, he
> cried.  He was totally overwhelmed with the generosity and love he felt
> from his extended family.  Fed Ex delivered it yesterday and he smiled
> every time
> he checked something new out on it last night.  It was always his dream
> to have one.  
> It will enable him to do what he enjoys most which is high tech stuff I
> don't understand.  It
> will also allow him to stay in touch with everyone even while in the
> hospital.
> Since there are so few things he can enjoy due to medications,
> treatments, energy level
> etc.  this is indeed a gift from the heart.  THANK YOU ALL!
>      I'm amazed at how far reaching these e-mails travel.   Christopher
> has been touched
> by so many he doesn't even know.  The clusterbuds have really made us
> smile.
> (They are my sister Nancy's e-mail friends from all over the globe who
> share cluster
> headaches.)  We love going to the mailbox because cards out number the
> bills!:)
> Know that even if you don't hear from us you have touched our life in a
> special way.
> Continue to pray............................
> Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
> plans to
> prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
> In His Steps,
> Chris, Maryann and family

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by cathy on Oct 9th, 2003, 10:01am
Thanks for the vibes are still coming to Christopher....!!

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by suzy617 on Oct 9th, 2003, 11:01am
Alway have Christopher on my mind,  thanks for keeping us posted.
Your one tuff guy Chris!


Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by ShariRae on Oct 9th, 2003, 3:35pm
Prayers & vibes still goin out..You are always in my thoughts.

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by Jackie on Oct 9th, 2003, 3:39pm
Thanks for the update, Nancy...
Christopher is a remarkable young warrior.....with a remarkable family and support group.  We could all learn from his example.
Please keep us posted....

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by jonny on Oct 9th, 2003, 3:59pm

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 9th, 2003, 6:16pm
Yea Jonny, I do a lot of that lately ...  :'(, but somehow, someway I also have to find the time to  :D.  I don't do as good a job as Christoper does though ...... cause he always shows his teeth.   ;D.  Teeth ... did someone say teeth ???  Remind you of anyone ????????

LOL.  Now all of you ........... go nominate someone for the OUCH board that you think might help our long term cause. Cause those that sit on their butts only get fat and cranky !

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by Charlie on Oct 9th, 2003, 10:11pm
Thanks for the update and you know how we all feel.

Having this to cry about this sucks bigtime but I will say that it won't hurt. It may do some good even.

Charlie  :-/

Title: Re: Update on Christopher
Post by Edna on Oct 10th, 2003, 10:05am
I'm with you Charlie pal...........BUT, some of these tears here are for the GREAT outlook that Maryann, Chris and family have had dealing with this tough road.

Hopefully, Christopher can now join us here if he gets to with his new computer.

Maryann, remember, tell Chris to remember my card.....LAUGHTER is always the best medicine.  That card was so fitting coming from a cluster bud, because Lord knows that laughter is sometimes the ONLY thing that keeps some of us going here.

Still praying and keeping Christopher and his family in my thoughts,

warmest wishes loaded with smiles,
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