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(Message started by: Turts on Oct 8th, 2003, 6:30am)

Title: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by Turts on Oct 8th, 2003, 6:30am
Gday All,

Im an episodic sufferer, who has "advanced" from a cycle a year to three consecutive cycles since easter this year.

I've been coping with the demands of work extremely well.

I work for a very large print company. As scheduling manager I am responsible for organising and prioritising the workload and flow through the plant. This is working 5 days a week, (usually 10-12hrs a day) being accessible 24/7 including weekend.
(at least with CH im awake when they ring me at 4am lol)

Now last week, I just could not face work after a kip 10 night. Took Monday off and went in Tuesday, and got struck hard- hardest that colleagues have ever seen. This understandably freaked them out and and I was sent home to "sort myself out" and "rest to get other this". I ended up with a week from hell and took the week off.

I realised I had not educated them as well as I thought.
So Monday armed with OUCH US and UK employer letters, Margis typical attack letter and the opening page from this site I emailed them the info so they knew what was going on.

It has now been "suggested" that I am not able to handle my position while I have a HA.

A few options have been mentioned,
1. move into a position that they would have to create  (therefore making it easier for redundancy later on?!?)

2. Go back to previous dept where I have trade and work 3x12hr days a week with 4 days off.

3. Or battle on and prove them wrong.

Simply I dont know what to do.

If i do a 3x12hr shift with 4 days off, I would like to start an OUCH australia, covering Aussie insurance, and worker laws etc.

But if I stand down, have I given in the beast and let him win this chapter of my life??

Sorry for the whinge and moan, but I am at a loss.


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by Donna on Oct 8th, 2003, 7:08am

Sometimes good things come wrapped in newspaper and tied with dirty string.

Instead of looking at it as if the Beast has won, perhaps you now have an opportunity to do what you really want to do.  It sounds like the OUCH thing is something you have a passion to do and the only way you're going to do it is by going the 3 X 12 hr shift.  

Take a legal pad and make two columns...title one side "positive" and the other "negative" and just sort out the good and bad things.  Will you make the same amount of money?  Is there less stress?  Will it effect your self esteem, etc.

Whatever your decision, I hope you feel you did the right thing for yourself........don't give the Beast any credit.

I'm anxious to hear what you decide.......good luck!

Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by Miss_Deleny on Oct 8th, 2003, 7:09am
I'm sorry but it would be hard for me to "tell" you what to do with your career. Best thing I can advise is looking at the time you are working vs the time they want you to work ... wages vs each position ... and then .. can you do the job you are required to do while being hit?

Me, I'm a stuborn wrench! When someone tells me I cannot do something that I have already been doing, chances are I will question them as to why and then I will do my best to prove them wrong. But thats just me.

I don't have CH so it would be hard for me to tell you to do the above.

Wish I could be of more help.  :(


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by Ree on Oct 8th, 2003, 7:09am
I would go for the 4 days off and starting an OUCH chapter... If not for anything else the 4 days off give you a good break to catch up on necessary sleep... good luck with your new venture............ree

Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 8th, 2003, 7:24am
Hi Turts..
I have always told my sons ( all 3 grown & married ) to always  "follow your heart."

Go with your "gut" feeling.  Good idea Donna had.....write down the good vs the bad.  Always helps to see it in black and white.  

Best wishes to ya sure you will make the decision that is best for you.

Lotz of pf vibes being sent to ya....from the Great State of TEXAS  !!!!!             8)


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by taraann on Oct 8th, 2003, 9:18am
They all gave you great advice Turts.....Goodluck and let us know what you decide!

Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 8th, 2003, 2:58pm
Donna's advice was excellent !!!!!!  Follow that and your heart (like TxBassLady said) and you can't go wrong. Good luck on your decision Turts !!!!

Life throws us curve balls.  It's how we swing that determines where we end up !  

Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by jonny on Oct 8th, 2003, 4:59pm
Take what will keep you at the same pay scale, if you lose money the beast wins.

Probably why I work for myself, he cant touch me if I work for myself.

Good luck to you, Bro


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 8th, 2003, 5:15pm
Sometimes money stops mattering, and being content takes over.  Just my slant on things.  

Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by jonny on Oct 8th, 2003, 5:30pm
Sure....if you have no bills.


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by CC on Oct 8th, 2003, 5:47pm
what the hell u thinkin turts??? Quit your job, Move to Canada, And sell vegimite!!!!


Sry bud, couldn't resist!

Best of luck to ya, just do whatever works!!!

Title: fork the road
Post by rumplestiltskin on Oct 9th, 2003, 1:47am
S'funny...I too find myself now no longer able to do my job. Big life changes.

If we knew what was behind all the doors of oppurtunity and knew what would be the consequences to our lives as we opened each one...seems we'd still have choices which road to travel.

A couple things come to mind.

Large chasms can't be crossed in small steps.
Things are not always as they seem.

and know that white stuff in bird poop?....that's bird poop too.


Title: Re: Advise on Career path - fork in the road?
Post by Charlie on Oct 9th, 2003, 4:16am
Stall for time. Give them time to “help” you. They want to you know.  

One thing I've learned in my 57 years is to give others a chance to talk themselves into helping you. All it takes is to ask them if they think your solution is a good one.  People love thinking you need help even if it's pretty much agreeing with you. A lot of time, their input will be an improvement over your own ideas. It’s basic stuff and in any case, you have nothing to lose.  

I like Jonny's answer as well.

Good luck Turts.

Charlie (who wishes he had take his own advice more often) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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