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(Message started by: Wendy1 on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:40pm)

Title: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:40pm
Dear Dr. Gott:  What causes cluster headaches, and is there a cure?

Dear Reader:  In general, cluster headaches are severe and throbbing, occur without warning, are probably related to migraine - The cause is unknown.

Many specialists have had success in preventing cluster headaches with prescription beta blockers.....   Acute episodes are usually treated with pain medication (such as ibuprofen), oxygen or cortisone.


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Prense on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:43pm

on 10/06/03 at 20:40:32, Wendy1 wrote:
Many specialists have had success in preventing cluster headaches with prescription beta blockers.....   Acute episodes are usually treated with pain medication (such as ibuprofen)

heh...unfortunately, some of the docs we see take this same approach.  It would be SO much easier if they simply came clean and said, "I don't know."

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Zonie on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:47pm
Right on, right on, right on......and I get to start educating a new neurologist "again".  At least this time I have a "red" file folder filled with information from this board, along with a long list of all the meds I have previously taken.  Wish me luck.

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:50pm
You are absolutely right Prense, I read the article to my husband and we both just laughed.  But it's not funny, here is this guy that the whole world read, and obviously he doesn't know what the shit he's talking about....  that is EXACTLY what is wrong here.  WHY, WHY, WHY do so many ppl still not know about clusters?!  I cannot figure it out.


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Prense on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:56pm
There's not very much demand for it Wendy.  If such a small population suffers from this one neurological disorder, then why would a neuro spend his/her time trying to learn how to deal with it?  I would imagine that is the current thought process for many.  I'm guessing, but I am fairly certain that there are neuros out there who have never treated, nor been asked to treat CH.  Some may make it through their entire career without having to face the challenge.  Just a guess...

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by cootie on Oct 6th, 2003, 9:33pm
When a doc says  the word 'probably' or 'unknown'  I get worried ! He shoulda said he 'DUNNO' Pam

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Woobie on Oct 6th, 2003, 10:16pm
OK wendy

Where do I email this Dr Gott??    I think we should make HIM our email target of the week.  

This pisses me off!    Ibuprofen?

Never heard of Dr Gott before, but that wont stop me from emailing the sum bitch to let him know he needs to find a NEWER book to look up his answers in.

tina    :-*

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by cootie on Oct 6th, 2003, 10:21pm
How bout we use him as a human dart board at the next convention........a buck a toss ? Me first Pam

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Charlie on Oct 6th, 2003, 10:30pm
Dr. Gott? Funny I guess.......

I agree folks.

My current neurologist (I do not see him for CH) said when I brought up CH: "They can be very painful."

Puberty MDs.......Bleaugh


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 6th, 2003, 10:44pm
You know, Wendy & would think that some of these dr's would take a real interest in CH.  They could possibly become famous should they stumble upon a cure.

Kinda baffling......they all want to discover cures for all these illnesses and diseases.  But noone wants to touch Ch. Makes no sense to me             ???

Just seems that there has to be some sort of common denominator here.  For some reason, some of us have CH......why is it that the medical community seems so disinterested??  But guess if we had the answer to that then we wouldn't need to be here.

Interesting thread.......         8)


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Oct 6th, 2003, 11:36pm
Are you sure this guy/girl is a doctor ?
what an idiot !  >:(    ibuprofen my azz  :o

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 7th, 2003, 4:06am
Is this guy a columist? If so - for what newspaper?  Is he syndicated?  We need to get the address and write him, ask him to do a retraction. Be nice kids - remember - we MIGHT can catch more flies with sugar and all that stuff.... If that doesn't work - THEN we get tacky and write letters to his publisher and tell them he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and should not be dispensing medical advice when he doesn't know anything and send PROOF!

I agree Jean, WHY don't they TRY to help us rather than try to be SMART ASSES when they just don't know anything.  ??? Thank goodness my docs are smart enough to say, "I don't know!" when they don't know. After all they're only human.

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Woobie on Oct 7th, 2003, 4:08am
i looked him up on google.. they give the articles he writes, but i cant find any way to write to him.
maybe i'm stupid.  i dont know.

if anyone finds a way........... (i'll be nice.....promise)


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 7th, 2003, 5:03am
I can't find an address either.  What am I to do with my letter that says "Dr. Gott, you ain't GOT no brains!"

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 7th, 2003, 5:30am
OEB --- Deep breath..... Dear Dr. G.... "I know in your TWO hours on headaches in med school, you didn't have time to research Cluster Headaches thoroughly, so I've taken the time to do it for you. Enclosed please find a short synopsis of CH. You'll notice that Iboprophen DOES NOT HELP - you idiot!!!! AND you'll also notice that they are NOT migraines!!!! We would appreciate your clearing this up or a bunch of clusterheads are going to come to your house and show you FIRST HAND what a REAL Cluster Headache is!!!!"

Well, maybe we need to work on it a "little".  LOL!! Migraines and aspirin!!!!! Why doesn't he just join that guy back in the 1800s and do some blood letting?

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by RevDeFord on Oct 7th, 2003, 5:51am
Ask and ye shall receive

Write to Dr. Gott c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th fl., New York, NY 10016.

Gott is a practicing doctor who writes a daily syndicated column.  I have read numerous disagreements with things that he has said.  He is a complete idiot for suggesting that Ibuprophen be used to treat CH.  I mean, why not use an oil change to fix a busted head gasket in your car?

This definately sounds like a job for our OUCH president.

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by tommyD on Oct 7th, 2003, 7:36am
Thanks, Rev.

Spotted this crap yesterday in the Erie (Pa.) Times-News web site, but they didn't even put Gott's name on it. I sent a polite, detailed e-mail to some of the editors at the Times-News, explaining how bad it was and why.

I figure one of these editors has the responsibility of buying Gott's column. If there are enough complaints about Gott, about clusters and other topics, fewer papers will spread his misinformation.


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by tsayswhy on Oct 7th, 2003, 9:05am
dont know how to post it but i went into:
type in dailynews feedback
dont no if this is right but this is the only way i see
Dr Gott from the 1800's  ;D might be reached


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 7th, 2003, 9:07am
I've got a bottle of ibuprofen I can give to the Doctor...a really big one from Sam's Club. Perhaps he would benefit from a suppository - of the WHOLE FARKING THING!

On a good day this would get me mad.  Today, I'm glad the FCC ruled that F*CK is ok to say on-air...


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Donna on Oct 7th, 2003, 9:15am
Here's the man, but after searching the United Media site, I can't find an e-mail address anywhere.

Like the Rev says, we need to write to the media service, I guess.  

I'd like to write to the doc with a copy to United Media.

This definately needs to be addressed.

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Peppermint on Oct 7th, 2003, 10:55am

on 10/07/03 at 05:51:08, RevDeFord wrote:
Ask and ye shall receive

Write to Dr. Gott c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th fl., New York, NY 10016.

Ok.  So this Dr. Gott is in the same building I used to go for physical therapy.... only a couple blocks from where I work.  Sooo tempting to just go down there....

What would you do? :)

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 7th, 2003, 11:21am

Hmmm.. Pack an ice-pick, a ball-peen hammer and a bottle of ibuprofen.  When you are done demonstrating the effect of a KIP 5 (we don't want to be cruel, do we?), offer the Doc a couple of ibuprofens to make it all better.


Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 7th, 2003, 11:25am
So Glad you all feel my sentiments on this 'person'.  I'm like IBUPROFEN; this guy obviously hadn't a CLUE as to what he was writing about.  

So this is the address I have for him from my paper.  He's a 'so called' columnist:


c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th fl., New York, NY 10016.

Sorry, I just get so F------ pissed off when ppl have no idea what they are talking about, and they call themselves a professional, when I've almost committed suicide over these things.

Let's get 'em!

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 7th, 2003, 11:38am
Let's try this for an email.  Maybe if they get enough of us, they'll retract:

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 7th, 2003, 11:54am
Dear Ms. Puello,

Please forward this email on to you Mr. Douglas R. Stern, President, United Media:

Dear Mr Stern:

I am writing to relay my concerns about an article written by your Peter Gott M.D. in regards to Cluster Headaches.  I do not know how to reach him other than mail, so I am writing to you.

I am a 39 yr old female who has been diagnosed with Cluster Headaches for 20+ yrs. and I can tell you that the information that was printed in Mr. Gott's recent article on Cluster Headaches was false and very misleading.  The pain of cluster headaches has been compared to cutting off of one's limb with out anesthetic, and I would choose childbirth over them.  I'm assuming you would not recommend 'Ibuprofen' for this sort of pain.  Also, Cluster Headaches are not truly related to migraines and as Mr. Gott suggests, they are a totally different headache with completely different pain.  Cluster Headaches are also referred to as 'Suicide Headaches', because many people have truly committed suicide over them.  There is no cure and many people suffer horribly with these disabling headaches.  

My point being, for Mr. Gott to be representing a debilitating pain so close to many hearts, with obviously little to no knowledge of them is very disturbing to say the least.

In the least, I would expect a retraction of his statements regarding Cluster Headaches and ask that he research his subjects before 'shooting from the hip' in the future.  I would suggest he (and you) visit the website before he chooses to write about these headaches again.  And pray to God that you or anyone you know NEVER has them.  I trust you will do the right thing.


W. Smith

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 7th, 2003, 12:36pm
Carmen A. Puello
Customer Service Manager
United Media

Dear Ms. Puello,

Your web-service recently featured a column by a Dr. Peter H. Gott, M.D. in which the following question was asked:

DEAR DR. GOTT: What causes cluster headaches, and is there a cure?

Dr. Gott responded as follows:

DEAR READER: In general, cluster headaches are severe and throbbing, occur without warning, are probably related to migraine, and -- as the name implies -- appear in groups of three or four, often with extended periods of relief between the attacks. The cause is unknown.

Many specialists have had success in preventing cluster headaches with prescription beta-blockers (propranolol and others) or calcium-channel blockers (nifedipine and others). Acute episodes are usually treated with pain medication (such as ibuprofen), oxygen or cortisone.

In my opinion, patients with cluster headaches should be under the care of neurologists.

I do not know how to get in touch with Dr. Gott, so I trust that you will please forward this email on to the appropriate place.

While I do appreciate the subject of Cluster Headaches being addressed in such a large forum, I feel that Dr. Gott needs to do more research into the subject of Cluster Headaches before commenting on it (presenting himself as knowledgeable and educated on the subject).  As an Episodic sufferer of Cluster Headaches for the past four+ years, I was alarmed to read the statement "...treated with pain medication (such as ibuprofen)..."  Trying to use ibuprofen to treat a Cluster Headache is as effective as taking a peppermint Lifesaver - and a dangerous statement to make.  The term "headache" itself is very misleading. Sufferers do not experience the typical symptoms of familiar primary headaches, such as migraine and tension.  Cluster Headaches are not, in fact, related to migraines, although on the surface they are often mistaken for such.  A more sinister name for a Cluster Headache is "suicide headache" - for obvious reasons. More than half of all sufferers have considered this.

Due to the seriousness of this disease, sufferers need to seek appropriate care and any information presented about it (such as was done in Dr. Gott's column) should be as accurate as possible.

Such misinformation and mischaracterization of such a serious and severe disease is hurtful and a grave disservice to the community of sufferers (Cluster Headaches affect less than 1% of the population) who battle daily for understanding and empathy from the medical community as well as their peers, coworkers and families.

I hope Dr. Gott chooses to do the right thing in this matter and print a retraction of his statements regarding Cluster Headaches.  Before he comments again on the subject I would suggest that Dr. Gott research Cluster Headaches thoroughly.  Much useful information can be found at
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

PB Baca
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Cerberus on Oct 7th, 2003, 1:30pm

Email sent, and letter being sent in the mail tomorrow.  

tina   :-*

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 8th, 2003, 5:09am
I did my part. I sent an e-mail to the media dept. Maybe if they get enough complaints,.... well who knows. The pen is mightier than the sword -- sometimes. Come on guys -- time to STAND UP for what you KNOW is right...

That is unless you think Dr. Gott is right.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Anyone Read 'Dr Gott' Today?:
Post by Wendy1 on Oct 8th, 2003, 7:29am
If we can't get the media coverage we need and deserve, then we have to at least respond and stand up and be heard regarding false information.

Though there are not as many of us as is some other diseases, are pain IS REAL and prolly worse.

EVERY SINGLE TIME one of us comes across this sort of stuff, we NEED TO RESPOND!  It is obviouse that we are the only ones that can educate ppl.  You know yourself that most of us have had to educate our very own physicians on Clusters; I know I have.

This is a lot of the reason so many clusterheads suffer longer than needed; because of all the 'Dr. Gotts' that tell them they're having a migraine, eyes, sinuses, etc.


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