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(Message started by: Hirvimaki on Oct 6th, 2003, 3:10pm)

Title: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 6th, 2003, 3:10pm
I hate feeling needy and I really dislike coming across as a whiner, but I really do just need a few words of encouragement from you all.  I had a hell weekend with HAs all weekend.  The International Balloon Fiesta is underway here in Albuquerque and I had an opportunity to crew one of the balloons Sunday morning.  Guess what I spent the morning doing instead?  Lack of sleep, feeling icky because of the Trex and a wife who just looks sad now is taking its toll.  I know we all go through this, and I certainly do not want to sound like I think I am in-more-pain-than-thou (I know I am not), but being at work with a KIP 5/6 is sucking right now...



Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Kenzie60 on Oct 6th, 2003, 3:17pm
Hang in there, we all know how you feel.  I have been there.  Not feeling great today either.  Have a shadow of a Kip 4 hanging around all day.  Was up all night last night also with shadows of Kip 5 and 6.  Stay strong, they will pass.


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by jonny on Oct 6th, 2003, 3:25pm
Hey Bro,

I read about that balloon thingy in the Boston herald (Thats a news paper)

You hang the fuck in there and whine all you want (Did I just say that?)

We are here for ya, and fucking night (Did I just say that too?)

Ah fuck it!!! SMILE you SOB your a clusterhead...your one of the meanest bastards on this planet, damn it!!! ;D

Well, I feel better now.....LOL ;D

Hang tough, Bro....we got your back


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 6th, 2003, 3:33pm
Thank you! THANK YOU!

My perscription for coping with CH:

  My Clusterhead Family

Again, thank you!


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Tiannia on Oct 6th, 2003, 4:18pm
Take heart we are all here for you.  /huggs and wishes for PFDaN.  

Title: Where seldom is heard.....
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 6th, 2003, 4:20pm

Here's a few more encouraging words:

Verapamil, Lithium, Topomax, Shrooms.

You mentioned using Pred a while back, but nada on the Prevent Defense. Just wondered if you'd tried any of these.

And the skies are not cloudy all day,

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 6th, 2003, 4:22pm
You should have called -- we could have played solitare together. I was up all night anyhow dancing right along with ya.....

Sorry about the balloon thingy, but look at the bright side -- if you'd gotten up in that thing you'd probably have just dropped something out on top of someone's head and given them a headache...... (wellllllll, it sounds like a "fun" thing to do).

Hang in there -- things always get better eventually.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Ree on Oct 6th, 2003, 4:42pm
Hirv... Remember this will end... we are all here for you.  Good luck and chin up... ree

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Opus on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:23pm
I haven't seen Zaira here so I will have to fill in for her,



Ps Zazi, I hope I got that right ::)

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by catlind on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:32pm

As far as I can tell you didn't whine at all.  You stated that you needed some encouragement and told us what your circumstances were.  That's a different thing altogether than whining :)

Keep reminding yourself that it will end, and keep coming here when you need some folks to lean on.  There are always people here who will help hold you up when you start to slip down.

You can do it, and we can help :) (the home depot of CH) ;)


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:46pm
Hi Hirv........
Well you're NOT a whiner, and I think all of us are a bit needy when it comes to CH.  And that is what this board is about.  It's neat to be able to say what you feel and how you feel, whether it's good or bad.

.......if a post from jonny doesn't lift your spirits, then nothing will         8)    As you can see, he has a positive attitude about everything...LOL...and tells it like it is   :)

You hang in there, Hirv, and know that someone is always here.

Sending you lotz of pf vibes from Texas         ;)


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by kissmyglass on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:47pm
Hang tough Hirv... You are certainly not alone!  Kick some beast ass for all of us....


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by cootie on Oct 6th, 2003, 6:07pm
Sorry ya missed yer "up up and away" weekend in yer big balloon....... ;D..........shit happens. Hang tough.......hopein yer ok now ! Pam 'home home on the range' balloonist  ;)

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Ann on Oct 6th, 2003, 6:30pm
Hey Hirv!

I'm sorry you're going through some rough times.  Hang in does eventually get better  I promise.  As far as your wife is concerned, why don't you ask her to pop by here too?  She'll find lots of people here that go through the same type of emotions she does and she'll be able to compare notes and not feel so isolated.  Kinda like we clusterheads do....she needs support too!

Hope you start feeling better soon

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Jackie on Oct 6th, 2003, 6:38pm
Hi Hirv,
Try this....rant and rave, piss and moan, pitch a big ole bitchin' fit, cuss a blue streak.   It's called venting and it helps... :P

It's gonna get better......I promise!!!! :)

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by stevegeebe on Oct 6th, 2003, 6:55pm
Sorry it's going this way.  

I snapped at my wife before I made it to the front door.  Crossed signals in regard to status of o2 and wallgreens computer down so without Trex as well.

I hope she forgives me cause I'm trying to convince her that I will require some other form of medication.   She is my greatest supporter ya know.

Hope this brings a smile to your face.  

Steve G

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:04pm
VIBES going up to ya Hirv.
We's in chat now if ya need some chat, or even your wife!!

Take care, you are NOT alone,

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:13pm
Hey Hirv ... was having a bad day meself this mornin .... so I didn't answer your post in a timely fashion.  But I thought about ya all day ..... sending good vibes ..... and hope that helped.  Some days your baloon just don't go up, what can I say ??????  I plan on having a better day tomorrow, hope you do too !!!!!!

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 6th, 2003, 9:11pm
Thank you all so much for the enCOURAGEment I sorely needed (need)!  You all are THE BEST!  I promise to be more social when the Beast finally lets go... I'm home from work and will head out now for a long walk with the dog to try to out run the Beast.

I wish more of you lived out here. Not many Clusterheads in this neck of the woods, although I managed to track down two of 'em and we're setting up a little informal Clusterheads West...

Peace and love to you all... You have no idea how much you have helped! (The Beast (or Evil Clown as I call him) ain't got nothing on this family!)


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by taraann on Oct 7th, 2003, 12:10am
Hang in there Hirvimaki better days are ahead!  Vent anytime you want/need to!

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by nancyc on Oct 7th, 2003, 1:28am
Keeping you in my prayers..i know about those blown weekends, long nites, hurting folks around you deals...Know we are here for you anytime you wanna me it is not whining but only reaching out to those that understand you...hang in there, smiles,nancyc

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Donna on Oct 7th, 2003, 8:17am
Hirv.....Hugs and Prayers are in the air.....go out and take a deep breath.

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by ZAIRA on Oct 7th, 2003, 1:37pm

Don’t descourage :'(, if you do, you lose the match against the beast, and this isn’t good :'(. We all have aims in our own life... people to help an love... fight for this. We can’t expect happy days with the beast >:(, but life can’t ever be bad, don’t you think so? Good luck I'm with you and... Stay Hard!!  ;D

Zaira  ;)

on 10/06/03 at 17:23:41, Opus wrote:
I haven't seen Zaira here so I will have to fill in for her,
Ps Zazi, I hope I got that right ::)

Bad clusterbuddy.... you don’t have to say such things....  ;D ;D ;D (  :-* ).....

Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by cathy on Oct 7th, 2003, 3:03pm

Hope that things get better for you soon, hang tough, stay hard and grab a hold of these encouragement vibes im sending from across the pond.... ;D


Title: Re: I need a few encouraging words...
Post by Roxy on Oct 7th, 2003, 4:08pm
Hang tough and kick ass!!

We're all thinking of you and walking with you, Hirv.  Vent away......and I promise we will listen.

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