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(Message started by: Carl_D on Oct 4th, 2003, 7:05pm)

Title: Idiot for sale?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 4th, 2003, 7:05pm
I love lifes little curveballs...
Just got a call. My drummer freaked out and quit the band. Like my head doesn't fricken hurt enough now i gotta deal with this.
Anybody know where I can buy a new idiot?


Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Mark C on Oct 4th, 2003, 7:24pm
I hear Dave Grohl gets around  

Just kidding...good luck!

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Karla on Oct 4th, 2003, 8:31pm
Carl so sorry you have to deal with this crap.  I will pray that God is mercifull and drops an idiot on your door step real soon.

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Turts on Oct 4th, 2003, 8:33pm
1 cheap 2nd hand idiot for sale here.

Your classified said nothin bout playin drums, is that essential?

Is I could learn.

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by cootie on Oct 5th, 2003, 12:27am
Sorry Carl........make the next prospect take this test first.......(jus fer fun and laughs guys......ya know how good that is fer ya rite ?) Pam a total nincompoop

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 5th, 2003, 12:36am
Take as much time as you need. Bookmark this page in case it takes you several days to complete.

Way too funny, Pam      ;D

grant        8)

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 5th, 2003, 5:24am
Okay, I missed # 9, I'll give them that one.
They say I missed # 15, but their answer is wrong, easy to prove  :P

Carl, check the "For Sale" section of the newspaper, look for "used drums", probably find some idiot who was tired of playing alone   ;)

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Opus on Oct 5th, 2003, 8:38am
Any where near the southerntier of NY?
I have an Idiot brother who bangs on skins,
he is an idiot becouse he thinks he is bad.


Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Miss_Deleny on Oct 5th, 2003, 10:13am


Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Edna on Oct 5th, 2003, 10:22am
Hey Carl D

I take offense to that idiot remark!!!!   After all, I live with 2 drummers here.

AND.......if they're such "idiots" why is it that your drummer quiting on you got you in such a pinch??  eh??  seems if the idiot weren't needed you'd be happy that he quit.   ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Sorry, just messin with you pal......but from a mom who constantly here's the bad rap that drummers get.....well, I gotta come to the defense.

Hope your band is back on track soon and you find someone great to replace him soon.

From me....the mom who appreciates every beat any drummer ever makes......cuz the rest of the band would sure sound like shit without em.

wishing you the best,

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 5th, 2003, 10:30am

on 10/05/03 at 10:22:12, Edna wrote:
...the bad rap that drummers get...

They definately march to the beat of a different drummer to their own beat.

Moonie, Bonzo...    2 of the craziest!   May they R.I.P.  (or raise a little "hell" wherever they are  ;))

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Oct 5th, 2003, 1:13pm
Will work for Imitrex injections !  ;D  8)

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by don on Oct 5th, 2003, 3:09pm
I was gonna get my wife an idiot for her birthday.

She hugged me and thanked me and said it's OK Hon. I already have one.

What a great gal heh?

Gettin back to the village now.

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by kim on Oct 5th, 2003, 3:50pm
Voice from the village :D............SURE! :D  Any time ya need an idiot jes CAWL ;D  

Bang the drum :D

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by BruceD on Oct 5th, 2003, 5:31pm

Way too funny site! ... although it say's I'm a nerd :P

Take care

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by goaway on Oct 5th, 2003, 7:20pm
Hey Carl,

Yeah, I can do it.  I'm getting my neck operated on this Tuesday, but, you know, the doc says I'll only be out a couple of weeks.  Then, well, he said the collar had to stay on 24/7 for a month, but, does that matter?  Oh, and then I can't really do anything with my hands or arms for about 5 weeks either.  But, you know, I've ALWAYS wanted to be in a band.....and drum too.  Kind of like Peter Tork of the Monkees.

So, it's kinda' like fulfilling a boyhood dream for me.  Can you teach me the basics?  Oh man, like I'm soooo excited about this opportunity.  I really really am a quick learner.  I almost played the guitar once.  Oh, and I can sometimes pick up some tunes on the piano, like, you know, by ear.  Hey Carl, is it anything like playing the piano?

I just want you to know that I really really do appreciate the chance to do this.  Hey, do I get to wear some type of uniform and cut my hair?  It would be cool if all of us looked alike, don't you think?  Do I get to pick out my own chair?  Or do folks in the"biz" call it a stool?

Do I have to fill out some type of application?  How are the benefits?  Do we get vacation too?  Will we go on tour and, like, do all the way cool things like Ringo? . . . . . . .  .  :D

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by cootie on Oct 5th, 2003, 7:28pm have to pass the idiot test or at least score higher then a nerd. Pam that was way too dumb ta count

You gettin disk surgery aren't ya......if so GOOD LUCK AND GOOD SURGERY VIBES goin out to you ! (leme know how it was......I think I'm in line fer that soon nuff.....blahhh)

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by goaway on Oct 5th, 2003, 7:33pm
Just what IS a nerd?  People have called me that all my life!

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by cootie on Oct 5th, 2003, 10:52pm
Pronunciation: NERD
Function: noun
: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits <computer nerds

Sorry  goaway  ;D ;D ;D

Pam with punktuation  ;)

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by juvy on Oct 6th, 2003, 2:02am

Depends where you are located?  I know an awesome drummer over here and one in Texas.  The one here was part of a really cool band but the band broke up when the bass player died of a heart attack this summer, So he's looking for a new band and wants to try one in the US.

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 6th, 2003, 9:16am
I am offended that you are offended by my offending remark about drummers. I feel like I am entitled, as I too am a drummer. I will defend my idiocy to the bitter end.  ;D Actually started playing drums as a wee little lad, but traded them for a guitar a few years later due to the fact that drums are expensive to maintain, and I was raised kinda poor. No regrets though, learned a few different instruments; although i am ruined on keyboards until I have surgery to repai my left middle finger. Injured my arm in a fall back in January and thought I'd never play guitar again. I still play, albeit a bit hindered.
All it means for me now is more work, as if i didn't have enough to do already. Now I have to play drums on our recordings until we get a new drummer, unless they surprise me tonight when I get there. Mike was talking about calling our previous drummer, Rich back. I told him not to do anything hastily, and that we will find a better one than Kenny. Believe it or not, I am an optimist. I know I haven't always reflected that on the board, but who does in extreme circumstances.

Carl D

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by juvy on Oct 6th, 2003, 9:28am
What do you call someone who hangs out with a bunch of musicians?

......... A DRUMMER!


Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 6th, 2003, 9:35am

What do you call someone who hangs out with a bunch of musicians?
......... A DRUMMER!

LOL - Also...

Say you are lost in a forest. You find a drummer with perfect timing and a drummer with lousy timing and a lepreuchan. Who do you ask for directions?
The drummer with lousy timing, as the other two are figments of your imagination and don't exist.

How many guitarists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
12. One screws it in and the other eleven say "I can do that."

How many vocalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb. Just one, he just holds it and the world revolves around him.

Carl D

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Jewel on Oct 6th, 2003, 11:39am
Carl:  What State are you from?

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Carl_D on Oct 6th, 2003, 12:13pm
Illinois, the same state we are having OUCHFest in.

Carl D

Title: Re: Idiot for sale?
Post by Jewel on Oct 6th, 2003, 12:15pm
Hm.  Can't help you then.  Sorry.   :( Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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