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(Message started by: Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:51pm)

Title: I found this on the supporters board
Post by Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:51pm
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Posts: 2
 Cluster Victim
« on: Today at 7:48pm »  Quote  Modify  

I am a cluster Victim today I had a terrible that came in tons of headaches . I found myself gripping the ends of my hair , sitting on the floor rocking back and forth and nearly screaming in pain. One side of my eye , hurt like someone took a knife and turned it around and around inside it . I was shocked it lasted for nearly 4hours. I am so weak after wards it seems like it takes a lot out of you. What can I do to get rid of the pain when I have it? Sorry I just started haveing these I am 28 years old. It is all new to me. Sometime My pain floats around in my head. Didn't understand that but I know it isn't a regular headache that is for sure any info you can give me?  

Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:54pm
I still have the pain help
« on: Today at 8:08pm »  Quote  Modify  

I feel so sad .... I have none to talk to about my cluster problem.. My husband is the only one that talks to me sometime the go away then they come back again , I was off today from work. I wasted my whole day laying in the bed . I am so sad I just started  haveing these stupid things . I had a accident 6 years ago so could that have caused these to come about?

Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:13pm
Ree - Get her over here so we can let her know she's not alone. Sounds like CH, but she needs to take the CH Quiz and we need to ask questions.

This is so sad.  I think we all remember the "first" time these things hit and how we felt. I had two months of thinking I was crazy, ready to die and then knowing I had a brain tumor and going off to Scott and White Hosp to be diagnosed, have surgery and die. But, I was one of the lucky ones (if having CH can be lucky) I was diagnosed "correctly" after only two months - the first time around.

But it still hurts me to see someone going thru this for the first time.... Please get her over here if you can.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 3rd, 2003, 5:30am
Painvill, it's really important to get a proper diagnosis.  Cluster headaches won't kill you, but there are some other things that might that display some of the same symptoms.  If you haven't already seen a neuro you should.  A neuro will order tests like an MRI/MRA to eliminate the possibility of other more serious diseases.  

If you do have clusters, O2 (properly used .. see the link to the left on oxygen info), and Imitrex (injections work the best but this is also available in nasal spray and pills) are abortives that work for lots of folks here.  Verapamil is a preventative and can help lessen the cycle and intensity of the headaches.  This takes 30 days to be totally absorbed in to your system though, so the sooner you start the better chance you have of it helping with this cycle.  

Good luck !!!!!!!!!  And welcome to the board !

Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by Turts on Oct 3rd, 2003, 5:40am
Hey Painvill,

as stated above see the quiz,then the neuro and get on some abort and prev meds.

Serious headaches can be a symptom of something big, so get checked out. As BarbaraD said hopefully you can get diagnosed properly, quickly, so take some of the infor from this site to your neuro on appointment to help out.

Wishing you future PFDANs
Keep us posted


Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by Tiannia on Oct 3rd, 2003, 5:21pm
Ree - let he know that we are here.

Please take heart that you are not alone.  There are many here to help with answers and support.  My god they have helped me over the past 2 months.  Please get into a doctor and start making sure that you do not have something worse.  


Title: Re: I found this on the supporters board
Post by cootie on Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:46pm
It's heart wrenching to hear bout sumone 'jus' new startin out with this crap and no one to talk to......there is sooooooo much they need ta learn and know....this is a good start here ! Learn more then most docs know or can explain with this family....or least heart to heart hands on info and help treatment ! Open arms for painvill Pam Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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