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(Message started by: AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:34pm)

Title: Memo to Beast
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:34pm

TO:       The Beast
FROM:  Lizzie etal
RE:        Our appointments

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will no longer be able to accommodate our six daily appointments. While I appreciate you arriving promptly at 6:45pm every evening, since the other appointments are unscheduled we will no longer be able to continue our sordid and disturbing relationship.

I wish to thank you for making me a stronger person during our daily appointments, but must admit that I will not miss those appointments as I will be able to fill that time with useful activities including sleeping.

Should you have any problem with the cancellation of our daily appointments, please respond by memo within the next 1.26798 minutes as failure to do so will cause our relationship to cease forever.

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:40pm
So well written !!!   If only the SOB would listen to it!  He seems to be imune to sublety or directness.  A real obstinate bastard!

But, if perchance, he listens, let us know!  This board will be inundated with other letters!!!


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by vig on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:47pm
did it work?

(I tried that too, but later I found the note crumpled in his trash bin.)


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:51pm
The Beast has failed to reply.... therefore our relationship has concluded.

Having given sufficient notice, I assume I can sue for harassment if THE BEAST continues to attempt to enter my life. Isn't there some new stalker law that can be applied here?

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by cathy on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:53pm
ROFLMAO....that is soooo good thanks for the laughs... ;D

PF vibes to you..


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by SFChris on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:14pm

How the $%^# are you?  Long time - no talk.  Sorry to hear that you are getting hit so often...stay in touch.


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by Margi on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:33pm
Way to go, Lizzie!  :)

Now....if we could only find the right address for the Beast (he keeps moving and not leaving forwarding instructions).   Maybe you should send that Registered Mail instead of relying on the postal system.  

Keep that kick ass 'tude, gal.  It will get you through.


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:40pm
Awwwwwwwww Lizzie sorry you're hurting  better days are coming... believe (he hates people that believe... )that it will ree

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 3rd, 2003, 7:47am

TO:  The Beast
FROM:  Lizzie etal

Your failure to cease and desist from entering any part of my life, as shown last evening and this morning by your blatant disregard to stay the fuck away, has brought this issue to a head (pun intended).

I see that I will have to follow other avenues to remove you from my life permanently, using Beast deterrents of oxygen and imitrex until I am successful in eradicating you from my life forever.

A restraining order, mandating that you remain at least 100 feet away from me at all times, has been filed with the court. Should you decide to visit me again, I will prosecute using that restraining order to the fullest extent of the law.

Be warned, Beast, that I am onto your cruel tricks. You will not succeed. I will win.

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by Turts on Oct 3rd, 2003, 7:55am
Maybe you should send an audio tape, just in case the beast is illiterate.

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 8th, 2003, 1:42pm
To the Beast:

Fine. You win. You have all my money... all my imitrex is gone... What the FUCK else do you want from me? At the rate you're going, you ass hole, I will have no job and no place to live by the end of the year! How the hell will you visit me then? Yeah, you'll find a way. You always do. I sneak away to New York or Costa Rica... there you are, waiting for me.... waiting to pounce/stab/rip into my head.

If you keep attacking me, soon there'll be nothing left to attack.
Think, Beast, think!
If you keep coming to me at work, I lose my job. I lose my job--> I lose my house. I lose my house-->I'm out on the streets. I'm on the streets-->I die. I die-->you can't visit me ever again.  DUH!!! Why not give me a fucking break? Then there'll be a bit of Lizzie left for you to torture for years and years to come.
If you keep coming to me in public, people will think I'm nuts. People think I'm nuts-->I end up in the psych hospital. End up in the hospital-->Can't pay my bills. Can't pay my bills-->lose my house, etc...... DUH!!!

Oh, you're enjoying attacking when I'm down, aren't you? No imitrex to fight back, so you swoop in for the kill.... well you're not gonna kill me you fuckhead. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. So my social life is dead... you killed it - getting hit in public is humiliating, people either fear the CHer or pity her.

Damn it! Why doesn't logic work on you, you filthy beast? Hello? Are you even listening to me? Duh to me - of course not, you're getting ready to strike again.

I'm whiny. I'm bitchy. I'm low. I'm blue, and black-and-blue. I'm tired. I'm sore. I'm hurting. GRIPE, GRIPE, GRIPE. BITCH, BITCH, BITCH.

note: Lizzie is NOT suicidal (just royally pissed off and in pain, of course) nor has she lost her mind, despite all evidence to the contrary, but rather has regained a sense of humor

Oddly, I don't feel the least bit better after writing all this. Usually I do.....

So, Beast, get out of my life. Leave me alone or I'll come after you with a MEAT CLEAVER drenched in acid. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED BEAST....

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by miCHel on Oct 8th, 2003, 5:38pm
Just read your post Lizzie...

You had me scared for a minute.  Glad to see you are just totally pissed off.  But I am so sorry you are having it so rough right now  :-[

Too bad writing this didn't make you feel better because you expressed beautifully the relation a lot of us have with this god damn beast.  I for one could certainly relate.

Hopefully by the time I write this you will already be feeling much better.  That's what I hope for you!

Hang in there.  It will pass.  It always does...


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by suzy617 on Oct 9th, 2003, 3:11am
Just popped in to wish you well my friend. In a rush right now to go to work but will send you my phone number.  Please call when you need to talk.
Hang in there,

Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by Charlie on Oct 9th, 2003, 4:28am
Wow Cuddlepumpkin.

Hope you never get mad at me.  :o

Nice sentiments but you need to really get nasty  8)

What makes you think he can read by the way? The dumber these bottom feeders are the more time they have for you.

Pisses me off too.


Title: Re: Memo to Beast
Post by taraann on Oct 9th, 2003, 6:24am
Oh Lizzie I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain right now....Hang in there Hun....Lotsa Vibes from me to you! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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