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(Message started by: Elaine on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:28am)

Title: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Elaine on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:28am
At the convention I learned if you had a migraine you should lay down. The doctors say that if you don't lie down they will get worst.
We all know with a cluster lieing down is impossiable. But I see more and more people who have clusters and shadows on their computer and doing things that cause them to have to think and use their minds and in doing so they are sitting.
When I have a cluster or a shadow, thinking is the last thing I want to do. I am lucky to think enough to get to my meds. I got to keep moving rocking or walking. Even with a hard shadow I start moving and walking it off.
I have been where I was in a position where I had to think durning one and that seem to make it worst!
Could it be by trying to devert your mind you are actually causeing more problems?
Just a thought!

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by ckelly181 on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:33am
Holy cows - this was like a "duh!" to me.

Just a bit ago, I got hit at work here. I was able to get another teacher to take my class while I huffed on O2 in my office. I sat at my computer screen reading some posts and the pain kept getting worse. I stopped reading, closed my eyes and it started to dissipate...I'll just bet you that's what was happening!!

Argh. Can't lie down, can't stop moving, can't engage the brain...HATE this stuff....

But, thanks for the insight!


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by don on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:38am
I agree Elaine.

When I'm getting hit I have to put 100% focus on dealing with the pain.

If I dont then the duration of the attack is increased.

How the hell (Or why for that matter) could anyone under attack want to work at the computer anyhoot?

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 2nd, 2003, 12:28pm
I work in front of a computer 9 hours a day (I'm a graphic designer and that's what I do) and then go home to sit in front of the computer for several more hours to catch-up on other stuff.  It's not a "want" when I am suffering an attack.  I don't even "want" to be alive when it is a bad one, but I don't like to let the beast rule my life, either.  When I get attacked it is a whole day affair... Often I wake up at two or three in the morning and cannot sleep.  The attacks will continue for a day or two days, with very little respite in between HA's.  If it were a matter of these things letting go after just an hour or two, maybe I would not punish myself so much, but I've got a life to live (I'm curently at work with a cluster that started at 3 this morning...) and I'm gonna live it.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 12:30pm
yes............treat those shadows... it'll give you more pain free time......... no sitting when you got the Beast on ya back................ree

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Margi on Oct 2nd, 2003, 1:21pm

on 10/02/03 at 12:28:40, Hirvimaki wrote:
 When I get attacked it is a whole day affair... Often I wake up at two or three in the morning and cannot sleep.  The attacks will continue for a day or two days, with very little respite in between HA's. ...(I'm curently at work with a cluster that started at 3 this morning...)

::) I'll probably get beat up for this, but, here goes.....

I realize you say that you get little respite between attacks, but is it basically one long headache for two or three days, that just ebbs and spikes in pain levels?  Are you being treated with meds for cluster headaches?  What you're describing here really isn't typical for what most sufferers go through.  Sitting at a computer and posting during an attack is impossible for most clusterheads that I know.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic or trying to ostracize you from this group, but it's very dangerous to use cluster meds if you've been misdiagnosed.  Have you taken the cluster quiz and read the cluster traits button to the left?

OK, fire away.  But I had to ask.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 2nd, 2003, 1:31pm
Ok, here goes back -- when I get hit - I HAVE to find a focus on something other than my head... I turn on the TV and try to focus.... I hit the O2 and coffee while trying to focus on the TV (I really hate TV,but any old port in a storm)....

Then (when I do take the meds) after something starts to work and the pain lessens and I settle down a little I still have to focus on something so I hit the computer (going back to bed is NOT an option at this point.) As long as I keep busy doing something that requires "thought" of some kind I can get through it, but if I don't concentrate on something, they seem to hit back to back....

Of course I've always been a little strange (imagine that with Clusters!!!) But again, it makes me so angry to give in to something I can't control that maybe I "overcompensate".

When I can't think enough to "work" on the computer, I play solitare. Don't win a lot when I can't see the cards, but it gives me a focus. That's usually after I finish beating my head and am too exhausted to do much else.

I think everyone has their own way of dealing with the beast.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by ksmiggy on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:20pm

on 10/02/03 at 13:21:34, Margi wrote:
 What you're describing here really isn't typical for what most sufferers go through.  Sitting at a computer and posting during an attack is impossible for most clusterheads that I know.

I do not know how you can use the word  "typical" when refering to cluster headaches, reading the post on here, people have so many differences with attacks, there are only a few traits common to us all, i like to sit in front of a fan, cooling me down, others like to apply heat, ( I still cringe at the thought) , towards the end of an attack, i find a cigarette helps, but not till the time is right, we all deal with the headaches in different way's, what some can handle , others can't, I am sure what is annoying to us all, is people asking if it really is cluster headaches, i am sure no-one comes here out of boredom, people are here for support, not to be dismissed as not suffering, enough of that goes on in the real world, a lot of people on here are too willing to dismiss peoples suffering as something else, just because it is not exactly the same as their's, enough now, starting to preach.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:27pm
BD, AMEN...  I have to focus. If I don't, I would go farking crazy.

" makes me so angry to give in to something I can't control that maybe I "overcompensate."

I could not have said it better (and I certainly did not) myself.

And to answer Margi, no, I won't beat you up over it.  But yes, I do have CH.  Of that I am certain.  It took me years to find that out, and finally a great doctor.  And no, it is not one long big headache.  I appreciate your concern, I know that's where the comments were directed.  :)

I have come to realise in reading posts on this site, that there is no such thing as "typical".

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:28pm

Thank you. :)


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by cathy on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:31pm
Actually Ksmiggy not taking sides here but I think what Margi is saying is that IF Hirvimaki has been misdiagnosed then he should be made aware...usually Ch doesn't last for 2 to 3 days at a stretch...without a break....


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Margi on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:34pm
Yep, I knew there'd be flak over my post....

My POINT in questioning "abnormalities" from the definition as we know it is this (as I said in my original post):

"I'm not trying to be sarcastic or trying to ostracize you from this group, but it's very dangerous to use cluster meds if you've been misdiagnosed.  Have you taken the cluster quiz and read the cluster traits button to the left?"

Cluster headaches IS a very rare disease and we've had this argument here (ad nauseum) about how the traits ARE specific and common. We've seen a lot of people come here who have been diagnosed by doctors who may be using clusters as a catch-all for otherwise unidentifiable head pain.  As a group, we've urged those who don't fit inside that box to get a second opinion and have been told a few times that there WAS another underlying medical condition going on that needed urgent attention.  

I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, or a "clique" member...NOR am I trying to "dismiss anyone's pain"!!My concern for the misdiagnosed IS very genuine.

p.s. Hirvimaki, you and I were posting at the same time.  I'm glad you took my original post the right way.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Leesa on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:49pm
As for Dave when he gets hit the puter is a BIG NO NO or anything eles for that matter. Thinking is the last thing he wants to do. Even the shadows are hard for him to deal with, but he does due to work. If he doesnt work bills dont get paid and stuff gets cut off. But when the beast comes full force forget it all. His boss is great, anytime hes been hit while at work they tell him go get the trex, ice packs, and get on the O2. It helps that we live right here where he works too. Dave has migraines too! His migraines 9 chances outta 10 go in to a CH. But we deal with the whole ball o' wax!
Leesa that hates the beast with a purple passion

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:50pm

i am sure no-one comes here out of boredom, people are here for support, not to be dismissed as not suffering, enough of that goes on in the real world, a lot of people on here are too willing to dismiss peoples suffering as something else, just because it is not exactly the same as their's, enough now,

Ksmiggy, I read Margi's post totally different than you did.  I saw real concern from a person that only wanted the best for Hirvimaki.  The comment about it lasting for 2 to 3 days is NOT normal for CH.  She was just trying to get that comment clarified, and if it is a steady 3 day headache, then there may have been some other problem there.  I did not read it that she was trying to dismiss his pain or his problem.  I don't think Margi would do that.

Hirvimaki, I am glad that you have been properly diagnosed, but sorry it is CH that they came up with.

I am like many of you, I MUST do something to divert my attenetion from the beast.  I cannot read or post or any of that, but while I am pacing and head banging, I am trying to direct my thoughts to something, ANYTHING, other than the god awful pain in my head.


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Melissa on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:03pm
When I am getting hit, the pain is in control of me until my trex kicks in.  Whether I am rocking, pacing, hitting my head with my fist, or writhing on the floor, I have only enough focus to use a nasal spray or take an injection.  The pain does a real good job taking away any more focus I may have.


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Elaine on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:23pm
The whole thought behind my post wasn't weather you had clusters or not! (But I do agree with Margi)!

The thought is are you making them wost by doing these things? I for one if you know me know you have to go on with life. My idea of going on with life is in less pain, and less attacks. If I make my attacks worst by being on a computer (witch I couldn't do to start with) I would not do it! The computer and things like that means you have to THINK! The main reason I don't want people around me when I get hit, is I don't want to think about anything. If someone is there, they are going to touch me, they are going to ask questions ect...and I have to think how to answer them, how not to be mean to them when they are just wanting to help.
People are different in how they react to pain yes. Clusters are not different! I refuse to let clusters run my life. If I am doing something that makes them worst, then I am letting the cluster run my life.
Its like ice and heat...I use to think heat helped and fought people who told me to use ice. I finally use ice. Then I compared the two. I was making things worst by using the heat. I would fight to the deaths someone trying to apply heat now.
My question is are people making it worst, not weather you have clusters or not!

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Margi on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:37pm
Sorry I got this thread sidetracked,'re absolutely right though.  And the ice/heat thing is a perfect example.

I think we've all done things that, at the time, seemed like a good idea.  Later we found out that THAT tactic was actually making the clusters worse.

Like the time I got Mike to shove mustard powder up his nose   :o ......well?  In the late 80's, we thought it was sinusitis and I had read somewhere that it would help with that.  

But...back to your point - if it makes you hurt MORE, stop doing it!!

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Bob P on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:45pm
Aw hell!  If you don't have the same symptoms as me, you don't have clusters.

Watch Margi, she's just a meegrainer looking for recruits! (I know because everyone knows women don't get clsuters).

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Margi on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:47pm
Psst....hey, Bob.....c'mere.  I think I've got a lil of that mustard powder left.

Nice edit, BTW, you almost forgot to put that in, didn't you!

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:54pm
If I contributed to the general off-topic-ness, I apologize.

I agree with you in that if it worsens your condition, stop doing it.  The classic: It hurts when I do this. Then don't do that.

My point was (and is) that, in my case, I have to do something.  I have always been this way, even as a child.  When I was sick with the flu I had to keep busy, regardless of how miserable I was. I have to keep doing something, otherwise I really do, quite literally, go crazy.

And a crazy Hirvimaki is not a fun fellow to be around!

I certainly get hit with HA's that basically makes focusing on any anything, especially somethig as visually unfriendly as a computer monitor, impossible, but those are more the exception than the rule.  

To further answer your question, it does not seem, in my personal observation, to make the HA's any worse nor any better to sit at my computer and do my thing.

Now air blowing on my face is another matter. Fortunately my job does not involve this!

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by catlind on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:55pm
Yes, it is very frustrating when someone suggests that CH is not real for a sufferer.  However,  we have had folks come in here without a proper diagnosis - meaning they haven't yet been to a neuro etc. - and it would be irresponsible for someone experienced with CH not to ensure that person doesn't stop here and decide that's the cause.  We have also had folks here who have been diagnosed by doctors as having CH, and then in the end, have had it not be even had a brain tumor.

As you can see, it is in no way meant to demean, degrade, or lessen anyone's pain.  It's out of genuine concern that folks get a proper diagnosis.  Once you know what you are dealing with you can ensure your own health by taking measures against that.

Of the many people around this board, Margi is one who will always double check with people when she sees something that does not fit in with the typical CH mold.  That does not mean that there are not abberations to that mold.  

It's so hard to use black squiggles on a screen to convey the concern and caring behind questioning when you are posting here.  Our main concern is that no one goes undiagnosed for any condition.  We all know too well what it's like to be un/misdiagnosed for clusters :)


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by BobG on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:55pm
Hey Bob...clsuters?

Is that a woman claiming to have clusters when she means migraines?  ::)

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Hirvimaki on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:58pm
Just so that it is quite clear, I took no offense to Margi's questions. I appreciate all the concern I, and others, recieve from this family.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by cootie on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:12pm
Um where were we........ahhhhh guys.....Brad will NOT git off the couch when he gets hit......I can't really tell him any different and they do get worse for him and he gets rather....'hard ta be around' so I 'make like a banana and split' the area after leavin his meds ect set out near by. Hey it's his call.....I am tired of an arguement over it......and I have learned alot on here and tryin ta get it all "out to him". He freaks and wants the room dark and quiet and 'tunes out'.....I've tried ta tell him ta keep busy maybe and am hopein he gets ta meet more ch'rs soon to discuss suma that so he has a different insight next cycle. Not sure he really got to disuss that with anyone in NY. He's easily influenced. Dam it's hard bein a supporter sumtimes Pam

dam it....I am gettin a ha (not ch) and here I am......sheesh......fatal CH screen attraction maybe ?  ;)

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Bob P on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:22pm

Hey Bob...clsuters?

I just get so emotional when I type it that my fingers get all fripply.  Must be getting too much in touch with my feminine side or my inner child or my therapist.

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:53pm
When I have high level attacks, I cannot type at the computer. But, I have for the most part over a few years of practice, learned to stay seated duing an attack. (sometimes I get thrown to the floor, but force myself back up).
My thinking has been that the pain is so bad, the brain does not understand what to do with it. That being my theory, I've been trying over the years to "teach" my brain how to react during an attack. This has been a long and still progressing method of coping. I started with a list of things I did while under attack. The first was to stop trying to divert pain with pain, never helped anyway, and wasn't doing the rest of my body any good as well. Then on to emotional states. Anger and frustration seem to prolong attacks for myself at least. As well as self pity and depression. Then on to trying to sit through attacks, accept them, knowing it will pass eventually. Just these first things took almost a year to accomplish. The main key was to "practice" these things during EVERY attack, no matter what level. By repeating these things over and over, it is my hope that during attacks when I have little control of my own thinking, my brain will learn this "pathway" to follow. Now with two years of doing this (adding other aspects to my list) I think it has been working to some degree. I must focus my thinking toward something, anything. I still have a long way to go on this, and continue to pratice every attack. The only drawback on this, might  well be what you refer to as overcompensating ... I tend to spend so much time "thinking" I forget to breath properly. Annette has to remind me often to breath deeper. O2 used to help, but has long since quit working, so I'm still practicing every day and night and probably will be for as long as this Beast hangs around. Since no medications have worked, this is all I have left to fight with. It is all the more clear now that this has kept me going since that evening in the ambulance. With the tremors (or whatever) shooting through my body I tried using this same coping method to bear it. But, once strapped down flat on my back, I got hit with a 10 CH attack. I fought extremely hard to keep thinking, but after awhile, I couldn't keep it up. Once I "let go" so did the rest of me and had to be aggressively forced to breath and want to fight to live. I've been experimenting with memorizing things, song lyrics, scripture, quotations, etc., and "trying" to add that in as a diversion of thinking during attacks, haven't gotten very far with that yet, but still practice all these coping methods every attack no matter what level. This method works pretty well during the mid-day attacks when I am stronger. Nights are tougher. I try to post inbetween attacks, which I'm usually in heavy shadows, but even if it takes me 1/2 hour to type out a small message I feel like I at least have some control, my mind feels better and I can think more positive.
We all deal with this differently, I would believe each of us are all still working daily on coping methods and can't dispute how anyone chooses to deal with it in their own way. So, that's my take anyway,

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by cootie on Oct 2nd, 2003, 5:13pm
"Copein vibes" goin out to ya Dave !!!! And Bob P what did we say bout touchin yerself !!! Pam that's head is no where at the time

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Mark C on Oct 2nd, 2003, 5:35pm
Interesting thread,
Very civilized.
My take on this has sort of changed through the years. I used to, not too long ago, tried to ignore an oncoming HA as long as possible...maybe it will go away, maybe just a shadow, maybe I can just bust my through with plain ole meaness, sometimes I still try that last one. like yall sid, I HAVE to do SOMETHING!

Since my time at CH U I have come to believe in early intervention to abort an attack...the sooner the better!

So, in the beginning I try to function but there comes a point where I am basically helpless until the beast releases his computer, no people, no light, no peace, just me and my "perfect pain"...alone togther.

To add to the no pattern stuff I have also had attacks last has long as 15-20 hours. We have discussed this in the past and most believe that is "back-to-back" attacks. Maybe, maybe not, all I know is I have had real bad attacks for a lOOONG time before finally being released. Modern meds have cut those type of attacks, but they can still happen. Last October I was getting 2-4 times a day, kip10's and I will be honest...they all sort of run together when it's like that for days, or weeks, or months....God help us!


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Ree on Oct 2nd, 2003, 5:52pm
LOLOL you guys are funny............ I just have one thing to say
especially short ones from Massachusetts that like Turtles..... and used to be nice but arent nice anymore LOL

and I don't sit in the dark like most Migrainers do, because life goes on.............. I...hehehehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeee~~~  I must be insane ~~~or I must have just taken care of 5 kids under age 3 for 10 hours ~~~ weeeeeeeee I'm free til Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

if you hate Migrainers ignore this post ...............

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by ckelly181 on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:20pm

on 10/02/03 at 11:38:31, don wrote:
How the hell (Or why for that matter) could anyone under attack want to work at the computer anyhoot?

Because at work, there are little kids sitting within hearing distance (I don't have a door to my office) and at home I can whine and cry, but not here. I try to concentrate on something else so I don't panic and hyper-ventilate. When I sit in my office chair and rock, I concentrate on the pain and I was trying to concentrate on anything ELSE but the pain and the computer is sitting right in front of me.
The original post made me consider that I probably should concentrate on the pain.

I appreciate that insight.


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Prense on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:41pm

on 10/02/03 at 13:31:38, BarbaraD wrote:
Ok, here goes back -- when I get hit - I HAVE to find a focus on something other than my head... I turn on the TV and try to focus.... I hit the O2 and coffee while trying to focus on the TV (I really hate TV,but any old port in a storm)....

Then (when I do take the meds) after something starts to work and the pain lessens and I settle down a little I still have to focus on something so I hit the computer (going back to bed is NOT an option at this point.) As long as I keep busy doing something that requires "thought" of some kind I can get through it, but if I don't concentrate on something, they seem to hit back to back....


I too need to find something to concentrate on while getting hit.  Sometimes, I'll take a number, multiply it by the same number, take the product and multiply it by the first number and keep going to see how high I can take it.  (all in my head)  I only do this when being hit.  When I reach a 9 or higher though, you can throw all that right out the window.  It does absolutely nothing for the attack other than occupy a portion of my thoughts.  I have no problems sitting at a computer or even working at a 7 or less.  It sucks ass, but I can do it.

BTW, no, I'm not sure I have CH...unfortunately, a few other docs are sure I do.  I wish they were wrong though.   ::)


Title: for me...
Post by Not4Hire on Oct 2nd, 2003, 8:59pm
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

--Bene Gesserit, Litany against Fear


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Charlie on Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:06pm
The only thing I was ever able to concentrate on was my strange contortions and thinking up new expletives not to be deleted. Lots of moaning, and threatening any being who came near me. When not at home, I just did my best to do nothing and become invisible.  No way did I do anything useful.  

I don't think I ever made them worse of last longer by my actions, other than when my technique shortened them.


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:44pm
I don't know if the computer or tv would make my attacks longer...cause I JUST CAN'T DO IT!!!!!

I concentrate on breathing...try to anyways.  And yes, dark, and by god no people or sound!  The spare bedroom is deemed "the hell room"...and if mom goes into the hell room, ALL gets quiet.

I used to lie on my stomach, fetal style and rock and breathe into my pillow.  That was when I was a teen and had NO idea that I needed oxygen!!

Now I'm facing forward, fetal position, rock and BREATHE o2.  I watched Cat and Roxy at the convention holding thier's a natural instinct whilst in pain I think.  I kept trying to remind them to breathe.  When I learned to try to Breathe during an attack, it was a little easier for me to cope.  At least I felt like I was fighting.

Oh shit...what the hell am I saying?  I'm female, I don't get clusters  :P


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Callico_Kid on Oct 3rd, 2003, 1:33am
I'm with BarbaraD on this one.  I have to focus and use some to the priciples of the LaMaze childbirth method while huffing on O2, (if I get to it before it's full blown).  There is no way I can try to post anything with mor than a K4, cause I can't hit the keys in the right order.  Nor do I sit still.  I squirm and wiggle and bounce my legs and rock back andforth and sometimes even walk around my chair while using the mouse.  I usually play freecell though instead of solitaire.  CH does ruin my win percentage though. ;D

I think it is interesting to see how others deal with this thing.  The biggest problem with O2 that I can think of though is that I can't drink coffee with the mask on.


Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:21pm
Pull the mask off - gulp the coffee and put the mask back on -- Got that one down to a science.  ;D  Not exactly in Emily Post's Book of Etiquitte, but it gets you there!

I've also been known to stick my head in the freezer at times. Geezzz the things we do to get a minute of relief... But we're NOT crazy not crazy not crazy.......

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Elaine on Oct 3rd, 2003, 4:38pm
Shitt Bob now the truth be known.....Women have headaches men give them. This has been known for years. ;)

You guys just couldn't stand it and came up with a headache that was for men only the worst know pain to man !  For men only!!!! Damn the things you men will do!
You men are just not happy unless we women have nothing of our own!!!! >:(

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by jonny on Oct 3rd, 2003, 5:56pm

on 10/02/03 at 17:52:04, Ree wrote:
I just have one thing to say


Ree, you rock!!!! ;D

................................jonny :D

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Ree on Oct 3rd, 2003, 6:25pm
awwwwwwww yes I do!!! LOL   thanks jonny I didn't think anyone noticed me... I'm so invisible sometimes lol love ya Ree

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Prense on Oct 3rd, 2003, 6:29pm

on 10/02/03 at 17:52:04, Ree wrote:
if you hate Migrainers ignore this post ...............

on 10/03/03 at 18:25:03, Ree wrote:
awwwwwwww yes I do!!! LOL   thanks jonny I didn't think anyone noticed me... I'm so invisible sometimes lol love ya Ree

I was noticing...just elected the ignoring option.   ;D

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 3rd, 2003, 8:10pm
... the last bad night I had, the Grand Finale lasted about 6 hours... into the 5:00am hour...

It was about an 9, and the previous five that afternoon/night were between 6 and 8....

I was lying down (rolling back and forth and hitting my head on the headboard) due to pure exhaustion from the previous duels, and towards the last hour of it all, I started going into some strange trance (probably from lack of sleep, and all the work I had been doing to fight)... The laying down didn't help, but I couldn't stand... I actually tried and my knees started to buckle....

... and sometime after the trance started, I passed out, and believe I vomited slightly (judging from the foul taste in my mouth)..

... so as far as 'thinking'... I don't do much at all, other than follow wallpaper patterns, or glares from lights....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by Ree on Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:02pm

on 10/03/03 at 18:29:56, Prense wrote:
I was noticing...just elected the ignoring option.   ;D
ahhhhhhhhhhh put a sock in it you know you love me.............ree

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by taraann on Oct 4th, 2003, 12:04pm
I HAVE to keep myself as distracted as possible for as long as possible when I get a CH...but when it gets to a certain point in the pain scale I HAVE to move around if my legs will let me (sometimes my knees buckle and my legs go jello during a high level attack)

"That's my story and I'm sticking to it" ;)

Title: Re: Are you making your clusters worst?
Post by ksmiggy on Oct 4th, 2003, 3:32pm
Apologies to those offended by my earlier post, came on line at a bad time , had to vent somewhere, i understand the need to be sure of a correct diagnosis, and was merely pointing out that there do seem to be a lot of variations to the symptoms of CH, although also a few comman ones, and that help and support is what we are here for, to me the earlier post read as CH racism (ei:  I don't get that, your not CH), having read it now....., as i said earlier , apologies.

Straying back on topic,   I find if i sit and do nothing, the CH gets worse, I try to concentrate on something, anything, I daydream, to take my mind off the CH ( i have won and spent the lottery many times) sometimes it helps , sometimes it doesn't, but sitting and waiting for it always delivers. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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