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(Message started by: cantorjsm on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:57am)

Title: contact lens a cause?
Post by cantorjsm on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:57am
Have you had any experience with contact lens and cluster headaches???
Hi, I wear only one contact lens in my left eye. I get headaches in my right eye. Is it possible that the lens could be giving me headaches?
My doctor says that  this contact does not cause cluster headaches since I wake up with headaches and I'm not wearing one while sleeping.
I'm going to try not wearing my contact for a day.
Any answers?

Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:17am
Gotta ask: Have you been diagnosed with Cluster Headaches by a neurologist?
If not, check out the links in the "new visitors" column on the right. Look under Cluster Traits and Cluster Quiz.
These could tell you if you might have Clusters.
Most likely wearing only one contact lens would cause headaches, but NOT cause Cluster Headaches. (Possibly a trigger if you are sure you have CH)
Give us a bit more info, and we can tell you if you're looking in the right forum or not.
Hope you don't have CH,

Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by Melissa on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:18am
hello cantorjsm,

Contact lenses do not cause clusters since there are many sufferers who have never worn them.  Neurologists seem to believe that clusters are caused by a deformation in the hypothalamus in the brain.  Please visit the OUCH website, highlighted in yellow to the left of your screen, for more information.  Once there, click on "Cluster Help" for diagnosing ch and research.


Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by don on Oct 2nd, 2003, 9:31am
IF you have been diagnosed with clusters I wouldn't absolutely 100% discount the contact as being a trigger.

I wouldn't absolutely 100% discount anything as a Cluster Trigger.

As a cause? IMHO absolutely 100% not.

Title: iYYuRe: contact lens a cause?
Post by cantorjsm on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:00pm
Yup, I've been diagnosed by a neuroliogist. Tried Verapamine for 1 1/2 weeks and Maxalt. Didn't work. Doctor put me on prednezone for 5 days and it's works til nightime. Much relief. I can still feel the headaches subtley but I have much relief til night. Hopefully this will break the cycle. I tried not using my contact lens out of desperation and thought I'd ask.

Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by BobG on Oct 2nd, 2003, 3:11pm
Verapamil is a drug that must "build up" in your system to be effective. A week and a half may not have been long enough time.

What dose did you try? Most start with a low dose, 100mg, and building (over a month or more)  to 400 or 500mg a day. (Don't tell your heart doctor about this)  ;)

You say prednezone gives relief during the day and not at night. Have you tried to take the prednezone on a schedule that you take it before bed time?

Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by cantorjsm on Oct 3rd, 2003, 7:44am

Title: Re: contact lens a cause?
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Oct 3rd, 2003, 7:49am
"Verapamil is a drug that must "build up" in your system to be effective. A week and a half may not have been long enough time. "  Good reply Bob. It takes awhile for Verapamil to work.
Also ... Contacts DO NOT CAUSE CH. Although it could be a trigger for you, you will still have them regardless of contacts if it's CH that you have. I've never wore contacts or glasses and I'm chronic.  :( Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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