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(Message started by: Mark C on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:17pm)

Title: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Mark C on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:17pm
I am now suffering my fourth (!) sinus infection since December. So I went to the ENT Tuesday, the same one that has worked on my daughter for the last two years, she has tubes in her little ears.

They did a CT scan and it came back pretty bad. My septum is all crooked which may be contributing to the problem. It seems I have had one infection that has lasted a year! There was a whole bunch of black where it was supposed to be I am scheduled for  Endoscopic Sinus Surgery ( this Tuesday. I have been reading up on this and it sounds like a  pretty nasty procedure to me.

He knows about my CH, and the fact I am in cycle now. Prescribed a steroid taper, doxycycline ( and Zyterc for congestion.

The steroid is barely keeping the beast at bay but I think it may be better today.

My biggest concern is having this done in cycle. I have to balance that with the harm being caused by the sinus infection, I have been sick most of the year and I think I know why now.

Looks like I will have to hold off on the O2 for a couple of weeks after the procedure simply because keeping the sinus' hydrated is what speeds recovery. I do have a pretty good stock of Triptans so I reckon I am ready. I just don't want to come out of surgery with all of the lining of my sinus' scrapped out, my nose packed with bloody gauze and get hit...I am quite concerned about this.

However I did say "I have the most painful condition know to man" so there ain't much more he can do to me! I still don't want to get into a pissing match over which is more painful, both look to be bad.

I know I will be OK, but I still have quite a bit of fear going into this. I have talked to three people who have had it and all say it was worth it so I have high hopes...maybe I can breath again! Then the O2 might have a chance to get in my blood stream after this Roto-Rooter thing.

Any of yall had this done, did it hurt, and are you better.

I am just grateful it can be fixed, I think. There are some pretty serious complications possible, leaking brain fluid etc, but all surgery is serious...this is just MY first surgery..I have never been under general anthesia before....for that I am grateful. At 41 years old I have never spent the night in a hospital as a patient....thank you God....I have seen every ER for a 200 mile radius though!

I worry about my kids seeing me sick and such but I think I may be making this worse than it really is..I hope!

All of my medical problems seem to be above the neck....hmmm..... ;D

Thanks family!


Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:23pm

Good luck to ya, Mark.....I sure hope you get better. Never had that type of surgery.  But it sure sounds like you need it.

Sending you lotz of pf vibes......and best wishes on the surgery, sweetie.  Let us know how you're doing.    :)


Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by cootie on Oct 1st, 2003, 10:29pm
Brad's sister had that surgery done years ago.......I think the procedure 'does' sound alot worse then it is cuz I was amazed how good she looked several days after it was done and even showed up at her mom's Sunday dinner. But I do remember them little teeny straws sticking out of her nose for a week or so. Good luck to you........gettin rid of the sinus infections will definetly leave you feelin better........seems there is alot of that goin around tho........guess everyone has a bent  septum Pam

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by paul_b on Oct 1st, 2003, 11:31pm
You is one cool dude. You work through crisis with your brain in charge; not easy to do. Great model for us all. May everything go smoothly.

Title: Re:Just Do It Surgery
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 2nd, 2003, 12:29am

on 10/01/03 at 20:17:11, Mark C wrote:
Looks like I will have to hold off on the O2 for a couple of weeks after the procedure simply because keeping the sinus' hydrated is what speeds recovery.

Bugger the O2 hold off. That's why "bubblers" are produced. A mild saline inhalation solution is made to order.  Get the canned air. Avoid the rush.........

Huff Ho,

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by ave on Oct 2nd, 2003, 2:47am
Also, you don't necessarily have to take the O2 nasally! Some people here inhale it through the mouth.

But good luck with it. Re-aligning the septum is the pits.

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 2nd, 2003, 5:27am
Mark, good luck with the surgery.  I have heard it is quite painful and the recovery time is a few weeks.  I believe this is the same thing that Echo's wife just had done.  Check with him.  I have heard that the results are worth the pain though !!!!!  

Pain free, speedy recovery vibes coming your way !!!!

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 2nd, 2003, 8:06am
Good luck with the procedure Mark!!
Vibes going up!

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Opus on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:44pm
Mark, I have lived with sinus problems for a long time, It is probably best to get the surgery, for me my worst cycle to date seems to have cured my sinuses. As for drying out with 02, I would use the o2 and then inhale steam through your nose. You can by a little steamer that makes it easy. That will also help with your plugged up head.  By the way how is your data backup plan going?


Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Mark C on Oct 2nd, 2003, 7:56pm
Thanks for the support yall.....
I will not rule out the O2 yet untill I try it with the hydrator, hell it might kill two birds with one stone. I am open to any sane treatment, and maybe some not too sane! The people I have talked to that have had this all said is was good, so here I go...I am still scared about letting someone dig around in my head though, at least with tools. I have had it examined many times!

Hey Paul...thanks for asking, I was working on that a little the other day...I am researching this ( program to help manage this task. I believe I am going to put the regular stuff, Documents and Settings and importent files on CD-RW and archive the balance on CD-R since I have pleanty of both mediums. If I felt better it would already be done.

Have you seen this ( site. Looks just like you! Nice proggies too!


Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Melissa on Oct 2nd, 2003, 8:04pm
well, i have never had sinus surgery before, but, I have had my wisdom teeth surgically removed, a lump taken out under my arm (2" scar, 68 stitches 5 layers deep), an ovary removed(6" scar, 14 staples) and my gallbladder removed(four 1/2" scars).  General anesthesia really isn't that bad or scary, it's just the waking up after being under for 4 hours that gets me because i'm always very very cold!  Anyhoo, don't you worry about a thing, sounds like the surgery will be well worth it.

good luck hon!

P.S. I know, I know.......... TMI ::)

Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Opus on Oct 2nd, 2003, 8:27pm
  Instant backup doesn't say that it Zips or can put large files on multiple discs. I would look for such a program, it is hard to setup the files to fit on a CDR/RW size. That's how I used to do it and it became a big headache. I always tried to put permanent data on CDR's and changing data on CDRWs with a rotating stock so I could recover deleted data. If you a few computers on a network you can use Task zip to back up one computer with another and vise versa. It doesn't span disks so it isn't good with CD's.  You can also use the windows backup just until you get another plan going.

iOpus is cute, I also found a program called spice/Opus but have never tried it.

Hope all goes well with the head.


Title: Re: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Post by Zonie on Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:53pm
Mark,  I don't mean to dash your hopes, but I HAVE had the surgery, with identical problems that you described...right down to the deviated septum.  It did not help my sinus or cluster problem.  The surgery and recovery was pure "hell" and I slept in a recliner for a week suffering from the surgery (unable to breath or talk from all the packing in my nose and down my throat) and suffered clusters right along with the other pain.  And all the while I was living with a little nose "kotex" under my nose to catch any blood.  Hope that you don't take offense from my descriptive grammer, but that's what it reminded me of.....a little gauze pad with elastic bands that went around my ears.

When I was finally able to lay flat in my bed (after the packing all came out) I awoke one morning coughing slightly and realized that my nose was bleeding again.  I put my head back and pinched my nose together and began to choak with blood running down my throat.  Needless to say I wound up in the ER holding a folded towel over my face to catch all the blood en route.  After contacting my surgeon, the ER Dr. placed a "balloon" up into my sinus cavity and inflated it with saline.  The pain was as bad as any cluster I have ever suffered only didn't last very long.  The bleeding continued around the balloon, so he inserted 2 balloons and filled both with saline.  I actually thought that my sinus cavity would explode.  They finally stopped the bleeding to a mild trickel and sent me home wearing two rubber hoses hanging out of my nostril.  

I returned to my surgeon in a week or so to remove the balloons and was literally mortified that the bleeding would return.  It didn't and when I returned to his office for my release, he came at me with his little camera to look around.  I refused his advance and he told me that he really needed to look around up there to see if all was OK.  I told him that if he couldn't see it from where he sat that he wasn't seeing it.  Nothing will ever be poked up my nose if I have anything to say about it.  

Again, I don't mean to scare you, but you asked if anyone had had this surgery.  Hopefully yours will turn out much better than mine.  I did read an article much later after my surgery that a firefighter had been bothered with sinus problems for years and just couldn't get over his infections.  His ENT put him on IV antibiotics for a period of time and he said that he had never felt better in his life.  You might want to discuss this with your Dr. before you go the roter-rooter route.

I really do think that one of my problems was that about 3 days before my surgery I received a print out from my Drs. office that informed me that I sould not take any asperin products for 3 weeks prior to surgery.  I called them back and told them that I was on Naproxen for something else and they proceeded anyway.  I really think that my blood was too thin when they did the surgery.  Be sure to tell your doctor if you have been on any asperin products.  I really do wish you the best and let me know how it all turns out.  But, after my experience I could never recommend this to anyone else.  Good Luck and Good Health. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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