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(Message started by: Elaine on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:45pm)

Title: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Elaine on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:45pm
Who is going to win the NFL

Tennessee or N. England
Bufflo or cincinnati
NY Giants or Miami
Green Bay or seattle
Oakland or chicago
Carolina or N.Orleans
Minnesota or Atlanta
Kansas City or Denver
Dallas or Arizona
Jacksonville or San Diego
Philadelphia or Washington
San Fran or Detroit

Not that I would bet on a game or anything  :o
Just wondering ????

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Elaine on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:46pm
What about the NCAA?
Come on guys spell your guts who will win!

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by 2late on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:53pm
you forget Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland!  a great rivalry & the steelers will get their shit together this week. espn sunday nite.....BE THERE!!!!                                                                                                              ...............Jack

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Elaine on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:05pm
This is for Saturday and Sunday on this little sheet I have here it doesn't have them. Maybe they play Monday!

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by kissmyglass on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:30pm
Buffalo, NY Giants, Chiefs, 49rs..... ;)

Good Luck!


Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Lone_Wolf_FLA on Oct 1st, 2003, 8:53pm
Just "guessing" HS football is my forte', for what it's worth I'd go with-










Philly v Wash is a tough one, Wash is running hot, take 'em  for now.

San Fran.

Not that I'd encourage any type of wagering on sports events mind you.

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:06pm
Did the Cowboys quit?  

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by cootie on Oct 1st, 2003, 10:18pm
Pizza and beer usually win here for the games......oops........wrong answer Pam  ;D

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:54am
Can't resist any longer ... must pick ... must:
Mia (good game)
Den (Huge game)
Dal (who cares)
Phi (toss up)
SF (unless TO loses it)
Indy (good game)

Best games: KC & Den - Monday Night Indy & TB

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:07am
OK - here goes...    (wait - is this with point spreads or "straight up?")

Buf     (win but not covering 8 point spread)
Mia     (no point-spread)
Sea    (hate to go against GB)
Car     (win, but not covering 7 point spread)
KC      (tough to pick - should be a GREAT game)
Dal     (even tho I can't stand the Cowpies)
Jax     (someone's gotta finally win one)
Was   (Phi is favored by 5.5)
Pit      (Browns will be pissed after losing to Cin last week)

don't laugh --- i got a shit-kickin last week      >:(

grant         8)

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by daveengland on Oct 4th, 2003, 8:41am
whats the NFL?

we play FOOTBALL over here!!

LOL!! ;D

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 4th, 2003, 9:27am
... I'm just picking one game...

KC by 2... it'll be a damn good game...

.... but the Broncos can still burn in Hades...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Cerberus on Oct 4th, 2003, 10:35am
And Tampa Bay Mon. Night

Denver vs KC is always a tough one had to go with my boys in that one and Monday nights game will come down to Special Teams and Defense.

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 4th, 2003, 11:46am
Oh Big Dan!
... trashing my Broncos! :o
Where are you from, and who do you like?
Here's my take on the KC & Denver game:
Having to give up my satellite dish for financial reasons, I've been stuck watching KC play every week. This team is far overated. KC is Holmes & Hall, that's it. The Broncos have a better Special Teams to stop Hall than anyone that KC has faced yet. The offensive line has shut down Dillon, LaTomilason, Garner and Gary and will focus on Holmes. Our first string offense has not yet been healthy enough to play together, but they still manage to wrack up points. Plummer is starting to get the feel of the complicated Broncos offense and with all the offensive talent around him, they can only get better. Now our secondary is questionable, but they've managed better than I expected, and are gaining some confidence that should help.
KC's defense is playing better than expected as well I'll admit. And, with Holmes playing like he is, makes the rest of their offense look better than they really are. If Gonzalez was healthier, he could carry the extra load off of Holmes. But, if the Broncos can shut Holmes down, and KC has to play catch up, they don't have enough of a WR core to handle the barrage of blitz's that'll be coming after Green.
I do think it will be a good game though, field position will be the key. The Broncos looked past Detroit last week and barely got away with it, but they'll be ready for KC. I would pick a higher spread if the game wasn't in KC, but still am going with the Broncos by 9!
The Broncos are going to score points, they always do, question is: Can KC keep up? If KC can stay with them in the first half, they have a shot. If they get down early, even with the new offensive style, they don't have enough weapons to play catch up.
I'm not trashing KC, but just don't see enough depth. They are a legitimate contender, but after this game, the Broncos will get some attention and the bandwagon jumpers will come out.
I think Miami is the team to beat this year, the loss to Houston probably worked in their favor for the rest of the season. They play the New York Giants this week, who I think are playing (at least by heart) harder than any other NFC team. Should be a good game, but will hurt one of them. I'll take Miami now that Seau is picking up the Miami defensive scheme.
And come on ... go out on a limb and pick a winner in the Indy & TB game  ;D
Really tough call there! Without going into it, I'm going with the Colts. Haven't seen any spreads on the games this week, do you know the spreads for these 3 games?
I'm not picking Denver for biased reason's, in fact my brother is coming to visit this weekend, a Broncos fan, and he is taking KC to win.
I still have on tape the match up between KC & Den, with Montana & Elway going at it, even though KC won, was still one of the best games ever. I hope this one is as good and close, rather see that than either team blowing out the other. Love football, can't wait for Sunday's to come around.
So, blast the Broncos! I can take it  8)
Kinda nice to talk about other things than CH once in a while in here, we deserve to have some fun now and then eh?

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 4th, 2003, 11:55am

on 10/04/03 at 11:46:47, Dave_Emond wrote:
I still have on tape the match up between KC & Den, with Montana & Elway going at it, even though KC won, was still one of the best games ever.

Agreed!!!     Wish I had that one on tape!    >:(

grant         8)

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 4th, 2003, 12:13pm
Hey Grant,
Once I can get moving around normally again, I'll see if I can make you a copy and send it to you.
Two of the best QB's to ever play going at it in the fourth quarter was incredible! The better QB won, but sure wish that game could have kept going and going.
I've saved it all this time, so my grandkids can see someday when they're older, just what kinda talent these two QB's had as compared to todays QB's.

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Cerberus on Oct 4th, 2003, 2:04pm
Daves take on the game is under review.......

I think that you really really need to reconsider your take on the game.....No Depth? are you kidding?If KC puts enough pressure on Plummer the broncos lose because Jake can't make good decisions quickly enough or without dropping the ball? I believe he holds the record for most fumbles by a QB.....not enough offense, no depth, your snowing yourself. KC has brought the TOTAL package to every game this season whats going to change?......nothing. I believe it will be a helluva game but I don't see the Broncos winning at arrowhead.

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 4th, 2003, 3:09pm

on 10/04/03 at 14:04:47, Cerberus wrote:
I believe it will be a helluva game but I don't see the Broncos winning at arrowhead.

... not to be a dick about it, but touche...

NOBODY likes facing the Chefs *lmmfao* at Arrowhead... that place is fuckin' brutal, especially when the Bronc's are in town....  Hell.. you're likely to be shot if you ask for a Coors... lmmfao

... it'll be a good matchup... but I'm still sticking with KC...

Remember...  KC's better at playing catch-up than most teams out there.... usually scoring 75% of their points in the second half... I never expect much out of them the first thirty minutes.

-Big Dan

oh..and I'm from Columbia, MO... about an hour and a half west of the Holy Tailgating Grounds... ;D

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Woobie on Oct 4th, 2003, 3:34pm


It's JUST football!!!    Who cares!


Tina  :-*

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Roxy on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:01pm

on 10/02/03 at 04:54:11, Dave_Emond wrote:
Dal (who cares)


Trust me....there is some major caring going on down here.... ;D ;D

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Karla on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:41pm
Packers all the way!  GO PACK GO!   ;D

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:43pm
I'll give you the Arrowhead advantage ... they do play well there and the fans make a great 12th man. If the game was here though ... no contest  :)
As for Plummer ... what a waste of talent all those years in Arizona. Each game you can see him getting more confidence, realizing the talent around him, and starting to run a lot more. Any QB who would get stuck in Arizona that long would have the same stats, especially from trying to play catch up every game.
Ya gotta admit though, KC would have lost to Balt if not for Hall. His streak ends this week though, he's not getting past Burns.
Don't feel like I'm snowing myself either, I actually believe the Broncos have the better team. Shoot, I even picked Dallas this week ... oops, better back off there a post just came up from a Cowboy fan!
Anyway, if what I've seen is KC's TOTAL package, they don't stand a chance. There a good balanced team, but I still don't see any depth. There's going to be turnovers by both teams in this game and although I'm not much for field goals, we've got that advantage easily. I see Green getting sacked at least 5 times and at least 2 interceptions. Plummer sacked 3 times and 1 INT.
No time better for KC to start putting up points earlier in a game than now, if they can stay within 10 by half, they'd still have a chance, but would have to do it in the air.
If I'm wrong on this game, I will offer myself up for all the razz you can throw at me, eat my words and admit KC is better ... but I'm not worried about that  ;D
 A sign that I don't pick teams because I like them: San Francisco vrs Denver Superbowl. I took SF and gave 20 points!, people lined up for that action, needless to say, I made a fortune on that one, betting against my own team.
I do hope it's a good close game down to the wire, although if it is, advantage KC. Don't want to see a FG decide the game though. Still say Denver by at least 9 points.
Guess we'll see who'll be the one/s who have some humble pie to eat tomorrow  8)

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Cerberus on Oct 4th, 2003, 11:17pm
There have been things I have seen from BOTH teams this year that I like and know are going to cause problems for, again, Both clubs. I agree that field position and turnovers are going to create the outcome combined with special teams a major helping of defense.
 As to depth....KC until this week have been playing with a starting corner, linebacker, and until last week defensive linemen out due to injury. This week all but one are in playing condition. Compound that with the fact that going downfield with seven recievers including tight ends there is no question the denver defense is pourous against the Pass and you can only double team  ONE guy at a time. a two-deep zone could help in that situation but you leave holmes in the flat to catch the ball if you blitz. I have to insist that Jake will have to hold onto the ball and make good decisions in the pocket under pressure to win this game. KC has only allowed one 100 yrd rusher through four games and only stand to improve, CLinton Portis is very dangerous. An excellent runner and opposing opponent. Having just checked the "official" NFL stats the stats are almost identical. with teh offensive edge going to KC. Both are exceptional teams and  Let the games begin :D and also keeping with good sportsmanship, have stated my case and will see tomorrow. :)


Title: Good Game! Congrats!
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 5th, 2003, 3:58pm
Time for me to eat crow ... :-[

" Ya gotta admit though, KC would have lost to Balt if not for Hall. His streak ends this week though, he's not getting past Burns."  :-X

Hall saves them again. Even so, got to give KC the credit for playing a great game. Even if Hall hadn't returned that kick, and the Broncos won, I'd still have to admit KC is as good as Denver. Not better, but probably equal.
At least it was a good game down to the end, so I'm not too disappointed, now I gotta wait a long time for KC to come here. But, I'll have a lot more respect for them than I had before. Even with Hall's return, I have no excuses for KC beating them. Both teams played a great game, and a game like that is worth watching whoever wins.
So, hat's off to you KC fans! Fortunately, my taste buds aren't working lately, so that humble pie will go down a little easier!
I blew it on sacks and Hall big time, so I'm ready for the "in your face" razzing.
The main thing I got right:
"I do hope it's a good close game down to the wire, although if it is, advantage KC."
Congrats, my fork is ready, let me have it and I'll start eating ...  ::)

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 5th, 2003, 4:13pm
How 'bout them Cowboys!!!!! Hugs  BD

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 5th, 2003, 4:56pm

First 5-0 start in KC history.... WHOOOOHOOO!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Cerberus on Oct 5th, 2003, 5:26pm
I am a gracious winner and as equally in times of loss....... I have no comments except that Both clubs played exceptionally. :)


Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 5th, 2003, 8:14pm
...I'm not trying to be a prick about it...

I just never thought that they'd get that good of a start in my lifetime....


-Big Dan

Title: Re: Foot Ball EXPERTS !
Post by Roxy on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:40am Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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