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(Message started by: Donna_D. on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:24am)

Title: Has anyone ever tried Lidocaine 5% patches?
Post by Donna_D. on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:24am
This may be old news to some, and may not work for all, but I thought I would pass it along anyway.

Mom-in-Law brought home some Lidocaine 5% patches.  I cut off two 3/4 x 4 inch strips and put one over my eye brow (about half-way across) and over to my temple and the other from just below my nostril, under my cheek bone and over to right in front of my ear.  

I have done this for the last two days.

While wearing the strips I have had no shadows or attacks.

While not wearing the as usual.  HA galore.

This might be worth trying...It looks kinda funny but when it comes to pain...I'm not out to win any beauty contests!!

Hope this is helpful.

Thanks to all.

Donna D. :-*

Title: Re: Has anyone ever tried Lidocaine 5% patches?
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 1st, 2003, 3:44am
I think I did some spray several years back, but haven't heard of patches. Have to ask about them.

If it works - who cares how it looks (this from the woman who wore "banana peels" around HER head all day) Consider it a "FASHION" statement.

Hoping it continues to do the trick.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Has anyone ever tried Lidocaine 5% patches?
Post by 2late on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:40am
i tried lidocane nasal spray as an abortive with no success.                                ...........Jack

Title: Re: Has anyone ever tried Lidocaine 5% patches?
Post by Donna_D. on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:45am
Reasearch is new on the patches.  They have been using it with some success for migraine sufferers.  

You may have to play with the placement of the strips to see what works best for you.  But anything is worth trying once.

Lots of Luck!!

Donna D. :-*

Title: Re: Has anyone ever tried Lidocaine 5% patches?
Post by ave on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:22pm
One of the known effects of lidocaine is chill. It chills the mucus layer if sprayed into the nose, and "freezes" the gums when they used it as an anesthetic in dentistry (for all I know they still do in the states?)

The pain killing  power isn't that great, as far as I know; the localised chilling may count for more.

It would be interesting tio know if people who cannot abide ice during an attack, can find relief from these patches. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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