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(Message started by: Carl_D on Sep 30th, 2003, 4:44pm)

Title: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Carl_D on Sep 30th, 2003, 4:44pm
Does anyone ever experience panic attacks with the use of Imitrex? How about nausea? A brief tightness in the chest? I recently learned about Imitrex rebound, but want to know if these symptoms are common.

Carl D

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Mark C on Sep 30th, 2003, 4:52pm
Hi Carl,

In short...yes...however Trex is hard on the heart and ANY chest pain should be taken seriously. Talk to your Doctor and try to be informed. The symptoms you describe sound common on this board so I hope all is well.

I am lucky, I have almost no side effects from Trex...except relief!  ;D


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by cathy on Sep 30th, 2003, 5:01pm
Hi Carl....all I can say is don't ignore the chest tightness....!

PF vibes to you .


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Prense on Sep 30th, 2003, 5:15pm
I get minor tightness in my throat which passes in about 15 minutes from the time of injection...nothing more at all.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Karla on Sep 30th, 2003, 5:37pm
I have found with a long term high use of imitirix I would have anxiety/panic attacks on a long term basis until I stopped using the imitrix then it went away.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Carl_D on Sep 30th, 2003, 5:46pm
Gonna talk to my Doc about this when I go back next week. I noticed if I use a full dose of Trex, I get a minor tightness in the chest; thought this may be normal.
I kinda get a lump in my throat, but not bad. When I use a 1/3 dose, I don't notice the side effects.

Carl D

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Edna on Sep 30th, 2003, 10:45pm
hoping that the 1/3 dose still does the trick for you Carl!!!

good luck

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Sep 30th, 2003, 11:01pm
YES ... I've used more Imitrex than ANYONE !! (I'll hear something about that I bet) But, no I've never had a panic attack and I don't get any nausea either. Tightness in the chest is a common side effect, but if it's too bothersome ~ You NEED to tell your doc right away. Imitrex is SQUEEZING your heart ! (not good). An Imitrex injection is a powerful drug that changes your BP, PH levels, body temp, and who knows what else. It CAN hurt your heart so if the chest pains are bothering you ~ Have it checked out and soon. (Don't put it off)
~ Unsolved~
BTW...Doctors at MHNI say that Imitrex WILL cause rebounds if used alot.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Turts on Oct 1st, 2003, 3:41am
Hey Carl,

Sounds similar to what I have experienced. Tightness in the chest and definately the panic attacks.

But as everyone else has advised, especially since youll be in the drs office anyway, mention it and be safe.

cheers Turts

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by jmorgan52 on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:01am
The only panic attacks  - if you could call it that was the first couple of times I used it way back around 95. The warnings in the packaging scared the shit out of me and I was reluctant to use it at first and continued to ride out even the big ones. First time I did the inj was so wierd. My chest was tight and I felt my heartbeat going strong and I felt very strange and dizzy for an hour or so. But the pain went so fast I could not believe it!

I eventually got used to the feeling and am pretty ok with it now and last episode I shot up whenever I needed to with no real ill effects except the other panicky feeling you get when you're low on stocks and the doc is reluctant to "over prescribe".

But.... I have vowed to try and stay off all meds now if I can. I know they will fuck you up in the long term!

I'm now 18 months pretty much PF since May 2002. When I do start to get a couple of mild headaches on a daily basis (about every 3-6 months or so), I go back onto my strict detox diet for a week (Fruit, veg & water only) and they go away before they start to get bad.


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by 2late on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:28am
i've experenced rebounds with heavy trex use but no chest pain or panic attacks.                                                                                                                                                       ..............Jack

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by JDH on Oct 1st, 2003, 9:52am
Like John said I used to get that tightness in my chest and panicky the first few times I used it and it scared the hell outta me. I guess I've gotten used to it over the years because it doesn't seem bother me anymore.

BTW...Doctors at MHNI say that Imitrex WILL cause rebounds if used alot.

I believe that and that's why o2 is such a good alternative.


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by vig on Oct 1st, 2003, 10:14am
BTW...Doctors at MHNI say that Imitrex WILL cause rebounds if used alot.

I've seen other doctors that say it WILL NOT.

It might be good to have a definitive answer on hand.

where is the fact checking book?

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 1st, 2003, 10:31am

From this artical,

Subcutaneous sumatriptan (6mg) is the drug of choice in abortive treatment of a cluster attack. It has a rapid effect and high response rate. In CH, unlike migraine, subcutaneous sumatriptan can be prescribed at a frequency of twice daily, on a long-term basis if necessary, without risk of tachyphylaxis or rebound.


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by JDH on Oct 1st, 2003, 10:54am

In CH, unlike migraine, subcutaneous sumatriptan can be prescribed at a frequency of twice daily, on a long-term basis if necessary, without risk of tachyphylaxis or rebound.

I've seen other doctors that say it WILL NOT.

But I've seen other clusterheads, myself included that say it WILL cause rebound h/a' who are you gonna believe?


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by vig on Oct 1st, 2003, 11:02am
that's why I was posing the question.
I'll bet the people here know the answer to that better than the doctors.

sometimes experience is more effective than guessing.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by KipBurbank on Oct 1st, 2003, 11:18am
 The only time panic sets in for me is when I realize a CMH is coming and I don't have my shooter (Imitrex).  Also during the waiting time, if I did take a shot, I sometimes hyperventalate and tell myself to stay calm and to relax.   The sometime over whelming feeling of I-don't-know-what-to-do is anxiety producing.

Chest tightness: when I first started taking Imitrex I noticed the, tight chest, sensitive to heat skin, and sickness.  Now I either don't notice it, or I have come to know that it preceeds the relief that is forthcoming and in a classical conditioning sort of way welcome it.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Marc on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:58pm
When discussing rebound headaches the first step is to define the term.

Once everyone understands what rebound headaches really are, most of the confusion dissipates.

Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 1st, 2003, 2:05pm
Aftere doing a google search for rebound headache this was the best definition I could find.


Title: Re: I have a question for longtime Imitrex users
Post by Prense on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:16pm
Thanks for that link Lee...I still have yet to experience a rebound HA from trex or any other med I have taken. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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