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(Message started by: goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:03am)

Title: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:03am

I recently received an email from one of you which basically stated..."Your handle sucks!  Think about it.  Goaway?"

Please understand that my site name "goaway" is NOT in any way directed at anyone.  Instead, it is taken from my experiences in dealing with the beast.  You see, it is what I chant whenever the shadows begin.

Picture this:
Mike sitting there like a good boy, minding his own business, and WHAM(!), out of nowhere, the shadow hits.  Now see Mike, in despair with his head on his desk, moaning "goaway.....goaway.....PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, just make it GOAWAY!!!"

Now do you understand?  I LOVE YOU GUYS!  Hopefully nobody was offended by my "handle". :)

I would really love to know how everybody came up with their "handle" ?  Anyone want to jump in there and tell?  Some names are pretty obvious, some are mysterious, and some do I say it?  I'm just curious. :D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Prense on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:17am
Jonny was already self-proclaimed king, so I had to settle for Prense...although it is intentionally misspelled.  I thought God would have been a little too much.   ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:29am
Funny you should mention this -- Elaine and I were talking about this very thing yesterday on the phone.

Back in the "old" days of Clusterville, most everyone just used their "real" names and we got to know each other by name. Now everyone is a HANDLE. When we meet at convention and your name tag says Joe Smith, we don't have a clue that you're "really" TGIF or that we've been talking to you on the MB for a year. Kinda takes the"personal" touch outta it.

Of course we used to know all about each other (but then again there weren't many of us back then so we had the time to get "personal"). Not many of us Old Timers around any more that remember those good old days but Elaine and I do and we liked knowing who we were talking to and who everyone was.

Guess progress comes to every place, but .....  :-/

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:38am
Hi Barbara and Elaine.  I'm Mike.  I'm a father, husband, fly fishing "poser" (may not catch much, but I look GOOD in the effort) and attorney.

Who's next?

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:45am
I remember the good ole days.
I was Michelle A. when I first found this board.
That was in 98, after my WORST cycle ever.
I was 28 years old.
Came up with masitifflvr28.  mastiff-lover-28 (years old).
I've belonged to a FEW board and a FEW chats and have just kept this handle over the years.
(other boards it's better to remain anonymous)
Dat's my story :)
btw, my ouch tag always says both names at the conventions :)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by drnoe on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:06am
Goa Way, could be in India.
Daniel R. Noe-----
became drnoe

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Cerberus on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:12am
My "handle" is one given myself for two reasons. The first being that Cerberus is mythologically the two headed demon hound that guards the gates of one head that is the PF me and the other the "in Cycle" me......kinda fitting. (planning a self portrait based on my handle) its also the name of a space ship that I use when gaming online with a buddy. The Uss Cerberus.......hence, my msn messenger name Capt. R.D.Brown. I recently modified my profile to make the spelling correct....... so every once in a while( like in chat) you'll continue to see the original spelling. Sorry peeps but I'll still answer to "crash" and "'bus" (affectionately given me by Jonny and Peppermint :) even though they usually use my real name. :)

 There were a few threads last year in which a few here, expressed dismay about not using real names as they did on the old MB......and the only reason I used the "handle" was to remain annonymous to the outsiders as I always (now) sign my posts with my real name at the end........I assure you that when I am able to go to convention BOTH names will appear on my tag to help alleviate any confusion........

Great Question, goaway.........,

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Brian_Y on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:21am
First, I'd say that whoever wrote that e-mail to you is an idiot (and I mean that in the nastiest way possible) of the highest order.  And needs to get a goddamn life.

Second:  My name is Brian, hence my "handle".

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Jackie on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:31am
My handle is quite original and clever....don't ya think...LMAO.. ??? ;D ;)

It was give to me the day I was born by my Daddy.
His name was Jack..  :)

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:37am
Great folks.  LMHEO!

Brian, good to see you again!

Who's next?

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by judyw on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:48am
Hi goaway, I like your thread...interesting tidbit of personality name is self explanatory with the 143 added on as means I Love You in any kind of way that might make someone else feel special...Kinda gives my age away as it comes from letters written by lovers during the Second World War...I cared for elderly patients in their homes, and women tend to keep things...would still bring a smile to many of their faces when they would share it does to mine... :)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by 5-string on Sep 27th, 2003, 10:01am
My handle applies to the musical instrument I play.                     The 5-string banjo.
It was the first thing that came to mind when I signed up here.
Afterward I kind of thought it was silly and wanted to change it to a nickname I've been called my whole life..Sparky..
But could'nt figure out how to. And now I don't mind.
My real name is Mark Allen Delaney.
  There you have it.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Sean_C on Sep 27th, 2003, 10:01am
My mom gave it to me  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 27th, 2003, 11:17am
Goaway Mike - thanks for the discussion - and I forgot to say - the guy/gal who wrote you the e-mail needs to be whipped with a wet noodle. THAT we don't need around here.  >:(

And catching fish ain't that big a deal - you gotta take those slimey things off the hook then.... it's just nice sitting out in a boat and "wishing" the day away ...

And for those of you who answered - it's nice to know you a little better.

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Elaine on Sep 27th, 2003, 11:25am
I have nothing against screen name what I said to Barbara was that . At the convention, I found it hard to keep up with real names and the screen names. Hell I will be fifty soon and keeping up with names is hard for old me. Keeping up with two names is even harder.

I find myself calling people by their screen names in public. I call Randy Mr. Happy in public. I call Tracy Roxy, and Cathy Cat and so on ....Can you just see someone come up with the screen name ratsass and they go to the convention and people say Hi Ratsass!!! Thats what I was talking about ...making a joke.

Personal I think change is good ! The way the internet is I understand the use of screen names. The safty behind it. I understood your screen name right off Goaway. It makes sence to me.

The old times were great ! I am finding the new times are just as great. I hope to get to know as many of you guys as I can.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by taraann on Sep 27th, 2003, 11:37am

on 09/27/03 at 09:31:05, Jackie wrote:
My handle is quite original and clever....don't ya think...LMAO.. ??? ;D ;)

I was going to say the same about mine ;) Tara is my first name, Ann is my middle name ;D My mom was gonna name me Shannon but there was a popular song that came out b4 I was born about a dog named shannon so my dad ruled that instead its from Gone With The Wind, my first name means 'Of the earth' so instead of a dog I am dirt LOLOLOL
Just thought I'd share that ;D

And I totally understood what your handle goaway meant.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Miss_Deleny on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:23pm
Well .. Firstly .. The "person" that sent you that email should vanish! In my opinion, Goaway on this board makes perfect sense! I understood it and I'm not even a Clusterhead!

Secondly, my "handle" came from a RP game I used to play. I have have been using the name "Deleny" on MB's for about 3 years now and figured it would be easier to remember IF I somehow unlogged myself from this board.

My "real" name is April .. and yes, I was born in April and that is how I got the name  :(  
I am the mother of 2 great young adults ... son (22) daughter (23) and will become a grandmother in March thanks to my daughter  ;D
Prense is my Fiance .. we have been together for almost 3 years now and planning a date to make both of us honest people  ;)

I think thats about it ... if you "need" more information, just ask  ;)


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ave on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:28pm
I don't use a handle, really. My name is Annemarie, but the second or first time I came into Elaine's chat, people started shortening my name. That I cannot allow, Lol.

But I realised it IS a bit long to type all of it. So I fell back on my initials, the way I had used them for years. at school and later in the office. For all intents and purposes I had become Ave.

And now I am Ave again. I'll answer to it any time, and because you all speak English (well'you're supposed to anyhow) it is pronounced just like "rave".

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by CC on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:47pm
CC = ClusterChris

started using CC a few years ago on here and when i was in chat everyone just typed CC so now i use it!

ClusterChuck this means war!! ;)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by FrankF on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:57pm
I am FrankF on every messageboard and chatroom that I go to. With all of the pedophiles on the Internet, I have to be careful not to use my real name.  ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 27th, 2003, 1:10pm
You know - the funny thing is, I've learned more about you guys in the last day from this post than I've learned about you in the last year.... I love this....

Of course I just put my real name = hoping for a dirty old man (where the heck are they when you're looking for them??????)  ;D to come take me away to live a life of sin (while I still remember what it is!)

I'm a stuffy OLD accountant sitting around watching my figure go. Been in Clusterville so long, I remember when they put up the first red light (remember that Elaine?). Ahhh the stories I could tell...... Kip and the Rothweiler, Dave and the O2 Tank and Mr. Wimpie (I think he finally started wearing underwear)....

But I digress (I'm old I can do that)...

Anyhow, it's good to learn about you guys. Getting to know you is GOOD.

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Jewel on Sep 27th, 2003, 1:48pm
I love the singer/writer Jewel (except for her last album) and a lot of people call me by that name because they think I sound like her when I sing.  My real name is Melissa.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 2:22pm
I love it!

This thread began from a seemingly negative email.  Out of it has grown this learning experience.  I have enjoyed coming back to the board today and reading up on everyone.

Who knows, maybe...just maybe we can always find a bit of good out of all the bad??!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Hooter on Sep 27th, 2003, 2:22pm
My nickname is Hooter. It means NOSE in England - not some other part of the anatomy! ;D and my nose is elegantly curved (hooked really) hence the name.

I am also known as Wendy the Brit or WTB, my real name being Wendy Howe (my maiden name)

P.S. Jewel. Is there no end to your talents? I dont think it is fair that you can write poetry AND sing as well.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 27th, 2003, 2:26pm
goaway, you should have sent an IM back with nothing NT your name should say it all, if they've got half a brain.... ;D

April, you wanna be thankful you weren't born in December!!

Cathy aka Fenny/Fluffyknickers

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Elaine on Sep 27th, 2003, 6:14pm
LOL Barbara not a lot I forget about Old clusterville! ;D
But Your a little older than me I came to clusterville in April of 1999.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Miss_Deleny on Sep 27th, 2003, 7:42pm
LOL Cathi ... you have NO idea ... my mother said that since my father would not help in chosing a name for me, she decided that my name was either going to be the name of the month I was born in or Theodisia (pronounced .. thee-o-dee-sha) .. the later being the worse name she could find in the baby book that she could pronounce. Even though I didn't like growing up with "April", I'm glad she chose that instead.. could you imagine??

And yes, I agree that this thread has been alot of help in getting to know some of the people better. I imagine I would have a hard time, like others, knowing who was who at a convention.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 27th, 2003, 7:55pm
Oh yeah Elaine, I was sitting on the front porch when you arrived.  I remember your "ladder"....Thought I'd forgotten that didn't ya?   LOL!!!! But now EVERYONE knows I'm older than DIRT!!!!!

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by KingOfPain on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:08pm
1st off...........goaway.......... way kewl screen name!   8)

When I first found, I used the
screen name "reg1fan" which
is in reference to reggae's #1 fan.
I love reggae music.

I changed it sometime later to
"KingOfPain", which is in reference
to the Police (the band) song.

Modified lyrics of King Of Pain:

I have stood here before feeling completely drained
With the beast turning circles, running 'round my brain
I guess I always thought that it would end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain

**I do not now nor have I ever considered
myself the king of pain. I just liked
the sound of that for a screen name.**

Name's Steve.

Steve # ?

Welcome & stick around.

KingOfPain/Steve # ?

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Carla_Comiter on Sep 27th, 2003, 8:17pm
Oh, by the way (my last reply was way too short, at least for me!)

I remember an episode of the old Groucho Marx show where the contestant's name was Cellar Door.  She said that she was the 8th child in the family and her mother was tired of thinking up names, so she let an older daughter do it.  Cellar's sister was taking an acting class and named her Cellar Door because they were the two most graceful words in the English language.

Cellar was relieved that she wasn't a boy, because her sister planned to name her Rat Trap if she was.  Supposedly Rat Trap are the two most dramatic words in the English language.

Groucho had a great time teasing her....


Carla Jo Keefner Morrison Sampurdanis Comiter

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Melissa on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:14pm
goaway, i completely "got" your name right away when i saw it!  I didn't see anything wrong with it at all :)  

now, what can i add to all this name, backround thing?  I dunno ???

My mom named me Melissa Kay.  Her name was Carla Kay.  She had been married 3 times, so I've gone by the name of Melissa Kay Waldherr, Stephens, and Warden.  Now that I'm married, the last name is Filtz.  It will be Filtz until I die! ;D  I am a homemaker, have 2 kids, Lily, age 8 and Elijah, 3 months.  I constantly have to get up off my chair in front of my puter to "do stuff" that moms do.  Just ask anyone who has been in chat with me ;)  Right now we are also putting an 1100sqft addition onto our 1059sqft home, LOL.  I am a basket case!  I have a dryer that squeaks so bad, it sounds like a 1000lb person is sitting directly on it's udders, and a stove with only 2 burners >:(  These things piss me off, but I can still laugh about it, so that's a good thing. :D  Oh, I also get my cluster cycle for 1 month, every other year, so I am very lucky in that aspect.  I just didn't wish the last one, to happen 2 weeks after I have a baby.  Definately was not fun :P  

This is a great thread!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by nancyc on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:20pm
My handle is really confusing..dont  know how in the hell anyone could figure out who i am...smiles,nancyc  alias, blenda lady.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ckelly181 on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:20pm
ckelly - Chris Kelly
181 - the school district I work for....

Boh - ring

But, like others, it's mainly about privacy and using the same handle in all the places you post.

I'm a computer teacher (K-5) and I teach art methods for elementary ed. majors at a nearby college.


Cool to read about all those who "live" here!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by UnsolvedEquation on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:36pm
I was taking 3 different math classes at IU ... but there was always one problem I couldn't solve (Clusters)  ??? It became my "UnsolvedEquation" !

Title: It'll cost ya ...yer 1st born
Post by rumplestiltskin on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:38pm
Well was a dark and stormy's a differnt story.

Back in the summer of 99 I had just found CH. Com. Amidst the amazing medical info, warm fuzzies and humor ...some folks were arguin and nit pickin about how the folks that posted a lot were a "clique" and were hard on newbies....imagine that.

I posted a "tongue in cheek" diatribe about "the clique" and the pending convention....I was playing Rumplestiltskin on stage at the time so that's how I signed it. The annonimity provided me a flak jacket against those who lacked a sense of humor.

I then went back to den, DEN or Dennis O'C for years. A while back some folks got their panties in a wad about folks not using their real names....soooo....ta da...this old smart ass did not get involved in the inane argument...I just became "Rumple" again...kinda darin someone to give me shit.

Never trust a prankster.

I'm too lazy to change fer now. ...and since Georgia and I share a keyboard...I post as her sometimes too.

If it's funny ...laugh
If it's sad...cry
If you need it... take it
If ya don't...leave it.

Ya gotta be smarter'n what yer workin with

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 27th, 2003, 10:20pm
Hi Gang!

My thanks to all who have posted to this thread.  It has been great to come back to the board throughout the day and catch up on you.

Now I understand about Den and Rumplestiltskin.  Now I know that Chris teaches computers to kids.  Now I know.....

I keep looking for the newbie that wrote the original email to me.  I asked for the origin of his handle in a private email.  Maybe he will post here as well.  It is bound to be a good explanation.

Please, please, keep on posting as I am truly interested in hearing about ya'll.  Brian_Y   check in again please, and tell us more about you.

To Ramon and Zaira and the others who are having an aaaAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH day, PFDANTYAY!!!!!!

God Bless Chris (in Pennsylvania) and all the other children of the world...including, but not limited to, YOURS!

Catch ya'll tomorrow.   :)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by tsayswhy on Sep 27th, 2003, 10:21pm
I agree goaway nothing wrong with it! tsaywhy:
why is this happening?
why me?
why cant i stop this?
t for Tari -pronouce terry
3 kids
work in factory but i do have a cert. for HCA nursing didnt want to work weekends if anyone is a nurse they will know what i mean ::)
o and i married a dutch man ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Charlie on Sep 28th, 2003, 12:09am
I like GOAWAY too.   8)

I've been here just long enough to have been able to hang on to Charlie. There was a time when I had to call myself Charlie S.....wonder where the other one went?

Never really liked Charlie when I was a tyke but now that I'm an old fart, I like it. Anyway, my middle name is Martin and since there was 600 Charlies in my neighborhood, I was called Mart. I really hated that........Be nice......... :-/

Charlie 8)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 12:51am
Mr. Goaway,

Firstly I recd your Pm responding to mine last night re youre handle. I now know two things about you:
1. Y ou have the class not to have thrown me, "the newbie" under the bus, by using my name. Which by the way is Gene.
2. that you're name means what it obviously means and is not designed to hurt anyone. This of course I knew anyway after having read youre first correspondance. Your original post back to one of my first  was both kind and generous. I knew you were a good guy right away.
This was never the point.

As I explained in my post back to yours today (PM). I had left the site months ago and decided to return, sort of hat in hand, and was nervous about the response I would recv from the members who remembered me. You were one of the first to respond. What i first saw of the response was Goaway. I thought right away UHOH they don't want me at this site they want me to goaway!!

My comments to you privately re this was just to possibly add this dimension that you may not have considered.

Now tonite I stumble on this post after having written you a polite explanatory note of my appreciation for your warm first response to me and also my original response having seen the words Goaway.

I forget now, but I think I counted some 3 or 5 posters on your string,basically saying this idiot who made this comment re youre handle needs to leave the site. These people came to this serious decision about another sufferer, armed only with a quote from you, out of context.

Like all of us I enjoy this site for many reasons, including simple entertainment and dialogue w fellow sufferers. I am a stong guy. but many probably are not.
I think this site needs to really look at this throw the bum out stuff carefully. In a perfect world I would think it should be much more than a meeting place for a select few players. and that talk of kick his ass out should be way more thoughtful than this display.

Your friend Gene

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Callico_Kid on Sep 28th, 2003, 12:54am
Great post!  I like learning about some of you that I have been reading and "conversing with".

Callico Kid is a play on the mispronunciation of my last name, Callison.  Properly pronounced Call (as in with a phone) ison, but most commonly mispronounced, Cal (as in the silent President), lison.  A lot of my family have given in to social pressure and started using the mispronunciation rather than trying to spell it out, but  being the hard headed Irishman that I am I refuse to give in.

The "Kid" is in memory of a long time ago. ;D

Stay PF.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 28th, 2003, 1:08am
OK Gene, we were all having a bad day. I take the "wet noodle" back and let's just say we didn't know the whole story and let it go at that. Ok.  Welcome back...

Now, we're having a blast here --- thanks to you.... tell us all your deep dark secrets.... what do you do - how did you get your handle and all the "Good stuff".

Yes, we REALLY do want to get to know you. This is fun....

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 1:16am
I have no deep dark secrets, I've lived my entire life as purely as the driven snow.

My handle, very simply is my initials, I'm the III,

I am a veteran Garment industry guy (3rd generation) Grandpa had 21 Dept stores on the E coast. My business failed 3 yrs ago in Manhattan and I decided to move back to Portland Or where my 2 daughters and grandson live.

This has been my first site on the internet/ found in a desperate ch attack. I discovered the unique phenomona of communicating with only the written word and it has fascinated me.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Drk^Angel on Sep 28th, 2003, 1:27am
Drk^Angel has been my online personality for about 6 years.  It's based on a character in one of my poems.  The character's nickname is short for "dark angel of death" (he's a vampire).  I equate myself with this character because I often find myself feeling like a vampire... I don't sleep at night... Don't get along too well with sunlight... I shy away from wooden stakes... But I love garlic, so go figure...

PFDAN......................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Georgia on Sep 28th, 2003, 1:34am
[Ears perking up...head tilting to one side...impish grin shining...fingers running lightly across my neck...]

Vampire? Did someone say vampire?


Uh. What was the question?

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by TxBasslady on Sep 28th, 2003, 2:43am
This is a neat thread !!  Good idea, Mike.

Obviously, I am from Texas.  Born and raised here and have never left.  

I have been an avid fisherman (or since I was a little girl.  My Dad loved to fish and hunt and since I never really learned to hunt, I fished with him every chance I got.  It has become an obsession for me.  My Dad is no longer here to fish with me, but those memories are very much alive.

I am retired from law enforcement, and tournament fish with cops and other public safety personnel.  We have 26 agencies represented, and our bass club is named "PIGS & HAWGS."  We are the largest law enforcement bass club in the State.  I was the first female member of the bass club, but now I share that honor with a Parole Officer who is a female.

I have 3 great sons, 2 beautiful grandaughters, and 6 grandsons.  The oldest grandson is in his 4th yr of youngest grandaughter will be 3 in November.  

I have been blessed with 2 great families....the first being my boys and grandchildren......the second being all of you here on this great site.   Thanks to all of you!!

Jean                    :-*

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 3:46am
Barbara D,
Thank you for your reply, ia ppreciate you thinking that I add to the fun.

I feel very strongly that both sides should be reviewed before a witch hunt ensues, this is a support group, Yes?

Gene/ no ones enemy on this site!!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 28th, 2003, 4:01am
How old is your grandson? Mine is 22 months and wild as a march hare. Never had a grandson before and he's an experience. Ain't they grand? Guess that's why they call them GRANDsons. makes sense...... ???

I hate that you have to have CH, but we ARE supporters cause we KNOW what you're going through. Tonight (or is it morning already) I've been up dancing with the demon and not having any fun at all. Thought he had moved on, but that's what I get for thinking. This MB has been my "lifeline" since about 1998, so stick around.

But we have to have a little fun along with our pain. That's how we get through the really bad times. The better we get to know one another the more we tend to "sense" when someone needs help.

Hope you stay around and take what you need and help when you can...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 4:18am
Thanks again I have no intention of going anywhere. I know that when I'm a known quantity around here you wii (for the most part ) value me. After all it's only a matter of time before i'm recognized as the brilliant person I am ;D ;D.

I have a 7 yr old grandson/ Josiah


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by stevegeebe on Sep 28th, 2003, 7:44am
My name is Steve George...People call me Stevegeorge.

No one word.  Southern thing I guess.

When I first posted I thought I had typed in "stevie geebie", my managers name on fanball.  Guess I was nervous.  And so it stands.

Steve G

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Woobie on Sep 28th, 2003, 8:17am
Soft, cuddley... warm, fuzzy, security blanket.  

You know, like in "Mr. Mom".  The kid always carried around the blanky.. THAT'S a woobie.

Ramon calls me HIS woobie.   :P   He's called me his woobie for yearssssssssssss..
                 (can i get an "awwww"  ::) )

LOVED this thread...
I dont mind if people call me woobie in public.. everyone calls me woobie.  I jjust LOOK like the "woobie" type.    Fat, happy and bouncy.. like a woobie should be.

the wonderful thing about woobies is
woobie's are wonderful things..........

Peace, ya'll!!!
Tina   :-*

***** Modified for the way I feel today........ >:(

woobie = soft, cuddly.......warm, fuzzy.. OLD, worn out, TORE UP, stinky, fallin apart, holes everywhere, WILL someone just throw it OUT.. ... piece of fabric..    :-/


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 28th, 2003, 8:51am
Hello to everyone!

Isn't this great??!  My mysterious friend checked in and, like I had hoped, he's a great guy!  And welcome back to him as well.

His name is GENE, and he lives in Portland, Oregon (which, by the way, is one beautiful place).  Be assured that there are no broken fences between Gene and me.  In fact, I appreciate the messaging that has occurred between us.  It led to this GREAT THREAD!

As you know, this thread would not have been much if all of you had not contributed.  But, let's not stop.  There are many of you who have not posted anything.  Can we "twist your arm" a bit  :)  to get you to post?  Hope so.

So..........WHO'S NEXT??!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Not4Hire on Sep 28th, 2003, 9:23am
..ok, then...ya see, uh, err, well, i was gonna just use my NAME, but there's a LOTTA *Steve*s with CH... so i thought i'd use my mo'sickles' name ... which comes from...ah, kinda of an obscure reference to.... hell, just ask Mastifflvr28... i 'splained it to her once... and *ORINGKID* ...(where IS Sherry anyway?) actually guessed it... can you?

..heh... Steve(N4H)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Woobie on Sep 28th, 2003, 9:26am
taxi drivers.. or sleepers...


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by judyw on Sep 28th, 2003, 9:39am
ahh Gene, in a perfect world I would have to agree with you, but, then, this is not a perfect world, so the strong must survive by knowing when to delete and when to respond...I, for one, would like to thank you for being a participant in generating this thread...It has given many people here a chance to view themselves and each other with a clearer eye, don't you thinkWe all tend to get so wrapped up in what we think, we lose sight of each other and our wonderfully unique differences, as well as each others private pain...
Sorry Gene, like most "old" ladies (I think I am older than Barb D) I tend to run will just say Welcome home and I hope your day is wonderful and pf...PPP

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 9:56am
Thank you Judy,
Of course it's not a perfect world, but if i were president of the world it would be.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Prense on Sep 28th, 2003, 10:09am

on 09/28/03 at 00:51:32, ebk3 wrote:
I forget now, but I think I counted some 3 or 5 posters on your string,basically saying this idiot who made this comment re youre handle needs to leave the site. These people came to this serious decision about another sufferer, armed only with a quote from you, out of context.

Perhaps that was the intent, but when I read the word "vanish", I took it as sarcasm in regards to "goaway"...not in a literal sense.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by ebk3 on Sep 28th, 2003, 11:44am
Boy, that's a positive interpretation,

Anyway all is now straightened out...

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 28th, 2003, 3:38pm
Gene...maybe you should re-name yourself Modesty  ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 28th, 2003, 4:41pm
Don't you just love it when a PLAN comes together -- did I hear that somewhere?  Oh yeah  Banacec (sp)...  8)


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BobG on Sep 28th, 2003, 4:57pm
When I first discovered this site I signed on as Bob G.


One day I didn't hit the space bar and became BobG. Been that guy ever since.


That's not my real name.

My real name and the name I go by is Robert.

Pretty exciting huh? Can I have a yawn.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 28th, 2003, 5:07pm
Ahhhh, a name by any other name would smell as ????  I first came on the board as NancyMcFree.  My real name is NancyMcCollum but I wasn't really comfortable using my full name, and the name Nancy was already used.  So since I wanted to be FREE of headaches ... NancyMcFree.  Like all good newbies ... I chose to leave the board at one point.  Flame, flame .. go away.  But, like most newbies, I could not stay away from my family.  And since I was not smart enough to know that my name could be re-instated ... I chose OneEyeBlind as my new name.  It was to remind me constantly that if you close one eye to petty stuff that sometimes happens on this board ......... well, life might just be a little sweeter for it.  That's my story.  I've enjoyed reading all of yours.  

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by CathiP on Sep 28th, 2003, 6:23pm
Psssst! Nancy/One-Eye.....your secret is safe with me...I won't tell another soul what your REAL name is...pinkie-promise!!

Just sign me Cathi....

*But my REAL name is Isadora Double Gussett Ignatz Slugenanny! I know I can trust you to keep it to yerself!*

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 28th, 2003, 6:29pm

on 09/28/03 at 18:23:29, CathiP wrote:
my REAL name is Isadora Double Gussett Ignatz Slugenanny!


Just call her DG....isadora lmao....hahahahah hey DG your secrets safe with me too!!!!

Cathy the one with the Y... ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 28th, 2003, 8:18pm
Double Gussett and FluffyKnickers are at it again.  Just don't mind them cause they have multiple personalities along with multiple names.  You can call them both Catherine the Great when ya meat them ......... they'll both answer ........ who me ??

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by StanTheMan on Sep 28th, 2003, 8:52pm
Not much mystery to my handle...

Except that not many people know that I was named after the ORIGINAL Stan The Man --

Baseball Hall of Famer, Stan Musial !!

Naturally, most of us "Stans" nowadays are called "Stan The Man" at one time or another.  Some of you younger folks may not know why...

But know you know....THE REST OF THE STORY!!

For those of you curious of my bio...

Cluster Stuff: Episodic since 1992.
Occupation: Instructional Designer for a major railroad.
Personal: Very happily married, father of 4 children
Hobbies: Video production, reading, US history, Christian apologetics.



Goaway:  Nuttin' wrong with your handle, dude! Welcome!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by taraann on Sep 29th, 2003, 1:23am
This has turned into an awesome thread!  Great job Mike!  ANd Welcome Gene.  Well since so many have added more than just handle explanations I think I shall add a bit more than what I posted earlier.

I am a former Machinest/Daycare teacher (yeah I know could i pick 2more totally opposite professions??) .  Since I became a mommy I've been a stay at home mom.  I have Sammie and he is 3.5yrs old and Antoinette and she is 2 yrs old.  I've been married to my hubby Sam for 5 yrs now (and NO little Sammie is NOT a junior they have diff middle names ;)) and Sam and I are guardians to my 16 yr old brother Ray.

Ok who's NEXT to post a little story???

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Turts on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:42am
Because me's is not smart enough to fink of something creative at the time of signing in, I used my nickname as it has been since I was little.

Turts is a shortening of my surname.

Used to be called Turtle as well at school, but with age it became Turts.  

Christian name as per the birth certificate is Brett.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by hopefull on Sep 29th, 2003, 6:09am
Hopefull...cause I'm  "full of hope!" that someday this will all go away! and be normal ....well maybe not normal....that might get old fast...

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Ree on Sep 29th, 2003, 7:03am
LOL  I would love to know who wrote that email about your name... Everybody wants their CH to GO AWAY!!  GO AWAY IS AN AWESOME NAME... SORRY IF I AM REDUNDANT................. REE IS A NAME I GUESS YA CANT PICK ON................LOVE YA GO AWAY.........DON'T GO AWAY OK.........BUT I WANT YOUR CH TO GO AWAY.... OK  REE

OH and Ree is just a nick name for Ann Marie nothing too complex there........... Bret? huh Turt?... I like Bret, its kind of romantic novelish or soap operaish...very sexy................ ree

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 29th, 2003, 8:27am

Ree...Gene wrote the email  ::)

Hey Nan & Cathi....we just gotta play that game again...lmao  ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Hirvimaki on Sep 29th, 2003, 8:53am
I would have used my real name, but most people have a hard time with Paul-Baptiste Johnathan. Heck, most people have a hard time with the just the first part: Paul-Baptiste.  Hirvimaki is much more compact - although unpronounceable for most Anglophones. (Pronunciation is not such a big deal in cyber-space, is it?)

Wonderful thread.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BruceD on Sep 29th, 2003, 10:01am
Hey Mike (Goaway),

Great idea for a thread topic. While my handle is pretty transparent (my name) I have wondered where some peoples have come from.

Woobie ... I remember that movie too & my wife has a full woobie collection around the house (she says she can never be warm enough or have too many blankets ... err woobies) Also, sorry to hear that you're feeling torn up & tattered. Get some rest, grab a real woobie, and curl up and watch some of your favorite movies ... that'll work. :)

Take Care

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Tiannia on Sep 29th, 2003, 10:59am
Tiannia comes from the Online RP game that I play with my hubby since 99.  If you ever enter Everquest and go to the Fennin Ro server Tiannia is a level 53 High Elf Cleric.  Ironic dont you think that my alter ego is one who can heal herself and everyone around her and has spells that can make any and all efflictions "go away".

IRL (in real life) I am a 32 year old married with two wonderful kids - son 13 months and daughter 6 yrs.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Tim_w on Sep 29th, 2003, 11:15am
TimW Too many Tim's so its TimW
aka Happy Pappy Gave it to myself when our grandson
Christain was born weighting in at 1lb 15.7 oz now over 22 lbs! that is why ( happy Pappy)  ;D
any one who has grandchildern can understand!
He will be a year old Friday Oct 3 ! :-*
pfwishs around the room  TimW -Happy Pappy ;D
PS were Did the year go?

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by miCHel on Sep 29th, 2003, 11:39am
Cool thread!

My handle is extremely special.  I created it so that no one could ever guess where it came from.  You see, my real name is... Michel but I write it... miCHel.  Incredible, isn't it?

Took me several months to come up with such a clever concept...  And by the way, I work in a large advertising agency where I charge clients... by the hour.


PS  The name part and the job part are both true...

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by 9erfan on Sep 29th, 2003, 12:06pm
Mine's pretty self-explanatary.  Been a 9erfan since I was 14 years old.  Although after yesterdays' disgusting effort, I may be changing my handle to LionsFan (in tribute to Steve Mariucchi).  Mooch!! Come back, we need you!!

Real name=Virginia

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Brian_Y on Sep 29th, 2003, 1:00pm

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 29th, 2003, 1:07pm
ROFLMAO....Brian too funny....what is that on your head..??

Turts...I thought it stood for It oh well Turts is good!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Slammy on Sep 29th, 2003, 4:17pm

on 09/29/03 at 10:59:56, Tiannia wrote:
Tiannia comes from the Online RP game that I play with my hubby since 99.  If you ever enter Everquest and go to the Fennin Ro server Tiannia is a level 53 High Elf Cleric.  Ironic dont you think that my alter ego is one who can heal herself and everyone around her and has spells that can make any and all efflictions "go away".


It's ironic that the game hasn't sucked your life away!   ;D

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:20pm







Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:23pm
Lmao...HOW HARD... would you like me to hit you..??

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by jonny on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:29pm

on 09/29/03 at 17:23:36, cathy wrote:
Lmao...HOW HARD... would you like me to hit you..??

Just put your boot in his ass, Cathy ;D


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:33pm
:o...I got big feet you know Jonny... ;D

Nite... :-*

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BILL_L on Sep 29th, 2003, 5:33pm
Jackie and Elaine tagged me with Lurker. I'll take it as
an honor.

Mrs Henderson who is Mr Wimpy? I do remember a
Mr Winky. You getting old on me gal?


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Miss_Deleny on Sep 29th, 2003, 6:53pm

on 09/29/03 at 10:59:56, Tiannia wrote:
Tiannia comes from the Online RP game that I play with my hubby since 99.  If you ever enter Everquest and go to the Fennin Ro server Tiannia is a level 53 High Elf Cleric.  Ironic dont you think that my alter ego is one who can heal herself and everyone around her and has spells that can make any and all efflictions "go away".

That is exactly where I got Deleny from. I "USED" to play EverCrack .. Deleny was a level 53 cleric on EMarr.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Ree on Sep 29th, 2003, 8:01pm
cool and now you have found each other on the planet cluster............ LOL  how cool is that!!! ree

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by vig on Sep 29th, 2003, 9:57pm
@#$%^&, so much for creativity here.....

I didn't realize I should have tried to stay anonymous.
Now, the narcs know who I am.

it's just the first syllable of my last name....


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Miss_Deleny on Sep 30th, 2003, 7:15am
LOL .... Ree


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Gofishgriff on Oct 1st, 2003, 5:43pm

My name is Andy Griffith.  No, not the one on TV.  My mom swears she named me after Andrew in the bible, but being born in 65' when Sheriff Taylor was in his hey day, I know better.

Needless to say, I love fishing and my life seems to get so hectic between family and work, I need to step back and tell myself to relax once in a while.  

Acquiring the Griff monicker while in the Navy, I have to tell myself every now and then to "Go fish, Griff".

Goaway is a good name.  Had I used your theory in naming myself here, it would have been 'stayawaysnake'.  Stayawaysnake is a little chant I use when I feel one coming on.  'Stayawaysnake, stayawaysnake, stayawaysnake' over and over again.  Does it work?  Hell no, but it's fun to say.  Not sure where I heard this saying.  I think it was at a craps table somewhere...

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Chia on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:13pm
Don't laugh its real....and theres no "PET" at the end of it....LOL

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by jonny on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:22pm

You do know that we have to grow something on you now......LOL ;D

Make sure Chuck gets on that 02 ASAP and we will let you slide on the grow thing.

.......................................jonny ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Carl_D on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:42pm

Mrs Henderson who is Mr Wimpy?

Mr. Wimpy was named by a famous guy long ago who first invented the cluster safety kit. I believe it included goggles and a cup...and no, not one you drink from.

As for my handle? It was born out of lack of origionality. I wanted to use Gordon Shumway - taken. Then it was Gern Blandstein - taken. I thought, "You know, I can remain mysterious and dark if I choose random letters out of the alphabet. Then I thought no. So I consulted a wiccan, a rabbi, a bhuddist monk, Davey Jones, and a ouijia board.
The letters they all gave me just happened to spell out my first name and last name initial. I swear it's true.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Carl D  a.k.a. Rev FREEk, a.k.a. Candy Dahmer, a.k.a. Idjit

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Turts on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:13am

OH and Ree is just a nick name for Ann Marie nothing too complex there........... Bret? huh Turt?... I like Bret, its kind of romantic novelish or soap operaish...very sexy................ ree

I thought I was in the Clusterheadaches site, must be the adultmatchmaker site, Rees hittin on me. lol

I should be so lucky.

Turts...I thought it stood for It oh well Turts is good!

As I said Cathy, mes aint smart enuf. But I might have to this analogy, as its pretty fitting.

Brett (just for u ree)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:46am
Wimpy - Winky   Heck I got the right letter -- I'm OLD what can I say

Hey, Carl D   I forgot about the Safety Kit... LMAO... Poor Drummer -- that was a bad night ... First the O2 and then the capsasian -- Oh well, he was young - he probably recovered....

Hugs  BD

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Oct 2nd, 2003, 8:13am
Nickname: AlienSpaceBabe
Real name: Elizabeth
Very happily divorced
Two offspring (not really children anymore)
Gainfully employed
Get my Masters degree in December (YEAH!)

I think I'll leave this open for others to (nicely and gently, LOL) postulate why this nick fits me
and the word BABE better be a positive thing!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by fubar on Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:20am
My nickname is fubar, and that needs no explanation.  My real name is Shawn.  My friends call me sh*thead.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by maggie_may on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:06am
My real name is Margaret, but I preferred to be called Maggie.  An ex of mine used to call me Maggie May and sing that song by Rod Stewart to me all the time - duh, I don't think that's a song you sing to your woman who you claim you love - but anyway.  I like the name.
Everywhere else, I'm known as LadyDeth12 - after my favorite female, now defunct, comic character and the 12 was just a number I had to tack on the end of it when I signed up for aol years ago...


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Hound_Dogg on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:14am
Last name "Bassett"...when I was a kid they called me "Fred" >:( Didn't like that one much)...Then in High School they would call me "Acid Bassett" ???

Finally when I went into the Navy...on the Left Coast everyone was into Hey, Dawg...So Bassett (Hound) Dogg.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by catlind on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:26am

on 09/27/03 at 11:25:34, Elaine wrote:
I find myself calling people by their screen names in public. I call Randy Mr. Happy in public. I call Tracy Roxy, and Cathy Cat and so on ....

Actually, my name is Cathy Lind - catlind - however the reason for the Cat is that I have green eyes and have all my life been called Cat by my friends because I have 'cat's eyes'.  I think the only people who call me by Cathy are my mother and my husband hehe.

I get emails or IM's to Cathy and I start thinking my mother is calling me ;)

Jonny of course does it on purpose cause he loves me so much ;) :P


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by jonny on Oct 2nd, 2003, 4:55pm

on 10/02/03 at 11:26:39, catlind wrote:
Jonny of course does it on purpose cause he loves me so much ;) :P

You got that right!!, Cathy ;D

Nuff said


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by mbalmr on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:17pm
Hey goaway - totally understand the "handle" - how many times while smashing my head into brick walls did i scream that phrase!!!!  whoever didnt understand the reason behind it is an as#hole who obviously doesnt belong on this site!  My "handle" is simply what i do for a living (pretty sick - huh?)  I used to be "Kyle" (my real name) but since ive been away from the site for a while - when i went to register the name "kyle" was taken - can you imagine the gaul of some people - i mean it was my "handle" - how dare they!!!! Anyway, so it goes in love and war! take care and stay as pain free as possible!!

"mbalmr" (please call me kyle!") thanks!

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by goaway on Oct 4th, 2003, 4:15pm

I love it!  What a great monniker you have chosen.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Roxy on Oct 4th, 2003, 4:57pm
I hate being miss all these good threads!!

The night I joined, it was real cold and my trusty bulldog was laying on my feet keeping them warm.  She's always so happy......I just stole her name.  Roxy is the one on the left.

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:28pm
was afraid to open this thread when i had dial-up --- it'd take me a week to read...    now it'll only take a day.

i think "brain_cramps" is pretty self-explanatory.     ::)

grant         ;)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Karla on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:34pm
My name is Karla.  I like being real original.  I am married with 3 children.  Two are twins and almost 18.  Yikes!  Makes me feel old. My husband and I are into computers both professionaly and for fun.  I love black labs.  My dog Charlie is the greatest friend in the world.  I also love to travel.  

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:37pm
Brain Cramps..........are you saying that your brain gets cramp...have you done the CH quiz...i'd hate to think you'd been mis-diagnosed..... ;D

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by brain_cramps on Oct 4th, 2003, 5:47pm

on 10/04/03 at 17:37:14, cathy wrote:
Brain Cramps..........are you saying that your brain gets cramp...

i thought of "get yer ass over here you stupid (*^(*^&(*&^(* doctor" but i didn't think that would be right.  

on 10/04/03 at 17:37:14, cathy wrote:
have you done the CH quiz...i'd hate to think you'd been mis-diagnosed..... ;D

no mis-diagnosis here ---   originally rthought it was a tumor or something, so i figured this wasn't THAT bad...      didn't know it would keep coming back over and over again...   20+ yrs later, here we are...   >:(

grant        8)

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cathy on Oct 4th, 2003, 6:00pm
Grant...sorry your a sufferer for definate....but relieved to hear that you do have CH, only mis-diagnosis can be as bad as a bad thing.....just wanted to check that was all..... ;D :P

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Ann on Oct 5th, 2003, 7:59pm
My name isn't very orignal either.  My parents came up with it.  They had to come up with two names seeing as I'm a they chose Ann and Kim.  I figure it's better than  say Spic and Span!  LMAO

Hey MiCHel...I thought the CH in the middle was because your a Habs fan?  Just goes to show you how in denial I am!   ;D

hope everyone is doing well

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Tim_the_Turtle on Oct 5th, 2003, 8:18pm
My handle Tim the Turtle... is Tim because it begins with a T and Ree likes it and  "the Turtle" because someone said I looked like a turtle... ooooooooo you thought I was a turtle... Well  I might be...I'm not sure because I was adopted. ~~~anyway Ree and Dave closed the pool so I am looking for a vacancy down South preferably with a female roomate that will  join me in her pool (or hot tub) and smooch... I dont eat much and I will dig up my own grub(s)..........literally!!!  I might not be a mule... but when I come out of my out!!!  Tim

Title: Re: Cum Again
Post by Mr.Happy on Oct 5th, 2003, 11:02pm
As viewer #1718 of this thread...........

Mr.Happy........... Now _THERE'S_ a moniker that takes a lot of thought process to interpret You'se guys are fun..

Just passin thru,

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by cootie on Oct 5th, 2003, 11:34pm
cootie is my favorite word and name of onea my siamese cats only he's cootie with a 'K'. But it's not cootie as in creepy crawly things that lay eggs on yer skin and hatch then spread ta others. Pam that is insect free

Oh so Gene was the culprit......hey I know youh !  

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by juvy on Oct 6th, 2003, 1:57am
My handle, well lets see my fool of a father didn't have a name ready when i made my debut in the world a whole 2 months early.  So I was named after the month and time.  Thank god i wasn't born in October at night.

Well, one of my grandfathers decided to call me every month but April and one day, when trying to decide between June and November, It came out Juvember...He called me Juvy for short after that.


Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by J.ten_Dam on Oct 6th, 2003, 5:28am
;D :D
Well my name is Joke but i now enter the baord with J_ten_Dam this is simply because I had forgotten my pasword. When I first posted on the mssage baord I had explaind that my name was an unfortunate Duch name but definately not a JOKE it is pronounsed YOKE with enfesis on the E like the egg Yolk with an e on the end.
I am Dutch and live in Holland. I am a cronic clusterhead and am now happily married to a lovly kind man I met via internet. He has accepted me with my clusters and is a perfect supporter.
Wish everyone PFDAN.
Regards Joke

Title: Re: GOAWAY??????
Post by Tiannia on Oct 6th, 2003, 4:21pm

on 09/29/03 at 16:17:14, Slammy wrote:
It's ironic that the game hasn't sucked your life away!   ;D

Slammy   8)

No Slammy - It is a nice escape at times.  But there are a lot of people who get too wound up in it all.  To be honest it is kind of fun to get with a group of friends find some huge ass monster in the game and blow the hell out of it.  Theriputic actually. :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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